For this mission, the elite of the mercenary regiment can be selected.

These people's genetic optimization degree is at least 40%, and some even reach 50%.

With their strength, combined with these high-tech equipment, one person can face four or five ordinary zombies, even intermediate zombies. At least, it is no problem to hold on.

But if there are high-level zombies whose physical fitness is better than theirs, it is not so easy to carry them down.

If you can kill all the high-level zombies, even if the current situation can't be reversed, it's OK to stabilize the defense line.

It can be said that senior zombies are really the key to breaking the game.

But it's just as hard to do that.

This can be seen from Roger's livid face.

In fact, Roger's focus from the beginning was not on ordinary zombies.

In his magazine, except for five incendiary bombs, all the rest are armor piercing bullets, in order to kill these senior zombies with the fastest speed.

However, from the beginning of the close combat between the two sides to now, he has fired five shots, but only three senior zombies were wounded, and none of them could be killed.

It's not Roger's bad shot, but the current environment.

High level zombies are extremely sensitive in sense of danger and will immediately dodge.

If it is normal, Roger only needs to use rich experience to predict the hiding direction of these high-level zombies, and then he can kill them.

But now, these high-level zombies mix in the corpse group. When they dodge, they will drill behind the rest of the zombies.

There are ordinary zombies in front of them as meat shields. Even though Roger can predict the Dodge direction of the other party, the residual kinetic energy of armour piercing bullets passing through the bodies of the front zombies is not enough to penetrate the heads of senior zombies.

This is the biggest problem.

Lin Xinghai observed a little, of course, also found this point.

His brows wrinkled tightly, which was not a difficult situation. Even if he was willing to expend his energy to improve his skill, it would not have much effect.

Because this is not a problem of Miss, but the lack of power of armour piercing bullets.

He watched Roger gritted his teeth again and raised his gun to aim, and the senior zombie he aimed at felt the danger in an instant.

It's moving fast, its muscles are tight, and it's jumping and dodging at any time.

Lin Xinghai can even judge that the other party is going to dodge to the right according to the subtle changes of the Zombie's body.

Even if the other side is going to dodge and jump the route, they can guess a lot.

All of a sudden, he seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After quickly replacing the armour piercing cartridge case, he also watched Roger and the senior Zombie's every move.

When Roger was about to pull the trigger, he fired without hesitation.

Bang! Bang!

Two shots, one after another!

Roger, the high-level Zombie's got a dodger shot through.

But it was still injured, and it was still the head.

The whole right ear has disappeared and a large layer of skin has been scraped off, even the skull can be seen.

As long as the bullet is a centimeter or two to the left, the senior zombie is not as simple as dropping an ear, but is directly shot in the head.

Yes, this is the result of Lin Xinghai's shot.

As long as we can judge the route of high-level zombies' dodging, and seize the moment when the other party tries to dodge, the other party will be hard to escape.

But there is also a problem in doing so, that is, he and Roger must cooperate well, because the opportunity is only a moment.

This kind of cooperation is not difficult for Lin Xinghai and Roger. As long as they are given some time to practice running in, even if it is only half an hour, the senior zombie will never escape.

But now, not to mention half an hour, not even five minutes.

"Well, I knew that." Lin Xinghai sighs and opens the system panel.

Then, it took 6 points of blood to improve the skill proficiency to 70%.

There is no time to run in, it can only be used with more sophisticated shooting.

At this time, Roger's eyes, also cast, the mutant Zombie's injury, of course, he saw.

At the same time, he can also confirm that he did not fire the gun, because the shooting angle is wrong.

Through the trajectory, he quickly judged that it was Lin Xinghai who fired the gun. Even in a short moment, he understood the intention of the other party.

Roger, who was worried in his heart, suddenly showed a happy look on his face. Lin Xinghai's practice is undoubtedly the most practical way under such circumstances.

And just the other party's attempt, almost successful, the two sides are only a little bit tacit cooperation.

"How can I cooperate?" Roger asked eagerly.His words sounded endless, and many people looked at him suspiciously.

"No!" Lin Xinghai shook his head and said, "as long as you keep the original rhythm, I am sure to shoot."

Hearing the confidence in Lin Xinghai's words, and thinking of the other side's shooting skills, Roger's spirit could not help but be inspired by the incredible speed.


With a promise, he immediately locked in the next target.

Roger adjusted his breathing, let his mind level, as far as possible to maintain the rhythm of the last shot, aiming, shooting.

Bang! Bang!

This time, two shots were fired at almost the same time, and the high-ranking zombie he aimed at exploded his whole head like a watermelon on the way to dodge.

This scene made Roger shake his fist.

Obviously, Lin Xinghai didn't let him down. He really succeeded in seizing the opportunity of the zombie to dodge and kill him.

Find a way, then the next thing will be much easier.

According to the same pattern, the two men drew a gourd ladle and found out a senior zombie only hidden among the corpses, and then killed them one by one in the same way.

Although the cooperation of the two people sometimes fails, it does not affect the overall situation.

There are 18 senior zombies mixed in this wave of corpses. With the cooperation of Lin Xinghai and Roger, 10 senior zombies died under their guns in a short time.

At this time, the remaining 8 high-level zombies, even the eyes of panic slowly retreated.

"The wisdom of these zombies seems to be higher than ordinary animals!" Lin Xinghai saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Kill!" As for the other mercenaries, their morale was high when they saw this behind the scenes.

They had a fire in their hearts for a long time, and then it burst out directly.


here, I wish you a happy new year. I wish all of you a happy new year, good health, progress in study and career.

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