Before long, Zhang Yue sent the battle video of the top speed mecha back to the command post.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, the generals in the command post were shocked or shocked.

Even if we have known the whole plan of Lin Xinghai, we may not be able to complete such a task even if the military headquarters set up a mecha brigade to go there.

There are too many difficulties in this task.

If we simply let the military headquarters set up a mecha team that can deal with 53 mutant zombies, we can actually do it.

but the problem is that if the team wants to kill the "spray zombie", it will first need to penetrate the 3 foot corpse tide army.

After all, not everyone is Lin Xinghai, who can run behind the howitzer.

As long as there is a little bit of mismatching, either the mecha is blown up, or it can't keep up with the rhythm, and is submerged by the tide of corpses that have been closed again.

And even if there are highly skilled mecha drivers, they can do this, but the problem is speed!

Those mutant zombies are not idiots. They know that there is danger, and they will wait in the same place.

Lin Xinghai can so smoothly approach, that is because he has unparalleled speed, so that those mutant zombies, there is no reaction time.

Of course, even if those mutant zombies react, there is no way at all, because their escape speed is completely unable to compare with Lin Xinghai's pursuit speed.

What's more, if you tear the formation apart when you run away, it will only lead to more serious consequences.

It can only be said that the success of the decapitation plan is not, in the final analysis, how perfect and ingenious the plan is.

Simply because Lin Xinghai made up for all the shortcomings of the plan with his strong personal ability, he had this amazing result.

"In the war with these zombies, we have to fight for strength in the end! In this war, Comrade Lin Xinghai felt that he was able to seal his spirits. " As the chief of staff, Fang Ruizhi said inexplicably with some emotion.

Others, including Lin Zhengyang, nodded with approval.

The news, which was praised by later generations as the first battle of God, spread rapidly to all sentinels through the command post.

When 52 zombies gathered to attack sentinel 108, the military headquarters did not hide the information from other sentinels. Instead, the information was made public, so that the rest of the Sentinels could clear away the zombies.

But it has both advantages and disadvantages.

That's sentinel 108. It's going to affect everybody's nerves.

and the emergence of "spray zombies", especially the green fog that has spread for several kilometers, can be seen as long as it is not blind.

So before and after, there have been dozens of sentries sending messages to the military headquarters to inquire about the situation.

Before that, the military headquarters could only give some ambiguous answers as far as possible, saying that there was a new type of mutant zombie, which was being processed.

However, such an answer is not reassuring at all. The mercenaries in the sentry are not idiots.

Although they don't know what the green fog is, just look at the corpses coming out of there. They are extremely agile and powerful, and they will know that it is not fun.

What's more, they worry about the problem of vision. Some sentries close to the fog have been found. The high-intensity searchlights they have installed can make the night as bright as day, but they can't penetrate the green fog.

At that time, if you are shrouded in the green fog, you will become blind. How can you shoot? How to resist the tide of corpses?

When people were in a panic, all over the sentinel suddenly found that the green fog had stopped expanding.

And it wasn't long before they received a message from the military.

The crisis is over!

And, behind the news, there was a briefing on the battle.

Although there were only a few words in the briefing, almost everyone felt startled when they saw it.

Lin Xinghai even dared to drive the mecha deep into the corpse tide, attacking 53 mutant zombies.

but what is even more frightening is that this is obviously the act of killing. The other side not only returned intact, but also killed 7 variants including zombies.

Although they don't know how Lin Xinghai did it. But it is undeniable that all those who received this news, after being stunned in their hearts, are left with excitement and ecstasy.

At this moment, the haze in their hearts was swept away. They no longer have to worry about the threat of mutant zombies. Without these biggest variables, they just need to fight steadily to win.

It's a moment of high morale.

As a direct result, the efficiency of killing zombies at all sentinels has been increased by two to three percent.Of course, even when everyone feels that the victory is in hand, the military's top echelons are still rational enough.

Soon all sentinels received an order to retreat.

although the "spray zombies" have been killed, those green poisonous fumes are still there, and the speed of the green poison dispersal is quite slow. Even if we want to disperse it with a hurricane, it will take at least one or two hours.

In the face of such a situation, of course, the farther away from it, the better, so as to minimize the threat of this green poisonous fog.

One by one, the fighters began to retreat, but sentinel 108 was an exception.

Under the arrangement of the military headquarters, they have been almost independent, and the vacant defense lines have been filled with troops from other places.

However, the task of sentinel 108 only needs to concentrate on restraining, and the remaining 46 mutant zombies can be used.

For such an arrangement, Lin Xinghai certainly has no objection.

In the following period of time, the remaining 46 mutant zombies seemed to understand that sentinel 108 was a hard bone with thorns, so they moved their targets and planned to go to other places.

In the face of such a situation, Lin Xinghai immediately led the team to follow.

In the next half an hour, the mutant zombies launched another attack with rampant zombies and bloody beetles.

However, due to Lin Xinghai killed 2 spitters and 3 blood worms, the scale of the attack was significantly reduced.

There were only 4000 violent zombies, and the number of bloody beetles in each other's bodies was reduced by more than half.

In the face of such attacks, people who have long had experience should not be too easy to deal with.

First let three artillery teams carry out long-range bombing, and then combat robots form a defense line in front of them. Liu Miaomiao goes out and turns around and uses life control power to kill those bloody beetles. After killing those bloody beetles, the rest is harvest.

The battle ended in just five minutes. In the whole battle, they only paid the cost of destroying 300 combat robots and annihilated the other side.

By this time, anyone can see that the war situation has changed, and the victory of the sky has completely tilted towards the Star Shield shelter army.

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