15 minutes later, Lin Xinghai came out of the meeting room, and Gaoshan and others followed to see him off.

However, a group of members of the mountain and sea mercenary regiment were somewhat surprised to find that their commander and several captains seemed to be in a trance.

"Chief, what happened?" One member asked, a little worried.

"Well! It's something, but it's a good thing. Commander Lin has made a new development plan for our mercenary regiment. Let's strive to be promoted to the third level mercenary regiment in a month or two. " Gao Shan took a look at people's worried look, and thought of those words that Lin Xinghai had said before, and immediately said in his heart.

There are two most effective ways to make these newly recruited members truly return home. One is to show the strength of the mercenary corps or to show its potential.

They have no strength for the time being, so they can only show their potential.

After hearing this, not many people were surprised. Most of them had strange eyes.

How can I say the news! It's a bit of a daydream.

They are not "white pigs". Under normal circumstances, how long does it take for a mercenary regiment to be promoted to a third level mercenary regiment? How can they have no idea of how long it will take.

Seeing the eyes of the members, Gao Shan sighed in his heart, but he also knew that this kind of thing could not come in a hurry. He immediately changed the topic, "we have worked hard these days, and our mercenary group has also made great achievements. Next, 320000 points will be given out as rewards, and each person will probably have a bonus of more than 6000 points. "

"In addition, four captains, Ling Xiu, Zhang Meiling, Huang Nuo and Yao Cheng, have broken the second gene lock and are able to drive a plane a. Next, the mercenary regiment will purchase four new machine armour and apply to become the second level mercenary regiment. "

"By then, including my" thick earth mecha ", our mercenary regiment will have five machine armour. Even among the second level mercenary regiments, it will be regarded as a strong mercenary group."

If Gaoshan's bold words before, people think it's just daydreaming, but now these are the things to be realized.

After listening to this, all the members of the mercenary Corps cheered for the huge points they were about to harvest, but they also felt a little shocked.

It has only been more than ten days since they joined in. The newly established first-class mercenary regiment is about to become the second-class mercenary regiment?

At this time, a group of members found that they seemed to have missed a lot of things.

For example, we all know that Ling Xiu and other team leaders are very close to breaking the second gene lock, but these days, people are either fighting or taking time to rest. They really don't pay attention to the rapid promotion of several people.

Now in a twinkling of an eye, their mountain and sea mercenary regiment is about to become a second-class mercenary group, which makes people feel a little confused.

In a trance, these people can not help but think of the words just said by Gao Shan: "strive to become a third class mercenary regiment in a month or two."

Before I felt that this was a fantasy, but now it seems that... It may not be impossible to achieve it!

People's minds began to change unconsciously.


For the Shanhai mercenary Corps behind these things, Lin Xinghai is not in the mood to pay attention to.

When he returned to the camp of the Chatian mercenary regiment, the people who had gathered around the hall had already dispersed and went back to their rooms to rest.

Lin Xinghai took out the wrist computer to check, only to find that the bonus has been paid down.

His current account balance has reached 4.96 million points, and the points of the mountain sea mercenary regiment will be paid soon. By then, his account balance will be as high as 5.46 million points.

Moreover, we are going to develop Guanghan City. The number of zombies killed every day is absolutely impossible to be less. Now, there are nearly 20 days before he leaves for the East China Sea base. When he leaves, his score may be close to 10 million.

"10 million points, that should be enough!" Lin Xinghai silently calculated in his heart, and saw an unread message at the same time.

Click open. It's from Liu Miaomiao. The message is a screenshot of transfer and a smile.

Seeing the screenshot of the transfer, Lin Xinghai was a little surprised, "even got 200000 points reward."

However, as long as you think about it, you will feel relieved.

Liu Miaomiao's contribution in this battle is really only second to him. Without Liu Miaomiao's life control ability, if they want to deal with the joint attack of violent zombies and bloody beetles, they will not be so relaxed, and their losses will double.

and more importantly, if there is no Liu Miao Miao, Lin Xinghai will not dare to go deep into the army alone to kill the "spray zombie", and there will be no brilliant victory.

Thinking of this, he replied with a smile and thumbs up, and then went back to rest.


At 12:00 p.m., although there are only a few short hours of rest in the morning, all those who can become mercenaries are gene optimizers. With these hours of rest, even if the state can not be completely recovered, they can recover at least 7788."A Xing, what's next?" Fang Tianhe saw Lin Xinghai out of the room, and quickly came to ask.

Although the task of the second and third level mercenary regiments is to eliminate the zombies around during the construction of the sub base, this is only a general direction, and it is up to the mercenaries themselves to decide what to do.

Lin Xinghai took a look at the state of the people and nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that everyone has recovered well. Although we have occupied the industrial park, it is far from enough to relax."

"General Lin talked to me this morning to let me deal with the threat of mutant zombies at any time. But I think about it. It's better to take the initiative than to defend passively

"So later, we'll try to keep going. It's definitely another tough fight, so you have to be prepared." Lin Xinghai looked at the crowd and said aloud.

"Yes All of you should shout. All the mercenaries were in high spirits and did not have the slightest worry.

It's not that they haven't fought hard battles, not to mention Lin Xinghai's own team, so there's no need to worry about it.

Seeing the reaction of the people, Lin Xinghai laughed and took the lead to walk out of their station.

However, to Lin Xinghai's surprise, there was a circle of people outside their camp.

"Old song, old Qin, why are you here?" Lin Xinghai looked at the front of the two people, some surprised asked.

Of course, the two men he mentioned were song Yao of Shengguang mercenary group and Qin Wenbo of Tenglong mercenary regiment, who had cooperated with each other at the third level.

In addition to them, Lin Xinghai looked back and saw the eagle mercenary group and the Blue Shield mercenary group, the three most famous mercenary regiments on the list.

In addition to these three-level mercenary regiments, many of the first group of mercenaries also came, such as the blood carving mercenary group and the steel mercenary group.

"We came here, of course, to follow you." Qin Wenbo said with a smile.

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