In the process of cleaning up the battlefield by the mercenary regiment, Zhang Yue has asked the people of the military headquarters to count the harvest according to the number and level of zombies killed.

In the last wave of corpses alone, they gained nearly 300000 Yuan Jing. In addition, they also killed a lot of them all the way.

So according to the final estimate, they will get about 16 million points this time.

Of course, because there are many battle robots damaged by the military headquarters, and the number of zombies killed by combat robots is more than that of any mercenary regiment, so the big head must be taken by the military headquarters.

After all, the cost of a combat robot needs 10000 points. The number of damaged combat robots this time is as high as 6231. If it is remanufactured, it will cost 62.31 million.

However, these combat robots are only damaged. If they are pulled back for maintenance, the required points can be reduced a lot. However, 10 million points are required.

However, even if the large part of the income is given to the military headquarters, each mercenary group will have quite a few points. Even if the miscellaneous expenses such as ammunition consumption, equipment maintenance and follow-up casualty treatment are deducted, a third-class mercenary group can earn at least 200000-250000 points.

Even if it is a few secondary mercenary regiments that follow, they will have a net income of at least 80000-100000 this time.

After all, these second level mercenary regiments were all members of the first brigade before. In the past 10 days, there were members of the split sky mercenary corps to guide them in their shooting techniques.

So even if these are just the newly promoted second level mercenary regiment, the shooting skills of the mercenaries are not much worse than those of the third level mercenary regiments. Therefore, such a great harvest can be achieved.

As for the biggest harvest, of course, it was the Chatian mercenary regiment.

The rest of the members will hand in 10% of their net income. Here alone, they can earn at least 2 million points. In addition, the shooting skills of the members of the split sky mercenary corps are terrible. Even if the number is small, their income is more than double that of the third level mercenaries.

So according to Lin Xinghai's estimation, their net income this time is about 2.5 million points.

It can be said that all the mercenaries out this time have made a lot of money.

And Lin Xinghai also announced the news directly. In a moment, all the mercenaries were like fighting chicken blood, and they worked harder to clean the battlefield.

However, it is absolutely a big project to remove Yuan Jing from the body of 300000 zombies. Even if there are more than 5000 people here, and with the assistance of more than 4000 combat robots, it takes a full hour.

After collecting evolution meat, looking at the mountain of corpses, Lin Xinghai directly ordered that gasoline be poured in, and all the fire was burned.

After all, if these bodies are not destroyed, they will eventually become food for the rest of the zombies, making each other stronger.

Of course, it takes a lot of time, effort and points to burn, which is not usually done like this. But there are so many bodies here, it is impossible to ignore things.

When it was completely dark, a group of mercenaries finally returned to the sub base with full harvest.

The way back is very smooth, and the number of zombies is very small, there is no danger on the way.

When they approached the sub base, they found dozens of excavators, bulldozers, concrete machines and engineering vehicles busy.

Lin Xinghai did not know when the equipment was delivered, but in only one afternoon, they had built a three meter high wall to enclose the entire industrial park.

Besides, there are many fortifications outside the wall.

With these things, the industrial park is like a sub base.

The motorcade drove in along a gap reserved in the fence, which will be built into a gate for access in the later stage. However, the fence has not been built yet, and the gate is certainly not.

After the convoy entered the sub base, each mercenary regiment was separated. Of course, the mercenary regiment also returned to their camp.

When they separated, they gave all the collected Yuanjing to Zhang Yue and asked him to take them back and exchange them for points.

The efficiency of the other side is also very fast. After they returned to the camp, the points had already been transferred to the account of the mercenary Corps.

The huge harvest made many members suggest that there should be a celebration and an open-air bonfire party.

Because of this kind of celebration, but they have never tried it. After all, under normal circumstances, even if they have a mission during the day, they should return to the shelter at night.

Even if things are delayed and there is no time to avoid the disaster, they will find a safe place to hide, where they dare to play with a campfire.

Lin Xinghai has no opinion on this, so let them do it if they are happy.

In addition, when transporting engineering equipment, xingdun shelter also transported a large number of materials. Now, the food and clothing can be purchased directly from the sub base.In the split day mercenary Corps ready to celebrate, Lin Xinghai received the notice of the military headquarters and went to the temporary command post.

In the conference room, he saw Lin Zhengyang again. At this time, the spirit of the other party was much better, and there were more smiles on his face. His mood was obviously good.

"I didn't expect that you could make such a big noise when you went out to exterminate the zombies. I had already arranged a team to rescue them, but you did it yourself. It was a tide of 300000 zombies! It's amazing As soon as he met, Lin Zhengyang took the lead in praising him.

"Mr. Lin, you are wonderful. In fact, it's not as exaggerated as you said. This time, we don't have to face the mutated zombies and their messy means. Naturally, the difficulty is greatly reduced. "

"And it's a wave of 300000 corpses, but in fact, it's the number of zombies accumulated together in more than four hours before and after. In fact, during these four hours, the number of zombies besieging us has never exceeded 100000. " Lin Xinghai shook his head.

Otherwise, if they really come to 300000 zombies at a time, and with a few mutant zombies, they won't be so easy to win.

"That's what you do. Well, to make a long story short, I just want to ask you this time. Do you think there will be a wave of corpses attacking tonight? " Lin Zhengyang's expression became serious.

This is the most worrying thing for him. Although the wall has been built now, it will not do much if it is only three meters high.

After all, the tide of corpses is coming. When a group of zombies die, the corpses can easily pile up more than three meters.

If they can make it through the night and rush to work all night, by tomorrow night, the height of the wall will be at least seven or eight meters.

At that time, it would be much easier to deal with the tide of corpses.

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