Next, Lin Xinghai began to strengthen his body continuously. After each reinforcement, he immediately asked Liu Miaomiao to use powers to help him repair his meridians.

Just rest less than 5 minutes, will be strengthened again.

When the time came around 10:00 a.m., Lin Xinghai finished strengthening his body again, he opened the system panel to check up.

Host: Lin Xinghai

physique: 91 points

strength: 90 points

speed: 99 points

strength: 126268 points

gene optimization degree: 99% +

level 3 ability: extreme speed (speed increased by 300%, lasting for five minutes) (energy value: 1010)

intermediate shooting skills: proficiency 1% +

phantom body method (minor): proficiency 1% +

Looking at his three basic attributes, all increased to 90 points, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but smile.

And after several times of strengthening, in addition to physical strength, there have been some other changes.

For example, with the passage of time, his tolerance for his own pain began to gradually increase.

Now he is not as painful as he was in the beginning.

In addition, there is another more surprising thing for Lin Xinghai, that is, he found that his meridians seem to have become more tenacious.

In fact, after the first physical strengthening, he had such a feeling, but it was not obvious. He thought it was his own illusion.

But at this time, after three times of superposition, he was almost sure that his meridians were becoming more and more tenacious.

This can be seen from the fact that after each strengthening, the damage of meridians is alleviating, which can be seen very intuitively.

Lin Xinghai also has some inferences that the most likely reason for such changes is that the impure force of blood and Qi will cause injuries to the muscles and veins, and then repair them again.

Repeat this process, it is equivalent to constantly grinding the meridians, over time, there is such an effect.

On the contrary, the power of blood and Qi provided by the system is so pure that it does not damage the meridians. So even if he uses the system to upgrade many times, the meridians will not change.

After figuring out these things, Lin Xinghai is in tears and laughs at the same time, also secretly some joy.

Whatever the reason, the meridians become tough, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

After closing the system panel, Lin Xinghai looks at the time and asks Liu Miaomiao to help him heal the wound of the meridians, and at the same time, he starts to strengthen his body by running the skills again.

If he takes a little time, he can strengthen his body twice before lunch.

An hour later, when Lin Xinghai strengthened again, he opened the system to have a look, but he was stunned.

Because this time its strength points have only increased by 0.5 to 90.5.

"It seems that the further back you go, the harder it will be to ascend." Lin Xinghai couldn't help muttering.

However, it is normal to think about it. The more things are approaching the limit, the harder it is to improve.

What's more, Lin Xinghai also found that every time he strengthened, he could feel the fourth gene lock, which became more and more loose.

Even he was a little worried about whether, after a certain strengthening of his body, the gene lock would be directly broken, and then he would be promoted to be a strong man of blood gas?

In that case, it may be a good thing for others, but he will definitely cry to death.

After all, his magic body has not been cultivated, and if he doesn't use the system to break through, his ability level can't be improved.

These ideas, Lin Xinghai just flashed by, and soon returned to the state of cultivation.

Another hour later, after strengthening again, Lin Xinghai's strength and physique were finally equal, which were all 91 points.

Now he is really curious. If he strengthens his body next time, will it be strength or constitution?

However, Liu Miaomiao, who has been with him for a morning, suppresses his curiosity and accompanies him to dinner first.

Since no restaurant has been set up in the sub base, there is only one place for them to eat, which is the dining hall established by the military headquarters.

The dining hall was transformed from a three storey factory building. The first and second floors are places for ordinary soldiers and mercenaries to eat. As for the third floor, it is not a dining hall but a restaurant.

However, this restaurant will not be open to the public. Only soldiers with military rank can eat in. However, as deputy director of Lin Xinghai, it is unobstructed.

As soon as he sat down and ordered a few dishes to the logistic soldiers here, he saw that Lin Zhengyang also happened to come to eat at this time.

"Old Lin." Lin Xinghai took the lead in saying hello.

"Xiao Lin, what a coincidence After Lin zhengran nodded his head in response, he seemed to think of something and asked, "by the way, do those advanced gene medicine have any effect?"He also heard about this morning. Lin Xinghai actually pigeoned so many mercenaries, and the people from the military headquarters helped to catch a large number of zombies in the past.

Lin wants to know if there are so many things going on in Xinghai.

"Well, it works." Lin Xinghai nodded and replied.

"Well, ha ha! Then I'll wait for you to shine in Donghai University. " Lin Zhengyang said happily.

Lin Xinghai went out from their star shield shelter. If he became famous in the future, it would be good for them.

Before, because Donghai University was full of talents, he was not sure whether Lin Xinghai could shine in it.

Now that Lin Xinghai can make use of his special constitution and continue to strengthen his foundation, he has no doubts.

In Lin Zhengyang's opinion, even if Lin Xinghai was suppressed by the top talents in the college at the beginning, with his strong foundation, he would surely be able to accumulate and catch up with others later.


After lunch, Lin Xinghai and Liu Miaomiao returned to the camp of the mercenary regiment and began to strengthen their bodies.

After another hour, Lin can't wait to open the system panel to check, and then he is a bit stunned.

Because his physique and strength have improved at the same time, reaching 91.25 points.

"It's not a single promotion. It's interesting. However, the increase is a little low. I'm afraid it's impossible to reach the limit in a few days. " Lin Xinghai couldn't help muttering.

If you increase 0.25 points at a time, he needs to strengthen 4 times to increase his constitution and strength by 1 attribute point.

Of course, if he is willing to spend time, 24 hours a day and 20 hours to strengthen his body, then in one day, he can improve his physique and strength by 5 points.

But that's too hard. Now it's more than ten days before he goes to the East China Sea base, so Lin Xinghai finally decides to take eight hours a day to strengthen his body.

As for the rest of the time, he plans to continue to improve the strength of the two mercenaries.

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