Change first and then change!

Hearing Lin Xinghai say so, Jin Guangliang also sighed, "that's no way. You and I know how urgent the situation is now. If you wait for another two years and say something bad, I don't know if I can go to school at ease."

"What's more, at that time, time was too fast. Even if you have talent, you need time to grow up."

Lin Xinghai was speechless after listening, and it was not good to say anything more.

Immediately, he changed a topic and asked, "by the way, how many people, like your nephew, have applied to Donghai University at such a young age?"

"There are certainly not many, but there should not be too few. In fact, people who can understand the current situation will want to fight for it. However, they are young, and it will be more difficult to practice. Therefore, they can't afford it without resources." Jin Guangliang analyzed.

Lin Xinghai can't help nodding. The cultivation of the world is not the younger the better. In the gene optimizer stage, it's easy to say, it's just about optimizing one's own genes.

But when it comes to the state of blood and Qi, it is necessary to refine the power of blood and Qi from the body.

So at this stage, the more vigorous the blood gas is, the faster the cultivation will be.

If you are too old, it is definitely not appropriate. But if you are too young, you can not even fully develop your body. At this time, you should refine the power of blood and Qi from your body. If you practice slowly, you may even affect your development.

Of course, there are also ways to make up for it, that is, taking tonics every day, and this will undoubtedly be very It costs money.

Because of this, Jin Guangliang said that he could not afford to practice without resources.

Next, Lin Xinghai inquired about some basic information of Jintong.

I soon learned that the other party's gene rating is also level B. now the gene optimization level has reached 99%. In addition, he has awakened to a rare level of fire power.

It can be said that such conditions are excellent among ordinary people, but if it is put in the place where talents gather in the East China Sea base, it is estimated that it is only Zhongshui standard.

Next, let the other side demonstrate the shooting method, and Lin Xinghai gave a regular evaluation.

It is similar to the ordinary members of the split sky mercenary regiment. Of course, it is excellent among ordinary people, but it is insignificant in genius.

And Lin Xinghai also noticed that when he just let the other party get out of the car and shoot at the zombie, the other side looked at the dense rush of small corpses, which obviously showed some nervousness.

It is estimated that the actual combat experience is also careless.

Without his help, it is almost impossible for the other party to enter Donghai University.

Thinking of this, he could not help but glance at Jin Guangliang, and the other party immediately returned with a simple and honest smile.

Lin Xinghai felt that he took such shameless people also did not Tut, can only ignore.

An hour and a half later, a small wave of corpses was wiped out, killing more than 50000 zombies.

However, during the whole process, there was no figure of any mutant zombie, so Lin Xinghai did not make a move.

It's still a long time to go back to the edge of the city.

Even with the passage of time, the number of zombies here may gradually increase, but at that time, the difficulty will be reduced a lot.

Soon the team set off again, and by evening they had already advanced more than 1300 kilometers.

And three dangerous places, they have been cleaned up today, unexpectedly, three places did not encounter a mutant zombie, so that some itchy Lin Xinghai have no place to vent.

However, it is normal to think about it. These three places are not big cities, and they are still on the edge of the city. It is not normal to encounter mutant zombies.

It's just that the density of zombies is a little high in those places that they're marked as dangerous.

However, under normal circumstances, the military only needs to send a team of 100 people to escort them through these dangerous places, and the danger is limited.

In the evening, the motorcade looked for an open place to camp.

The rest of the night, the next day, it is early in the morning.

By noon, they were about to arrive at the East China Sea base.

Although there are more than ten large bases in China, the East China Sea base is one of the five bases, and the base camp of the eastern theater is located here.

It can be said that among a large number of bases, the East China Sea base also has a detached position.

For what the East China Sea Base looks like, Lin Xinghai is also quite looking forward to.

"It's almost there." Jin Guangliang glanced at the map and said.

Lin Xinghai listened and opened the firing port of the armored vehicle and looked out. There were some doubts in his eyes.

Because he didn't see anything in the distance. He couldn't see any of the tall walls or the tall buildings in his imagination.

"You have to look up." Jin brilliant at this time mouth reminds a way.Lin Xinghai opened his eyes slightly, then his eyes moved upward, and his eyes became solidified.

He saw a floating continent. Of course, it may be exaggeration to say that it is a continent, but it is at least a floating island with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

Even he can see that there are a lot of high-rise buildings with a sense of science and technology, and there are some floating cars running between buildings.

Although it has not yet gone up, it is only this scene that has satisfied Lin Xinghai's fantasy of future technology.

"How magnificent it is Lin Xinghai couldn't help sighing, and then asked, "Lao Jin, do you think it's possible for our star shield base to develop to such a scale in the future? The base is flying in the sky. It's just a feeling to think about it. "

The corner of Jin Guangliang's mouth moved for a moment, what did he think!

"It shouldn't be possible." As far as possible, Jin Guangliang said in a euphemistic tone: "this kind of super large reaction force device can not be made under the current conditions of the country."

"And even if it is done, it can't be used at all. The energy consumed by this reaction device alone is equivalent to the sum of the normal consumption of two large bases."

"That's it Lin Xinghai's tone is a little bit lost, "then this reaction device, which consumes so much energy, how does the East China Sea Base maintain?"

"The state provides energy." "The East China Sea base is not floating in the sky to look good. In fact, there are countless propulsion devices at the bottom. If necessary, it can reach any place in the eastern theater within an hour."

"It's no exaggeration to say that this is actually an air fortress. Without these air fortresses, China will not be able to defend so many abyssal passages."

Lin Xinghai was silent.

And the team continued to advance, and soon came to the bottom of the East China Sea base.

At this time, Lin Xinghai noticed that under the floating island, there were several huge "transparent pipes".

Under the introduction of Jin Guangliang, Lin Xinghai realized that these "transparent pipes" were actually part of the results of the space elevator project.

However, the space elevator has not been put into use, the disaster broke out, and now it can only be used as the elevator of floating island.

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