You can search in Baidu "I started from the end of the world invincible search novels."( )”Find the latest chapter! looking at the small fortress below, Lin Xinghai inquired to the little fat man on one side: "these should be the teams guarding the abyss passage! Do you know how many troops are there? "

He was really curious about this, because if he knew the number of garrison troops, he could roughly infer the danger level of the abyss passage.

"Er They are only garrison troops in the peripheral passageway, which can only be regarded as reserve forces. The force is about 10000, and the number of mecha is about 5000. " The little fat man recalled what his father had said before and replied.

Lin Xinghai couldn't help but breathe in. There were 10000 troops, and half of them were mecha. It was just a reserve force.

"The real garrison is under the ground?" Lin Xinghai guessed.

"Well, but I don't know the specific deployment." The little fat man replied.

Linxing Haydn was silent. The danger of the abyss passage was more than he had expected!

At this time, the military transport plane flew through the peripheral channel and looked at the dark pit. All the people on the transport plane had an indescribable sense of depression.

All of a sudden, a series of gunfire roared from the lower part of the passage, and from their perspective, they could even see the faint light from the dark below, but in a flash it disappeared.

"What happened?" Lin Xinghai is a little nervous.

"It should be behind the abyss passage that there are mutant zombies coming out. However, the sound of gunfire stopped so quickly. It should be a small-scale attack, and it has been solved." The little fat man guessed.

Although he knows a lot of information, but those are only from his father's mouth, and did not personally go to the abyss channel, so for many things, can only guess.

At this time, Lin Xinghai seems to have noticed something. He looks at the edge of the left passage, and his pupil shrinks slightly.

There are three "hunters" there. They climb up quickly, and then they come to the ground in an instant. After careful observation for four weeks, they quickly flee.

But these three "hunters" are not all. They come up behind them, three "giant arms", two "spitters" and one "dead claw".

These mutant zombies are very sensitive to the sense of danger, so when they reach the ground, they perceive the crisis and almost all start to flee without hesitation.

Lin Xinghai took a look at the three patrol teams, but was surprised to find that they seemed to be indifferent to everything in front of them.

In principle, the military must have deployed surveillance equipment around here. It's impossible that these mutant zombies have not been found.

Although the patrol mecha is not in the direction of the mutant Zombie's escape, if the pursuit is carried out immediately, the three hunters may not be able to catch up, but it should not be a big problem to catch up with the rest of the mutant zombies.

"What's going on? How did they watch the mutant zombies escape Lin Xinghai asked in a low voice, with some uncontrollable anger in his tone.

"Because these are first-order mutant zombies, if the patrol team is nearby, they will surely kill them."

"But if they are too far away, they will not leave their posts because of a few first-order mutant zombies. For them, what they really want to defend is the second-order, even the third-order mutant zombies

The little fat man explained that Lin Xinghai's eyes seemed to be at a loss, and he knew these things. Most people don't know about them, so he continued: "in fact, there are grades for mutant zombies."

"The first-order mutant zombies, that is, those mutant zombies that we encounter at ordinary times, their strength corresponds to those with strong blood status."

"On top of this, there are second-order mutant zombies, whose strength corresponds to those who are strong in shaping body environment."

"Even, there is a third-order mutant zombie with strength corresponding to the strong person in the magic state."

"Whether it's the Zhenyuan guard or these reserve teams, their main job is to prevent the second-order or even the third-order mutant zombies from escaping, because if only one of them comes out, it will probably cause great trouble."

"As for these first-order mutant zombies, if they escape, they will escape without affecting the overall situation."

Speaking of this, the little fat man pauses and whispers: "my father said that this should be to give other shelters more sense of urgency, and also to increase their experience in dealing with mutant zombies."

"If one day, a certain abyss passage is lost, the guard team of the refuge will not be disordered to see the mutant zombie."

Lin Xinghai can't help nodding after listening, he also had to admit that the little fat man's father was right. It's hard to understand how terrifying they can be without fighting mutant zombies.

"So how strong are second-order and third-order mutant zombies? Can you tell me more about it? " Lin Xinghai was silent for a moment and then opened his mouth."Er I don't know that either The little fat man scratched his head. "I only know their corresponding level."

"By the way, I also know that a mutant zombie of the same rank is much better than a strong one of the same rank."

"For example, the warriors in the blood state can't win the first-order mutant zombies. In that case, they need to drive the mecha."

"And those who are strong in shaping body state and magic state can't win the same level of mutant zombies. It is because of this that "rare class mecha" and "legend class mecha" were born

"Only by relying on the cooperation of the mecha and the strong, can we win."

"So powerful?" Lin Xinghai murmured in a low voice. At the same time, he is more eager for the legendary mecha.

"Don't forget what you promised me. When you get a special class place, you can build me a legendary mecha." Lin Xinghai reminded me.

"Well!" The little fat man nodded, but after a little hesitation, he said, "but the legendary mecha, I can't give it to you right away. It may take months."

"Well?" Lin Xinghai looks at him, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"The bio alloy that makes the legendary mecha is actually made from the corpse of a third-order mutant zombie."

"So we have to wait for the military to kill the third-order mutant zombie, then my father's company can go to the bidding and get you one." The little fat man explained.

In the face of such an objective problem, Lin Xinghai can't help it. He can't even force a little fat man to do it without materials.

However, from the other side's words, he also heard another message, "so the third-order mutant zombies, in fact, are rare, otherwise I don't have to wait for a few months."

"That's for sure!" The little fat man nodded, "this is equivalent to the existence of the powerful people in the magic realm. If we often appear, we will be finished."

"But my father also mentioned that the frequency of the third-order zombies seems to be higher and higher than in the past few years. However, in the East China Sea base, almost every year, some people are promoted to be strong in the magic realm, and they can cope with it."

After listening to Lin Xinghai, he recalled the secret and uneasy thoughts about the abyss channel that Mr. Wei had said to him at the beginning, and an uneasy thought came to his mind.

"Little fat man, do you think there will be a fourth order mutant zombie?"

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