You can search Baidu for "I am invincible from the end of the world."( )”Find the latest chapters! a distance of one thousand meters is nothing to Lin Xinghai.

Even though there are many corpses blocking the road at this time, with the help of phantom body method, he can almost ignore the corpses and pass directly.

In the process of running, Lin Xinghai's eyesight has been staring at the individual aircraft in the distance.

In just over 20 seconds, he has already flown three kilometers and is about to disappear in the field of vision.

However, in this moment, the other side dropped two more energy balls. According to the position of the two energy balls, Lin Xinghai can judge that every kilometer, one energy ball will be dropped.

According to this rule, if a person carries 10 energy balls, it can just extend to the edge of the city center.

"It's the rhythm that makes me run all over the city center!" Lin Xinghai make complaints about it in his heart, but his pace is not slowing down.

At this time, Lin Xinghai is not the only one in action. The other candidates, especially the powerful teams gathered in the central area, are all in action at the first time.

However, compared with Lin Xinghai, the gap is too far.

With his speed and body method, Lin Xinghai can directly shuttle through the corpses, but these teams can't. They want to move forward, either detour or solve the corpses blocking the way.

All of these are time-consuming.

Therefore, relative to these teams, Lin Xinghai's advantage is too great.

After only 20 seconds, he ran to the first energy ball, picked it up and stuffed it into the combat backpack.

He felt it a little bit, and then within 600 meters of his perception, there were four teams coming in the direction of the energy ball.

Among these four teams, more than three are huge teams with more than 100 people.

"The more people there are, the more difficult it is to move, and it's easy to be targeted by corpses. If so many people are organized, it's really funny if the last energy ball is not captured." Lin Xinghai make complaints about it in his heart, but his movements are not slow at all.

After putting away the energy ball, the body changes into a shadow, and immediately rushes to the memory of another energy ball throwing position nearby.

Soon, the second, the third and the fourth, Lin Xinghai with unparalleled speed, just spent more than a minute, then won the hands of the four energy balls.

However, the other teams were not slow. At this time, they all seemed to be fighting hard. Even if they were fighting with the corpses, they were fighting and moving forward.

When Lin Xinghai put away the fourth energy ball, the nearest team to the energy ball was only 200 meters away.

However, they can't wait for Lin Xinghai to run away.

These people can't be happy to watch the energy ball being captured.

As for Lin Xinghai, his heart is heavy.

It's only four energy balls. His goal is to collect 50. It's a long way to go!

While he was thinking about this, he was also fast approaching the fifth energy ball.

However, he has just run a distance. When the energy ball enters the range of perception, his face changes slightly, because there is a team in the place where the energy ball is less than 100 meters.

However, the energy ball just fell into a corpse group. If the opponent wants to get the energy ball, he can only clean up the corpse group first.

Now there are only more than 100 zombies left in that group.

Sensing such a situation, Lin Xinghai's speed soared again. Originally, he only used 400 points of speed, which suddenly increased to 500 points.

At this time, Qiu Tianliang, the most famous team leader in the neighborhood, is more than 200.

The strength of the members of the team is quite good. In the past two days, with the advantage of the number of people, they quickly killed zombies. The scores of more than half of the members of the team have reached the top 3000.

Therefore, Qiu Liang's position in this team is quite high.

And these members also know that even if they enter the college in the future, if they want to have a good life, they need the care of top talents.

Because of this, these people in the team are sparing no effort to help Qiu Liang impact the ranking.

Now, in the most critical part of the competition for the energy ball, everyone is trying to show themselves and want to leave a good impression in front of Qiu Liang.

The zombies blocking the road were killed one by one, watching the energy ball close in front of us. However, just at this time, a human figure suddenly appeared in the dense corpse group.As if ignoring the Zombie's attack, he grabbed the energy ball in his hand and then showed a smile.

At this time, Lin Xinghai was very happy, because he finally caught up.

The fifth energy ball is in hand, which is one tenth of the goal.

However, the members of the skyhawk brigade were a little angry.

Because of the fear of being beaten by other teams, they didn't spare any effort when they rushed over. Even many people tried their best to kill zombies faster, regardless of their injuries.

But now, seeing that we are about to get the energy ball, it's strange that the cooked duck just flies into other people's hands.

Especially when I see the smile on Lin Xinghai's face, I feel hateful.

"Are you Lin Xinghai?" Surrounded by the crowd, Qiu Liang suddenly inquired, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After putting away the energy ball, Lin Xinghai's figure flashed a few times like a ghost, then withdrew from the encirclement of the corpse tide, stood in a safe place, then nodded and said: "that's right!"

Hearing Lin Xinghai admit it, the members of Tianying brigade are all slightly awe inspiring, and their anger is also reduced by more than half.

After all, the shadow of the tree is the name of the person. Lin Xinghai these three words, for them these examinees, is like a mountain in front of everyone.

But after a little surprise, these people quickly calmed down.

Because as early as two days ago, when Lin Xinghai suddenly rose, they discussed how to deal with each other.

So at this time, many people are secretly excited. If they can force Lin Xinghai to withdraw from the examination, they can earn such a big reputation if they say it later.

Of course, although they have a way to deal with Lin Xinghai, they need at least 30 meters from each other.

Now this requirement is obviously not up to the standard. Lin Xinghai is at least 100 meters away from them.

They thought about this situation at the beginning, but it doesn't matter.

So there was no need for Qiu Liang to say much. These members immediately decided to take plan B, and intended to provoke Lin Xinghai with language provocation, so that the other side could take the initiative to attack.


happy new year, I wish you all good health, smooth work, academic progress and happy family in the New Year!

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