You can search Baidu for "I am invincible from the end of the world."( )”Find the latest chapters! several members of the monitoring team, looking down the street, saw a dense mass of zombies.

Because of the shelter of the building, they can't determine how many zombies there are, but it's estimated that they have seen more than 5000 or 6000.

In addition to the part covered by the building, the number of zombies is likely to exceed 10000, or even more.

There is no doubt that this is the corpse tide.

Even though only one person in the monitoring team has experienced the threat of corpse tide, others, no matter how small, know how terrible the corpse tide is.

"Well, how can it suddenly lead to a tide of corpses?" Someone said in shock.

"Is this the time to care? We should go back quickly now and report the news to the higher authorities. " Another said hastily.

"No, look, is there a figure in front of the corpse tide?" At this time, a sharp eyed member suddenly pointed to the distance and said.

Get the member's reminder, the rest of the eyes, also can't help looking at the past.

Then they saw a figure at the front of the corpse tide.

The other side sometimes ran in front of the corpse tide, and sometimes fell into the corpse tide, encountering the siege of many zombies, but he could always rush out easily.

And in the process, the other side will use a long gun to pierce the bodies of zombies, making them bleed.

But because these zombies have strong vitality, as long as the head does not encounter a fatal attack, but the body is pierced, it will not have much impact at all, it will only make them more crazy.

And their blood will continue to attract the rear of the corpse chase.

"He... He should be Lin Xinghai."

"My God! He even initiated a wave of corpses. He's a madman. He's a madman. "

"Come on, let's go back and report the news." After seeing this scene, these members are not fools. They can't understand the cause and effect.

Lin Xinghai, who was luring the corpses forward, looked up at several figures flying away in the distance and couldn't help saying: "it seems that they have been found! But it's too late. "

Lin Xinghai calculated the distance by heart. There should be only 2.5 kilometers left between Yan Feijie and other people.

In Lin Xinghai's plan, as long as he can enter into the range of 3 kilometers quietly, he is sure to let the other party fall into the encirclement of corpse tide.

As he said this, he flashed into the corpse group again and poked a blood hole in the body of more than a dozen high-level zombies who had just caught up and had not been injured.

When they were crazy, Lin Xinghai's figure flashed and there was a tide of corpses, and began to accelerate.

In fact, he always deliberately controlled the speed when he brought the corpse tide. After all, the speed of ordinary zombies and intermediate zombies can't keep up with these advanced zombies.

So from time to time, he would take the initiative to fall into the corpse tide, let these senior zombies besiege himself, so as to control their forward speed.

But now that he has been found, Lin Xinghai certainly can't continue to drive slowly. Otherwise, when he takes the corpse tide army to his side, the other party will be gone.

Now he is to take these high-level zombies to kill first, and delay the other party's escape.

As soon as Lin Xinghai accelerates here, those high-level zombies who have been attacked many times and provoked by him are all attacked crazily.

Originally, it was a relatively dense corpse tide, which gradually became a long line, and with the acceleration of these advanced zombies, the distance will be larger and larger.

However, Lin Xinghai is not worried about whether the corpse tide army behind can keep up.

Because as long as he bled the high-level zombies in front, the zombies in the back would naturally follow the "blood road".

Of course, Lin Xinghai also knows that this alone is not enough.

Because the speed of advanced zombies is not much different from those examinees who break the three gene lock.

If you want them to fall into the tide of corpses, then you need him to catch up with them personally and delay each other.

Soon, Lin Xinghai opened the door and disappeared in front of these zombies.

However, these senior zombies are still frantically chasing forward, because in front of the road, almost every 100 meters, there is a bloody zombie body, which attracts them to rush past.

In this way, Lin Xinghai used zombies to attract the senior zombies in the front of the team.

And the blood from these high-level zombies will continue to attract the huge tide of corpses in the rear.

Although it's a bit troublesome for Lin Xinghai to constantly kill zombies along the way to "pave the way", when the speed is fully open, it's still much faster than moving forward with the tide of corpses.……

The monitoring team on the other side, after discovering the corpse tide caused by Lin Xinghai, immediately flew back with the fastest speed.

When they returned to the place where the large army had gathered, they found that it was full of people, and they all looked nervous.

There is no way to do this. During their coming and going, the tide of corpses is also fast approaching, especially the advanced zombies in the front. At this time, they are less than 2 kilometers away from here.

Even here, we can hear the louder and louder roar of the zombies.

"What's the matter? There won't be a tide of corpses. They're coming to us! " Yan Feijie asked for the first time.

As the top genius, he didn't rely on the genetic medicine. He had a lot of insight.

Whether it's corpse tide or mutant zombies, he has experienced it himself.

Before, he only heard one or two Zombie's roars occasionally, and he couldn't think of anything, but with the Zombie's roars becoming more and more intensive, he certainly had such a guess.

If these members of the monitoring team come back one minute later, Yan Feijie may have ordered them to leave here.

Seeing that Yan Feijie had guessed the truth, the leader of the supervision team also said what he had seen and heard, "yes, it is indeed a corpse tide. Moreover, the corpse tide is caused by Lin Xinghai, who is leading the corpse tide in our direction. "

"What Yan Feijie, Yuan Zheng and Hong Xiuyuan almost exclaimed at the same time.

Not only them, but also the other members waiting for the result.

"He's really a talented person. He used such revenge. But this is very uncomfortable, I still want to wait for him to run out of bullets, and he came to a close fight! Now it seems that there is no chance. " Hong Xiuyuan is the first one to react and scolds.

Yan Feijie quite speechless glanced at each other, all at this time, still thinking!

"Retreat! Let's go before the tide of corpses comes. Lin Xinghai can't maintain the corpse tide all the time. As long as we can win the corpse tide, we can avoid this crisis. " Yan Feijie orders in a loud voice and suppresses all the noise.

But in his heart, he was quite upset, because he knew that Lin Xinghai had broken the game.

After all, if they dare to come back here to search, Lin Xinghai will be able to trigger a second wave of corpses.

But no matter how upset they are, they have to withdraw now.

However, just at this time, as soon as the figure appeared in the distant street, he said in a quiet voice: "you are so enthusiastic to find my teammates, so you left. I'm afraid that others will say I'm not well treated! Why don't you all stay! "

The crowd looked for sound, and when they saw the figure coming slowly in the distance, their faces changed greatly.

Although there are 3000 people gathered here, the problem is that most of them have been snatched by Lin Xinghai.

To put it simply, they're all in a mental shadow.

In particular, many people's eyes, are closely staring at each other's hands of the Ripper rifle, for fear that the muzzle suddenly pointed at themselves.

"Lin Xinghai, I admit that you are very capable. Even the tide of corpses can be aroused. But the question is, do you think you can keep us alone?"

After Yan Feijie said one sentence coldly, he immediately said in a high voice: "retreat!"

He didn't want to talk with Lin Xinghai more, because the other party could afford it, they couldn't afford it, and just started talking just to save some morale.

As his voice fell, people who had long wanted to leave took action and began to leave according to the formation.

However, Lin Xinghai's action is faster than their reaction.

When Yan Feijie said the word "retreat", he launched the ability, pulled out a shadow, and quickly came towards the brigade.

When Yan Feijie and others set up this brigade, they had already thought about how to deal with Lin Xinghai's surprise attack.

So these members of the brigade, watching each other approaching, did not wait for Lin Xinghai to enter the effective range, and 500 members of the brigade with better shooting skills did not hesitate to pull the trigger in their hands.

Fierce firepower, overwhelming toward Lin Xinghai shrouded.

Lin Xinghai's perception has covered the whole audience for a long time. Although this scene is a bit abrupt, it can't hide from him at all.

When these people raised their guns, he noticed ahead of time, and instantly dodged into the alley of the side building, easily avoiding all the attacks.

And then, in the blink of an eye, he came out from the other side and directly raised his gun to shoot.

However, Yan Feijie and others did make a very strict arrangement. At this time, the defense members of the periphery immediately cast abilities.

In the blink of an eye, all kinds of defensive abilities intercept the bullets flying to the team one after another.

Lin Xinghai observed that there are at least three defensive abilities in the same place.In this case, unless he is holding an armour piercing bullet in his hand, he will not be able to gnaw such a "tortoise shell" even if the number of bullets is several times more.

This makes Lin Xinghai a little surprised. The other party has made enough arrangements. If he doesn't choose to launch the corpse tide, but comes alone, he really has nothing to do with these people.

As for now, he is not in a hurry.

The wary crowd saw that Lin Xinghai had only attacked for one round, and then disappeared. They were secretly happy that the other side knew that they could not help them, so they took the initiative to retreat.

"Keep the formation and move back quickly." Yan Feijie's serious voice sounded again.

The crowd reacted quickly, and now they are still in danger!

However, as soon as they moved here, Lin Xinghai came out from another place and started shooting at them.

Fortunately, several defensive powers in charge of security in that place didn't show any carelessness. When they felt the danger, they immediately sent out powers to defend.

However, as before, Lin Xinghai retreated with one blow.

At this time, Yan Feijie and Yuan Zheng already knew what Lin Xinghai was going to do.

They continued to order the retreat, and Lin Xinghai immediately came out from somewhere to harass.

"Damn it, we can't leave at all if we're so restrained by him." Yan Feijie said.

"Let those members who have mobile defense ability do more to cover the team in a large range. Lin Xinghai has been delaying us here, and he can't continue to guide the corpse tide. As long as we can escape two or three kilometers, we can get through the crisis. " At this time, Yuan Zheng said.

"But there are not many defensive powers of this type, and their powers can be broken!" At this time, Hong Xiuyuan raised a question.

It's also a defensive ability, but there's a big difference.

To the energy shield, a defensive ability condensed from pure energy, can move freely with the psionic.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it is easy to break, and after breaking, the psionic will encounter backfire.

As for the defensive ability of earth wall, its defensive power will be stronger, and even if it is partially damaged, it will not affect the whole.

But this defensive ability can't move at all.

Of course, there are also some between them, such as water shield, but water shield has quality, even if it can move, its speed is very slow.

Therefore, if the team wants to perform defensive abilities at the same time in the case of high-speed movement, it has to choose the defensive ability of energy type.

Yan Feijie's eyes twinkled for a moment, and said: "we can only try this. In addition, we can also let other defensive powers act as reserve forces to block the gap."

Under the gaze of Lin Xinghai, the 3000 person team quickly drew close to the middle, and soon the formation was abruptly compressed by nearly a third.

Then, one by one, the energy type of defense light shield rises from the outside of the team to cover the whole team.

The team of 3000 people, on the top of this energy "turtle shell", quickly run up.

"There are so many defensive powers." Lin Xinghai sighed, and immediately came out of the window of a building. The Ripper's rifle in his hand spewed out a tongue of fire, and the dense bullets instantly shot at one of the energy masks.

Each bullet of Lin Xinghai was fired at the same position of the energy shield. The energy shield, which could have withstood at least a dozen bullets, was only fired by eight bullets and then smashed.

Huge "turtle shell", this moment appeared a hole.

But before Lin Xinghai could put the follow-up bullets in, a wall suddenly emerged and blocked the hole.

It's just that the wall is fixed in place, while the other 3000 people are running for their lives, so the hole will be exposed in the blink of an eye as the team moves.

However, before the hole could be exposed, another wall rose beside the wall, and there was a water shield next to it.

Then all kinds of powers were released to fill the hole, which did not give Lin any chance.

Until another energetic defense psionic comes and fills the hole.

Lin Xinghai was stunned at this scene.

"There are so many people and so much power." He couldn't help but sigh, which is also thanks to the collection of dozens of teams here, otherwise it would be impossible for the defensive powers of several teams to play like this.

"It's really interesting. Let's see if I can shoot through the shell or you can fill the hole." Lin Xinghai said and took out another Ripper rifle from behind.

Before, when he realized that someone might have to deal with him, he not only intercepted the team halfway and collected enough energy balls, but also robbed a ripper rifle.

Now he is in the strongest fighting state with double guns.

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