An hour passed quickly. When the time came to 1 a.m., Lin Xinghai didn't go out. He planned to have a good rest.

Of course, vigil is necessary, but it's the business of little fat man and Jin Tong.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, most people have fallen asleep.

At this time, at the bottom of Donghai abyss passage, there is a huge karst cave with an area of several kilometers wide.

What's more, it's not as dark as it was imagined. On the contrary, it's extremely bright under countless fluorescent lights.

In the center of the cave, there is a twisted space, which is the real abyss passage.

At this point, most of the Zhenyuan guards stationed here have fallen asleep.

Of course, there must be a lot of security personnel.

All of a sudden, the twisted space in the middle of the cave fluctuated, just like the calm water of the lake, rippling slightly.

With the wave spread, dozens of detection instruments around, almost all at the same time, sounded a harsh alarm.

Jia Tai, the Colonel officer in charge of the defense work at night, became serious in an instant. He immediately lowered the communicator and asked the opposite, "the monitoring team, report the spatial fluctuation index immediately."

"At present, the spatial volatility index is 200 points, but it is still rising." There was a report in the messenger.

"Okay, you keep watching." After Jia Tai said a word, he immediately switched the communication channel and ordered the combat team to "start the first level alert, the third, fifth and eighth brigade is responsible for suppressing the target, and the artillery brigade is responsible for assisting."

Soon, a fully armed soldier rushed out of the temporary barracks in the cave.

They quickly entered the bunker or trench that had already been built.

At this time, the first intruder came out of the twisted space,

it is a kind of humanoid creature with sharp horns on the forehead, thick cuticle on the body and sharp spines on the elbow.

Abyss ghost.

This is one of the largest races in the abyss plane.

The strength of these abyssal ghouls is average, just equivalent to human gene optimizers. Of course, some of them can reach the level of blood and gas, but the number is very small, less than 1%.

So these abyssal ghosts, generally speaking, are equivalent to cannon fodder, just like zombies in the human world.

However, unlike zombies, they are more aggressive, with sharp spines at the joints, and can easily pierce shields made of high-quality steel.

Moreover, the thick cuticle of their bodies also has a strong defensive force. Even the Ripper rifle with armor piercing bullet needs to hit the head for 3 to 4 shots to die.

All in all, it's a more dangerous creature than a zombie.

However, the abyss guard has dealt with these abyss corpses and ghosts enough times, and has already had a set of methods to deal with them.

The first abyss ghost has just stepped out of the passage, and has not even set foot on the earth.

A heavy machine gun that had already aimed at it suddenly opened fire.


The power of the heavy machine gun, of course, can not be compared with that of the rifle. Just a bullet, the thick cuticle on the corpse of the abyss was instantly broken.

Bang bang!

Then the second bullet penetrated its body and pulled off a large amount of blood. The next three, four, and five bullets were also shot into its body, which directly killed it.

The first one stepped out of the abyss and the ghost fell to the ground, but this is only the beginning.

The follow-up corpses and ghosts of the abyss rushed out like a tide, and in the blink of an eye, more than 500 corpses and ghosts of the abyss rushed out.

However, the Zhenyuan guard also has a perfect defense system. In an instant, the overwhelming rain of bullets shrouded these rushing out of the abyss and killed them quickly.

However, the impact of these abyssal ghosts is not without effect. As they rush out one after another, they are constantly approaching the defense line of Zhenyuan guards.

As they pushed the front forward, a second arm, petrified spiders, soon appeared in the rear.

Petrified spiders, like abyss corpses, are almost the cannon fodder of war.

Compared with the abyss ghouls, petrified spiders have a weaker defense, but their webs are as hard as rocks.

As soon as these petrified spiders come out, they disperse rapidly. Some of them rush forward, but more of them rush to the rock walls on both sides, or even jump to the top of the cave.

Then a spider silk will spit out from the mouth, these spiders spit out the silk, crisscross, in the formation of spider web at the same time, also quickly become as hard as rock.

These petrified spiders build a "defensive shelter" on the open ground, so that the subsequent troops will not be directly exposed to the muzzle of the gun.At the same time, among the Zhenyuan guards, Zheng Yangxu, the highest officer, also came to the front line.

"What's the situation now?" Zheng Yangxu asked Jia Tai directly.

"The spatial fluctuation index has now broken through 400 points, and is still rising. Such a sharp spatial fluctuation is likely to lead to more than second-order variation." Jia Tai replied immediately.

"Let the artillery brigade be ready for bombing, and the mecha brigade be ready to attack at any time. At the same time, report the intelligence here to the East China Sea base. Now it's only five minutes since the attack, and the space fluctuation is so high. I'm afraid this attack is unusual. We should prepare for the worst. " Zheng Yangxu said solemnly.

Jia Tai immediately nodded and hurriedly arranged. At the same time, the battlefield changed again.

At this time, those abyssal ghosts and petrified spiders were all red.

The soldiers of the Zhenyuan guard in the field are all experienced in fighting. It can be seen at a glance that the corpses and petrified spiders in the abyss are in a state of frenzy.

In addition, their breath is much stronger than before, and even many of them have reached the level of blood.

Under such circumstances, their individual strength is no less than that of some mutant zombies.

In an instant, the mecha brigade, which had already been ready to launch, rushed forward to meet the enemy. At the same time, the artillery team in the rear poured out their firepower.

Like raindrops, the howitzer fell into the enemy's formation.


There was a deafening roar in an instant, and it was continuous. No matter those abyss ghosts or petrified spiders were completely submerged by the explosion

even those rock cobwebs that could be used as fortifications were all broken and then torn to pieces under the terrible shock wave.

The abyss army seems to be completely suppressed at this moment.

But both Zheng Yangxu and Jia Tai are serious.

Because compared with peacetime, the rhythm of this attack on the abyss plane is too fast.

Such units that enter into a state of frenzy usually appear in the middle and later stages of the war.

But now it's only five minutes!

According to the fact that an attack on the other side of the abyss lasted for three or four hours, now such a little time is equivalent to warming up, not even a real attack.

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