Of course, Lin Xinghai and others are not clear about the event in Donghai city.

Officers like Zuo Wenyao were also quite surprised to learn that they did not understand why the abyss plane had launched such a big attack.

"The loss of Zhenyuan guard is estimated to be very terrible. The fighting is only half an hour. According to the latest news, one third of all kinds of fortifications have been destroyed, and the number of battle robots and attack drones has exceeded 500000."

"Even on the side of mecha, 336 units have been damaged. If the attack on the side of the abyss plane lasts for two or three hours, I feel that the loss of mecha this time will be more than 1000 units." One of the officers whispered.

"Yes! It's OK to add a little bit to the mecha, but the members who drive the mecha are all elite soldiers in their own blood. It's not easy to cultivate them. It's estimated that they will come to our college again, but it's impossible for our college to transfer so many people all at once! " One of the examiners answered.

"I think these are only secondary. The biggest problem now is to chase and kill those second-order and third-order mutant zombies. It's better if they can be annihilated, but in case there's one who escapes, it's troublesome."

"It's very difficult for them to find out when they hide in the city. At that time, these high-level mutant zombies were a disaster for the material collection team and the mercenary regiment who went out of the field." Suddenly someone spoke again.

For these left Wenyao just listen silently, did not express any opinions, now he can only wait for the news here, can't help anything.

Of course, no one in the field will feel that this matter will have any impact on this assessment. After all, the two sides are far away from each other.

At the same time, less than 50 kilometers away from Dong'an City, there is a newly excavated cave, and around the cave, there are countless passageways leading to it.

At this time, there are more than 180 mutant zombies in this cave. In front of these mutant zombies, there is a "dead claw" with a height of 15 meters.

In principle, the strength of this kind of "dead claw" can only reach the second level, but the breath of the other side is only the first level.

Also because of the existence of this "dead claw", the rest of the mutant zombies in the field stood well at this time, without any changes.

However, what's more strange is that there is a black robed man in this cave. From time to time, many mutant zombies will look at the black robed man, and their eyes are full of bloodthirsty emotion.

However, no mutant zombie dares to move, because when he first came here, a mutant zombie tried to attack the human, but was almost cut in half by the extremely huge "dead claw".

Deng Deng Deng!

The strange atmosphere in the field was broken by the dull footstep coming from one of the channels.

Soon, a blood demon got into this huge hole * *, followed by 20 mutant zombies.

In the blink of an eye, the number of variant zombies of Dong * * reached 201.

At this time, the black robed man took out a mechanical watch from his arms, looked at it, and said to the "dead claw" of the leader, "time is almost up, let's go!"

The "dead claw" seemed to be able to understand human's words. It gave the black robed man a look, and finally fell on the dark token on the other side's waist. Then it nodded and gave a low roar to the variant zombies behind.

All of a sudden, five blood demons went to the front to open the way, while the rest of the mutant zombies obediently followed him, quietly and decisively.

When the last mutant zombie left the hole, the man in black, who stood still, seemed relieved.

He lifted the black robe's head cover and showed a human face. He picked up the dark token and looked obsessed with it. His eyes were crazy and he said, "Meier, the task you taught me will be completed soon."

"No one else could have imagined that the attack on the abyss plane was so powerful that all the second and third-order zombies were lures, so that they could successfully cover these first-order zombies, leave the sight of the army, and go to the examination room to slaughter this year's new students."

"Don't worry! More than half of the plan has been successful, and those excellent freshmen will surely be slaughtered by these mutant zombies. Meier, in this way, there will be no talent rising and threatening your life. "


At this time, in the abyss passage, there are a continuous stream of abyss creatures and mutant zombies rushing out.

But as time goes on, the number of mutant zombies is getting smaller and smaller.

Most of the energy of the military headquarters of Donghai base has been transferred to chasing the second-order and third-order zombies who have escaped.

Fortunately, due to the timely response and adequate deployment, every second-order and third-order zombie will be tracked by a falcon fighter. Even if it can't be solved at once, it can't escape their sight.As long as we wait for the end of the attack of the abyss channel and free our hands, we can solve them slowly.

As for the first-order variant zombies, to be honest, not many people really care.

After all, they are not a big threat, not to mention those with strong blood and gas, even those with gene optimization can cope with it by driving a mecha.

As long as the rest of the shelters can cope, they don't have to be so nervous.

One of the policies is to release some mutant zombies appropriately to make the rest of the medium-sized shelters feel threatened and develop desperately.

No one knows, a group of more than 200 mutant zombies have quietly come to the underground of Dong'an city.

With the head of the "dead claw" issued a low roar, five blood night demons suddenly separated, began to dig up a channel.


Lin Xinghai, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" The little fat man, who was on a vigil, immediately inquired.

"I don't know. I always feel flustered. It seems that some danger is approaching." Linxinghai brow lock said.

Now the assessment is not over, even if he is sleeping, he does not dare to really sleep too much. Even when he is sleeping, his mental power is in a semi external state, to ensure that if there is anything dangerous close to him, he can wake up at the first time.

And just now he noticed the danger approaching, but it disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared. He released his perception to look for it, but he got nothing at all.

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