I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 588 Rules Backlash (Two in One)

Of course, even if the world is about to change, Lin Xinghai can't care so much.

According to the description of the cultivation content, the stage of Quenchfu Realm is to continuously strengthen the five internal organs, and can turn the five internal organs into containers for storing blood and qi.

You should know that the blood and qi power in the past can only exist in the meridians and blood vessels. Now that there are five internal organs for storage, the capacity will be expanded several times in an instant.

It can be said that Quenchfu Realm is still a stage of accumulation.

As Lin Xinghai continued to check the cultivation content, he found that he had not yet completely broken through.

Because in the cultivation system of the God and Demon Body, each stage is actually closely connected. The blood and qi power cultivated in the blood and qi stage will play an irreplaceable role in the Quenchfu Realm.

When breaking through to the Quenchfu Realm, the blood and qi power in the blood and qi stage will be completely converted into source blood.

The most basic function of these source blood is to speed up the strengthening of various organs. Basically, if there are 500 points of source blood in the body and all of them are used to strengthen the internal organs, you can directly break through from the early stage of the Quenching Viscera to the middle stage of the Quenching Viscera within one day.

If there are 1000 points of source blood, you can jump to the late stage of the Quenching Viscera.

With the huge blood power of Lin Xinghai, he has 2033 points of source blood after the breakthrough.

If all of them are used to temper the internal organs, he can break through the mirror in an instant and break through to the level of the Shaping Body in just two or three days.

However, using source blood directly to practice is the most wasteful method.

The real function of source blood is to make organs undergo metamorphosis.

Of course, this metamorphosis also has a threshold. All 1000 points of source blood must be injected into an organ to make it metamorphose.

In other words, if the blood power in the body is less than 1000 points in the blood stage, it is not eligible.

The transformed organs are not only stronger, but also produce a special ability, which is generally related to the transformed organs.

For example, if the organ chosen for transformation is the heart, then the ability obtained is to greatly enhance the hematopoietic ability.

To put it simply, the speed of generating blood energy is greatly accelerated.

This has considerable benefits for both combat endurance and cultivation.

According to the description of the Thunder God Body inheritance, the heart is the most popular choice and the human organ with the greatest benefit from transformation.

Of course, Lin Xinghai is different from others because his source blood has reached 2,000 points.

In other words, he can choose to transform two organs.

Lin Xinghai flipped through the information of the Thunder God Body inheritance. The five internal organs of the human body are: heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. The six internal organs are: stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gallbladder, and triple burner.

His eyes wandered among several organs other than the heart, and soon fell on the stomach among the six internal organs.

The role of the stomach in the human body is digestion, so after using the source blood to transform the stomach, the ability gained is also in the digestion aspect.

Among the many auxiliary effects, Lin Xinghai feels that this aspect is quite good.

After all, if the digestive ability is improved, then when he takes drugs to practice, the speed of refining the drug power will undoubtedly be accelerated, thereby improving his practice speed.

Combined with the hematopoietic ability of the heart, it can make his practice speed soar.

Of course, the reason for this choice is that the abilities evolved from other internal organs are even more unsatisfactory to his heart.

For example, the liver is responsible for detoxification. If the liver is allowed to evolve, it will generally have the ability to detoxify quickly.

Such an ability cannot be said to be bad, but for Lin Xinghai, the effect is not great.

After all, the body's resistance to toxicity will increase with the improvement of strength, not to mention that he will generally quickly solve the enemy in battle and will not give the opponent a chance to poison.

As for the abilities obtained by the transformation of other internal organs, they are even less useful to him.

For example, the lungs, after evolution, have increased lung capacity and can hold their breath for a long time. Unless it is an underwater battle or some special circumstances, the probability of using such an ability is extremely low.

The evolved abilities like kidneys are to enhance men's abilities, but as the saying goes, as the strength increases, the human body's abilities in all aspects will also increase, so the use is not very large.

Instead of this, it is better to choose two organs that can quickly improve strength.

As long as the strength is improved, everything will be improved.

After Lin Xinghai made his choice, he operated the magic body's skills, controlled the source blood he transformed, injected it into these two organs, and began to transform them.

In fact, from this moment on, Lin Xinghai has successfully broken through to the Quench Fu realm.


A thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky outside, and with the sound of thunder, the whole world seemed to be undergoing some strange changes.

At this time, Zuo Wenyao was standing beside Lin Xinghai with a puzzled look on his face. He could feel that Lin Xinghai should have successfully broken through, but the aura emanating from him puzzled him.

Because this was not the aura of the Body Shaping Realm. It felt a little weaker than the Body Shaping Realm, but it was not comparable to the Blood Qi Realm.

"Strange, what did this kid do?" Zuo Wenyao frowned and pondered.

Suddenly he heard a thunder outside, and then he felt extremely depressed, as if something terrible was happening, making him tremble all over.

"What's going on?" Zuo Wenyao flashed to the window and looked outside.

He was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the sky was clear just now, but how could it suddenly become dark and cloudy.

Countless electric snakes jumped and flashed in the dark clouds, and a vast and ethereal but extremely terrifying aura emanated from it.

This aura directly made Zuo Wenyao, a powerful man in the realm of gods and demons, stand still in place, unable to move at all, and even felt that he would be wiped out at any time.

At this moment, two words emerged in Zuo Wenyao's mind.

Heavenly power!

Heavenly power is unpredictable, and he finally realized the meaning of this sentence.

In front of heaven and earth, human beings are so insignificant.

Zuo Wenyao didn't know why such a change had occurred between heaven and earth, but he knew that there might be big trouble.

Even he felt that he couldn't bear such a terrifying pressure from heaven and earth. For those who were in the lower level of the Shaping Body Realm, the Blood Qi Realm, or even ordinary people, the consequences would be even more terrible.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and his eyes could not help but look down through the window, and then his eyes were instantly wide open.

Because the students coming and going below, although they would look up at the sky in confusion from time to time, they didn't feel as overwhelmed as he imagined.

He could even see the little fat man pointing at the sky and cursing below the training building, "What's wrong with this thief heaven? Why does it suddenly seem like it's going to rain? How can we hold the ceremony to congratulate the boss for his breakthrough later?"

Zuo Wenyao breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his gaze, and cast his eyes back to the dark clouds in the sky.

"Is it that the stronger the strength, the deeper the feeling? Then what is going on?" He still couldn't figure it out.

But at this moment, the wrist computer in his hand vibrated wildly. This was a situation that would occur when a lot of information was sent to him in a short period of time.

"Not good, something might have happened." Zuo Wenyao was shocked when he received the message in this situation. He withstood the pressure of heaven and earth, lowered his head with difficulty, and then moved his fingers to open the screen of the wrist computer.

Soon, a piece of information came into his eyes.

Seeing this information, Zuo Wenyao was shocked at first, because the content of the information was all sent by the garrison of the Abyss Channel.

No matter what happened in the Abyss Channel, it is definitely worth paying great attention.

However, as he quickly finished reading the content of the information, the expression on his face became a little confused.

According to the description in the information, near the entrance of the Abyss Channel, a very terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly appeared out of thin air, forming an energy storm, and continuously rushed into the Abyss Channel.

And with the entry of these violent energies, the Abyss Channel actually showed signs of slowly shrinking.

You know, the country has thought of countless ways to close these Abyss Channels, but no matter what they do, they have no effect at all.

But now there are suddenly signs of closure, how can Zuo Wenyao not be surprised?

And this is not over yet. Soon he received a lot of information one after another. These were sent to the powerful gods and demons from the East China Sea Base Information Department.

The above content is some important news from all over the country.

Without exception, these information are all about the Abyss Channel. The same thing happened in the 11 Abyss Channels across the country.

An energy storm appeared out of thin air near the Abyss Channel and rushed into the Abyss Channel, and then the Abyss Channel showed signs of shrinking.

"So, the current situation is not regional, it is very likely to be national or even global." Zuo Wenyao quickly scanned the information, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

Because at this time, he still didn't figure out what was going on.

At this time, another new message came, which was the latest news from the 11th Abyss Channel in Changshi City.

Because of the terrifying energy storm that just appeared, and where these energy storms passed, almost everything was stirred into nothingness, and the green poisonous fog that enveloped the entire city was also cleared by more than half under this situation.

So the military took this opportunity to capture some of the situation in Changshi City.

At this time, Zuo Wenyao clicked on the high-definition photos attached to the information and saw blood and minced meat everywhere. Wherever the energy storm passed, no mutant zombies or abyss creatures could survive.

Even those level 3 mutant zombies were no exception. Zuo Wenyao just glanced at them and judged from the size of those corpses that there were at least 50 level 3 mutant zombies who died in this terrifying energy storm.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Wenyao couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly. He didn't know where these energy storms came from, but he knew that if he was touched lightly, he would probably be no different from these level 3 mutant zombies and would be smashed to pieces in an instant.

"It's really terrifying!" Zuo Wenyao sighed, but became more distressed, "But who can tell me what's going on?"

In the outer area of ​​the abyss plane, the Lava Demon King looked at the mutant zombies that continued to enter the abyss channel and felt a little confused.

Judging from past experience, even if the Earth plane didn't react immediately, it has been so long now that the other side should have mobilized its troops and launched a full-scale counterattack.

But in fact, according to the information fed back by the mutant zombies, the human army only surrounded but did not attack.

This is very abnormal.

However, since he couldn't figure out what was going on, he was too lazy to think about it. He planned to send more troops and directly attack the human army later. Any conspiracy was not as important as strength.

"Pass my order and let the fifth brigade enter. After passing, launch it." The Lava Demon King paused halfway through his words, because at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

He instantly aimed his sight in the direction of the abyss channel, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The terrifying energy storm suddenly rushed out of the abyss channel.

The energy storm rushed out too fast, and the creatures around the abyss channel had no time to dodge.

All creatures that encountered the energy storm were instantly crushed, and the body of the Charm King near the intersection of the Abyss Passage was also cut into countless pieces by the violent energy.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of Abyss creatures died, and this number was rapidly increasing as the energy storm spread. Soon the number of dead creatures reached hundreds of thousands, and then expanded to hundreds of thousands.

And these injuries were only caused by the aftermath of the energy storm.

After the energy storm rushed out, it rushed straight towards the direction of the Lava Demon King.

"Not good!" The Lava Demon King's face changed drastically.

In the eyes of ordinary creatures, this is just a storm condensed purely by energy.

But at their level, how can they not see that the core of this is the huge power of the rules of heaven and earth.

The so-called energy storm is only because this power of the rules of heaven and earth is too terrifying and vast. During the movement, it naturally causes the surrounding energy to riot, which will form a storm.

So after seeing the nature of the positive energy storm, he didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting it. A ring of fire resistance burst out from his body instantly, and dozens of thick lava barriers condensed in front of him.

These defenses he released could easily resist the energy storm, but when they touched the core rule power, they were torn apart in an instant like paper.

However, this also bought the Lava Demon King a moment of time. His body had turned into lava and drilled underground.

And this force of the rules of heaven and earth did not seem to be aimed at him. It was just passing by. After a flash, it moved towards the depths of the abyss plane at a high speed.

Until the power of the rules of heaven and earth completely disappeared at the end of the field of vision, the body of the Lava Demon King drilled out from the ground.

"Damn, what's going on, why is there such a terrible rule backlash." The Lava Demon King said with an ugly face.

If he hadn't dodged quickly just now, even if he didn't die, he would definitely have lost half his life, and he might not be able to recover even if he slept for a hundred years.

"This level of backlash of the rules of heaven and earth cannot be triggered even if we descend to the Earth plane in our true form. So, it is not difficult to guess who triggered the backlash of the rules!" At this time, a charming voice sounded.

Then a round and slender thigh stepped out from the void, and the figure of the Charm King slowly appeared in the air.


In the future, I will merge two chapters into one chapter! The continuity is better, and you don't have to wait for the second chapter.

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