I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 599 Secondary Task (Subscription Request)

Looking at Cui Ming who was kicked away by him three times, Lin Xinghai felt calm, because this was destined to happen.

Although his physical fitness did not improve much after he broke through to the Qufu Realm, his combat power was greatly increased because his martial arts could improve his realm.

Take speed for example. His basic speed is now 1130 points. If he used to use the Phantom Body Technique or the Thunder Step, he could only double his basic speed at most.

But now it is different. Forget the Phantom Body Technique, because the focus of this body technique is not the increase in speed, but its flexibility. Therefore, even if Lin Xinghai improves this body technique to the perfect realm, the speed will not increase. It's just that this martial art has an additional ability to perform phantoms.

But the Thunder Step is different. This step method specifically increases speed and attack power.

When Lin Xinghai directly improved the Thunder Step from the small success realm to the great success realm, it can be regarded as a true display of the power of the Thunder God Body Technique.

The most basic point is that after performing the Thunder Step at the Great Accomplishment level, Lin Xinghai's basic speed can be directly increased by three times.

That is, it soared to 3390 points.

In addition, the Thunder Step has an additional "stepping on thunder" move. After performing the stepping on thunder, a ball of thunder can be condensed at the sole of the foot and then explode directly.

Lin Xinghai can directly use this explosive force to generate a reaction force to promote his own acceleration, or directly use it to attack the enemy.

The specific effect of stepping on thunder depends on the blood and energy power injected.

Now Lin Xinghai's Thunder Step has just entered the Great Accomplishment level, and the proficiency is only 1%, so the stepping on thunder move, injecting 100 points of blood and energy is the limit.

But even so, after performing it, it can instantly increase 1000 points of speed, or 1000 points of attack power.

As for the move of stepping on thunder, the total amount of blood and energy injected can be increased as the proficiency increases. As long as Lin Xinghai increases the proficiency of the Thunder Step to 100%, the maximum amount of blood and energy injected can be increased, and 10,000 points of speed and attack power can be burst out.

It can be said that at that time, the terrifying side of the Thunder God Body was truly revealed.

Of course, even now it is not bad. While performing the Thunder Step, superimposing the move of stepping on thunder, his speed can directly soar to 4,390 points.

In this case, if the 1,000-point speed increase of the God and Demon Body is also added, the speed can directly break through the 5,000-point mark and reach a terrifying level of 5,390 points.

You must know that this is just the speed after the martial arts and the God and Demon Body are superimposed, and Lin Xinghai’s biggest reliance now is his time acceleration ability.

On this basis, if the time acceleration ability is used again, the speed can directly soar to 53,900 points.

What kind of concept is this?

The peak of the God and Demon Realm who is not good at speed is only this speed.

In other words, Lin Xinghai now has the speed of the peak of the God and Demon Realm.

But now, his realm is only the initial stage of the Quenchfu Realm.

With the improvement of his cultivation, his basic speed can be greatly improved. In addition, his God and Demon Body is only strengthening his arms now. After completing the first stage of Quenchfu Realm cultivation, he will strengthen his legs at the same time. At that time, the speed that the God and Demon Body can increase will also be improved.

If nothing unexpected happens, his speed at this stage of Quenchfu Realm will surpass all the God and Demon Realm.

With such a speed, when he was sparring just now, he didn't need to use all his strength at all. He could get close to the opponent before the opponent could react and kick him three times.

Now, his attack power is really not weak. His basic strength is already 1130 points, which has reached the standard of the initial stage of the Shaping Body Realm. With the blessing of the God and Demon Realm, his strength can reach 2130 points.

What's more, the move of stepping on thunder can also be used for attack. After injecting 100 points of blood and energy, it is equivalent to adding 1000 points of attack power, allowing Lin Xinghai's strength to reach 3130 points.

It has definitely reached the normal standard of the late stage of the body-shaping realm.

When Lin Xinghai attacked, he was in a state of accelerated time. Cui Ming had no time to respond at all and was kicked three times.

It was equivalent to being attacked three times with full force by the late stage of the body-shaping realm without any reaction. It was not surprising to be kicked out of the ring.

"It just consumes too much blood and energy." Lin Xinghai concluded in his heart.

Whether it is the Thunder God Body or the Thunder Step, for Lin Xinghai now, the consumption is not large.

But the move of stepping on thunder is different. He condensed thunder to the soles of his feet and burst out instantly. In an instant, it is equivalent to consuming 100 points of blood and energy.

For the three kicks just now, he used stepping on thunder three times respectively, and directly lost 300 points of blood and energy.

Obviously, the move of stepping on mines is not suitable for group battles, otherwise, even if his blood energy is more than 2,300 points, he can't kill many enemies.

Lin Xinghai thought in his heart while jumping off the stage.

Until this time, the people who had been in a daze came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

After the students of Donghai College reacted, they instantly burst into deafening cheers.

The previous decadent state was swept away, and everyone's mentality completely changed, and they became full of fighting spirit again.

On the contrary, the students at Capital University who were originally arrogant, took a look at Cui Ming who flew out of the ring, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his body was still twitching, and their expressions became extremely solemn.

Now Lin Xinghai has not even reached the body shaping realm! He can burst out the combat power of the peak of the body shaping realm.

Then you can imagine, when Lin Xinghai's cultivation reaches the peak of the body shaping realm, how terrifying will his strength be?

This thought, slightly turned in their minds, everyone felt a chill.

"No, this matter needs to be told to other seniors as soon as possible."

"We should not panic. When the school's comprehensive evaluation is done, all the students on the scoreboard will be counted. He is only one person, and there is a limit to how strong he can be."

"That's right, and we can also find students from Magic City University to suppress Donghai College together. If we can't suppress it now, then when the other party grows up completely in two years, we will have even less hope."

The students from Magic City University talked at once.

The students from Donghai College also gathered together at this time, but what they talked about was exactly the opposite of the other party. They were all discussing how to use the advantages brought by Lin Xinghai to reverse the current situation and surpass the other party.

However, Lin Xinghai was not interested in these things. As he walked out, he turned on his wrist computer, connected to the military network, and then applied for a re-evaluation of his own combat power.

As long as the battlefield recorder is turned on, their every move will be recorded, and when they reach a place with a network, it will be automatically uploaded to the military database.

The battle he had just experienced had naturally been uploaded to the database. With the battle data, the intelligent system could naturally re-evaluate his combat power.

As soon as Lin Xinghai applied, the result of the combat power evaluation came out in less than three seconds.

Real combat power: peak of the body shaping realm!

Looking at the line of words that popped up, Lin Xinghai smiled. In this way, he didn't need to find someone to form a team, because in the system's judgment, he was now at the peak of the body shaping realm and could start accepting the second-level tasks.

This was the most important reason why he wanted to fight this battle.

Just as Lin Xinghai was taking Liu Miaomiao and the little fat man to choose a good second-level task to accept, he was stopped by someone.

"Student Lin, please wait."

Hearing the voice, Lin Xinghai turned his head and immediately saw Guan An chasing them with big strides, and there were several senior students in the body shaping realm beside him.

"Is there anything for you, senior?" Lin Xinghai asked curiously.

"You are going to accept the mission! No need to go, I will directly hand over this mission to you. You may not understand it very well when you first come here. The missions here are not so easy to do, so a good mission is very important."

"Like the mission I have now, it is moderately difficult, close in distance, and has a small chance of encountering accidents. Moreover, the reward is generous, which is quite rare. Otherwise, the people from Capital University would not be able to compete with me." Guan An said.

Hearing the other party say this, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but show a trace of surprise on his face, "This mission is very important to you, why give it to me?"

"There are missions at any time, but the rewards are not so generous."

"But this is different for you. We have reached a consensus and will try our best to help you accept better missions and let your team quickly brush up the points, so that you can accept higher-level missions and get more points."

"Only in this way can you compete with those elite teams of Capital University." Guan An said seriously.

Lin Xinghai was silent for a while, then asked out of curiosity, "Why are you helping me like this? You are already senior students, even if the school's resources are cut, the impact on you is actually limited!"

"Indeed!" Guan An nodded and explained, "But resources are only one aspect. For those of us who are about to graduate, the more important thing is the prestige brought by the school."

"Students from Donghai College and students from an ordinary university compete for a position together. Even if the abilities of both sides are almost the same, the probability of our students getting this position is much greater than that of other universities."

Hearing this, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but nodded. This was no different from the world before he crossed over. Talents from top universities are always more popular than those from ordinary universities.

"For those of us who are about to graduate, we will either join the army or go into politics. If we want to move up, the prestige of the school is very important to us."

"Among the three major schools, the ranking of our alma mater is first or third, in fact, the gap is very large."

"What's more, if we contribute this time, the school will definitely remember our kindness. As long as we help us in our career, we may be able to avoid a few years of detours."

After Guan An explained, he looked at Lin Xinghai and continued: "We will mobilize more students to help you take those good tasks later, so that you can accumulate enough points as quickly as possible and qualify for the third-level tasks."

"Completing one of those level 3 tasks will earn you hundreds of thousands of points. Only by completing tasks above that level can we quickly widen the gap with ordinary teams."

Seeing that Guan An had spoken out almost all his heartfelt words, Lin Xinghai nodded gratefully at first. He did not hide it and said directly: "Then I understand, but the points rewarded for your task are still a little less."

"To be honest, it is not difficult for me to complete the level 2 task, so for me, the first thing to consider is not the difficulty of the task, but the amount of points rewarded and the length of time spent."

After listening to Lin Xinghai's "frank" words, Guan An and his group couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

The development of this plot seems to be completely different from what they originally imagined!

At this time, Lin Xinghai cupped his hands, "I accept your kindness. If you encounter any trouble during the task, just come to me. I will go there to take the task first."

Looking at Lin Xinghai's back as he left, several people looked at each other awkwardly.

"Ahem! Maybe there were some problems in the process, but the result is still good. We can be regarded as making friends with the first genius of Donghai College, right? Well, I'll go to do the task first." Guan An was the first to react, and he left after a light cough.

The rest of the people were not much different.

However, Lin Xinghai's affairs spread rapidly at an extremely fast speed, causing waves after waves.

As for Lin Xinghai himself, he came back to the LCD screen and looked up at the tasks that kept rolling out.

Lin Xinghai only watched the second-level rescue tasks at this time.

Because among all the tasks, this type of task is the shortest, and in order to attract strong teams to rescue, the rewards offered are generally higher than normal tasks.

Of course, the danger will also be much higher.

After all, if it is not dangerous, the soldiers at the front-line strongholds can solve it themselves, so why send out a rescue mission.

Soon the information on the large LCD screen was refreshed again, and when Lin Xinghai scanned it again, his eyes instantly fell on a red message.

Because only emergency tasks that need rescue will be marked in red, and the redder the color, the more urgent the situation.

Compared to the light red or pink color in normal situations, the background color of this message is directly blood red.

This means that the situation has reached an extremely dangerous level, and even the base that sent out the call for help may be destroyed at any time.

Lin Xinghai immediately checked the content. The goal is to rescue a base 20 kilometers away, and it is required to arrive within 10 minutes.

This base is under siege by thousands of abyssal creatures. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the team is led by two second-level mutant zombies, and they are "Death Claw" and "Spitter".

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