Seeing Liu Miaomiao standing in the gene detection module, even Lin Xinghai's attention is also a little high.

After all, he is also a normal person. He cares more about beautiful girls. When he meets a group of beautiful girls, he is more concerned about the most beautiful one.

What's more, this is an old classmate in his name.

With the cabin door closed, Liu Miaomiao's eyes swept all the people in the field, and finally fell on Lin Xinghai.

With that pair of clear eyes, Lin Xinghai can see each other's eyes, there are tension, anxiety, hesitation and helplessness, as if waiting for the judgment of fate.

"It's OK." Lin Xinghai began to comfort.

Hearing Lin Xinghai's consolation, Liu Miaomiao's hesitation in his eyes disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face. Then he closed his beautiful eyes and waited quietly.

The progress bar is slowly pushing forward, and the noise generated by various instruments in the genetic detection cabin seems to make people particularly irritable.

Finally, when the progress bar reached 100%, the cabin door opened, and the test results also appeared on the display.

Gene evaluation: Grade A

looking at the test results, even Lin Xinghai's eyes could not help but widen.

Her several women, not to mention, high decibel scream, instantly filled the entire testing room.

Seeing the expression of the crowd, Liu Miaomiao stepped out and turned to look at the screen beside her. She also covered her mouth subconsciously with an incredible look on her face.

"Great. Am I going to be a genetic optimizer soon? " Liu Miaomiao in response to over, came to Linxing sea, while reporting good news, while asking.

In this regard, Lin Xinghai definitely nodded.

In fact, Liu Miaomiao and others simply don't understand what A-level gene evaluation means?

Generally speaking, it is only in 100000 people that A-grade gene is born.

Such a genius can often quickly break four gene locks and become a strong person at another level.

In addition, in addition to the fast speed of ascension, you can also 100% awaken rare level abilities. More importantly, there is a certain probability that you can awaken special physique.

It's no exaggeration to say that the genius of A-level gene evaluation is the object of competition everywhere.

According to the information he learned from Roger, there have been only five A-rated people in the whole star shield shelter in the past 20 years.

But these five people, without exception, left the Star Shield shelter after breaking four gene locks.

After all, the Star Shield shelter is just a medium-sized one. There are also large and super large shelters. Even those are not called shelters, but called bases.

Some of these people left because they were attracted by the favorable conditions of the large base, while others left in response to the national recruitment.

At present, only two of the Star Shield shelters have reached A-level genetic evaluation.

One is the president of the mercenary guild, and the other is the top one in the army.

Now Liu Miaomiao is the third genius with a gene rating of a in the whole shelter.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinghai pondered for a moment and then said, "are you interested in joining the crack sky mercenary corps?"

"Ah Hearing the news, Liu Miaomiao was a bit stunned.

"Is that all right? But I'm a little afraid of zombies, and if I leave, then Wang Yao and them... " Liu Miaomiao fell into a tangle for a moment.

"You don't have to worry about us at all! We work in the government office. It's good. But it's you. Would it be dangerous if you were a mercenary? " Wang Yao said at this time.

"The danger is there, but it's controllable, and normally you don't have to go out on a mission until you reach the genetic optimizer."

"As for Wang Yao and her, if you still want to work together, you can become gene optimizers and join the split sky mercenary corps to do some logistics work after entering the middle level area."

"Of course, you don't have to rush to reply. You can think about it for a few days, or even give me an answer when you become a gene optimizer." Lin Xinghai wanted to say.

Whether or not you want to be a mercenary is really a very personal thing. After all, not everyone likes to live a life of dancing with death.

In the middle zone, there are no less than 100000 gene optimizers in life, but less than 10% of them are willing to become mercenaries.

Next, Lin Xinghai used his wrist computer to transfer 500 points to each person's ID card. Several women bought a bottle of gene liquid before leaving the gene center.

The reason why we don't buy 5 bottles at a time is that the gene liquid is absolutely valuable in the lower area.

If it's lost or stolen, it's a big loss. Even the bottle of genetic medicine they bought was drunk on the spot.On the way back, the five girls continued to be silent, but this silence was different from that when they came, because they were all thinking about their future life.

From the moment they detected the gene evaluation, the fate of the five people has quietly changed.


After returning to the residence, five women sat around the corner of the dormitory, chatting with each other.

Lin Xinghai is not interested in what they are talking about. What he is interested in is the wrist computer he is carrying.

Roger's wristband computer was returned to Roger by Lin Xinghai before it was separated from the Public Security Bureau.

What he is carrying now is a wrist computer which is compensated by huaifei axe, which is also the biggest benefit of his encounter.

According to Roger, this is the star version of the wrist computer, which is more than 1000 points more expensive than his wrist computer, and its price has reached 6888 points.

Not only more functions, but also in standby mode, it looks like a star deep.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that it is a real starry sky with lots of stars in it.

and take it as like as two peas on the surface, and compare with the night sky, we will find that the stars above are all one-to-one with the real stars and the location of the tracks.

With such a star version of the wrist computer out, the rate of return can definitely increase 20%.

Of course, if you want to keep a low profile, you can start the camouflage coating, and the laptop can almost become part of your clothes.

Of course, it's more important for Lin Hai to be free of charge.

After playing for half an hour, Lin Xinghai got familiar with the various functional modules of the wrist mounted computer. Then he registered a virtual account and sent a friend application to Roger.

The application was approved in less than three seconds, and then Roger quickly sent a message to him, "we're going to buy the mecha tomorrow. Would you like to come and watch it?"


the statistical results of the voting of single and multiple female owners are shown.

There are 184 single women and 177 more women (the data is counted by the moderator's illness and injury)

to be honest, I'm a little surprised that there is not a big gap between the two sides.

Of course, according to the final result, the following plot will write about the single female owner. You can see who the female leader is.

In addition, considering that more than 40% of the readers are in favor of multiple owners.

If the book is more than 2 million words, and there is no eunuch or the end, I will consider adding a second female master.

If there are more than 3 million words, there will be a third woman.

If Cough! No if, the book is unlikely to write so many words.

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