I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 601 Expensive Armored Vehicle (Subscription Request)

Boom boom boom!

A violent roar sounded, and Ding Mao, who was conducting the command, couldn't help but glance outside, and suddenly discovered that the outermost line of defense had completely collapsed.

A small group of abyss ghouls have already rushed into the stronghold through the gap they deliberately left.

"Damn it, how come the outer defense line was broken so quickly in less than three minutes." Ding Mao gritted his teeth.

Although they left a lot of mines and hidden hands in the passage of this gap, based on the abilities of these abyssal creatures, it is estimated that they will not be able to hold on for long.

Suddenly he felt a numbness on his scalp. When he raised his eyes and looked into the distance, his pupils shrank slightly and he hurriedly hid aside.

In an instant, there was a dense beeping sound.

The window he was looking at just now was covered with rocky spider silk that was as thick as chopsticks and about half a meter long.

The attack power of these spider silks may not be strong individually, not even comparable to ordinary bullets, but they have a characteristic that bullets cannot match, that is, these petrified spider silks are very sticky.

If it sticks to your skin and you want to pull it off, be prepared to pull the skin off too.

And if it is not pulled off, it will greatly affect the next actions, which can be said to be extremely troublesome.

It is also worth mentioning that not all spider silk has such strong stickiness. If you want to eliminate it, the petrified spider can actively control it when spitting out the silk.

Therefore, the "spider silk shields" held by those abyss ghouls do not have such stickiness.

After Ding Mao took a look at the situation outside, he arranged for two soldiers to come here to fill the firepower gap, and he walked towards the innermost room of the stronghold.

That was the room where they temporarily placed the wounded soldiers.

At this time, there are already 20 people lying here. These are all seriously injured and have lost their combat effectiveness. In addition, there were more than a dozen dead soldiers in the next room.

In this stronghold, a standard hundred-man brigade was originally arranged, but now only 65 people are still capable of fighting.

Ding Mao took a deep breath and came to the corner of the room, next to the two young men.

These two young men seemed a little out of place compared to the other wounded, because the others were lying on the ground and groaning, but they were sitting aside and eating canned meat desperately.

If anyone observes carefully, they can find that as they eat meat, the injuries on their bodies are healing at a very obvious speed.

Moreover, these people can also see a certain degree of skin changes in the inconspicuous areas on their wrists, ankles, or ears. It is a bit like the cuticle of zombies, and there are some changes in these skin changes that are not easy to detect. of corpse spots.

"How are you doing? How are you two recovering? Are you able to move freely now?" Ding Maochao and the others asked anxiously.

"I'm almost done. I should be able to go out and kill in two minutes." The young man on the left said.

"I'll be faster. In one minute at most, my leg injury will heal and I'll be over it right away. Captain Mao, what's the situation outside now?" The young man on the right asked as he spoke.

"As long as you can move, in two minutes, you will use the mecha to break out, and I will have people provide fire cover for you." Ding Mao heard that the two people were in good condition, his expression softened slightly, and he quickly made arrangements .

"What! Let us retreat? No, how can we leave these brothers and escape?" The young man on the left immediately started shouting.

"Wei Ganghao, now is not the time for you to act impulsively. Don't you still know when you should do something?"

Ding Mao scolded, then looked at the young man on the right, "Fei Yuan, you have a relatively calm personality. You will be driving the mecha later. You must find a way to break out safely. Don't be petty at this time. ”

Fei Yuan pursed his lips, "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Ding Mao said angrily: "Have you not seen how many abyss creatures there are outside? There are 5,000 of them, and what's even more terrifying is that there are also second-level 'death claws' and 'spitters'. What you have to consider is not The question is whether you can hold it here, but how you can escape."

"Don't forget, we can die here, but you can't. Your real battlefield is the abyss plane. I don't care if you want to die, but at least you have to go to the abyss plane and bring out enough information. Go to hell.”

"Think about the determination you made when you joined the Corpse Man Project, and then think about all the sacrifices you have made to become a Corpse Man."

"What's more, to put it cold-bloodedly, we people can be replaced at any time, but you zombies with heavy responsibilities cannot. People who can match the zombie virus are only one in a million. Even if the match is successful, Less than 10% of people can survive the side effects. You can only imagine how low the probability of you two becoming corpses is."

At this point, Ding Mao Xinzhong's anger was almost vented. He stepped forward and patted the two of them on the shoulders, and said seriously: "Okay, I don't want to make so many senses. I just hope you don't let us people... Sacrifice becomes worthless.”

The two young men gritted their teeth, but they did not refute, and their eyes gradually became firmer.

Just when they were about to say something to express their determination, the communicator on the side rushed over with excitement, "Commander Ding, the staff sent a message that our emergency rescue mission has been accepted by a college team. The other party will arrive within 10 minutes. Let us hold on."

As the communicator excitedly shouted out the news, the entire wounded room suddenly became quiet, and then everyone's breathing suddenly became heavier. I don't know who cheered first.


"We are saved!"

The soldiers on the front line didn't know much about the college league, but they knew very well that these college elites would accept the mission issued by the military and also come to the front line to fight.

And because of the special reward and punishment mechanism, the probability of completing the mission of these teams composed of students is very high.

Their military made a preliminary statistics. For rescue missions like this, as long as college students accept it, it means that they have at least 90% chance of completing it.

It is precisely because of this that these people are so excited when they hear that a college team has accepted the mission, because it almost means that as long as they survive the next 10 minutes, there will be nearly 90% chance of being rescued.

Ding Mao was no less excited than the others at this time, but as a commander, he knew that the most important thing now was not excitement, but how to hold on for the next 10 minutes.

He immediately aimed at Pei Yuan and Wei Ganghao, "You are right, now is not the time to retreat? Since you can still move, then get up and hold on for the last 10 minutes."

"And you, those who are not dead, get up, it doesn't matter if your legs are broken, as long as your hands can still shoot, hurry up, go to the shooting port."

Ding Mao said as he ran out, shouting loudly: "The rescue team from the university will arrive in 10 minutes, hold on for me, don't save ammunition, shoot hard. And start the mecha, I can still go out and kill at the critical moment."

Watching Ding Mao running away, Fei Yuan and Wei Ganghao opened their mouths, and a mouthful of meat stuck in their throats, not knowing whether to spit it out.

But the two were happy, stuffed a few pieces of meat in the can into their mouths, and quickly took the gun to rush out.

"Hey, hey, hey, those two guys, if you go out, carry me to the shooting point." A soldier with broken legs shouted hurriedly.

"Old Zhao, with your shooting skills, it's just a waste of bullets to go to the shooting point. Hurry up and carry me. I'm a good shooter."

"Your shooting skills are useless! Your right hand is broken."

"My right hand is broken. With my left hand alone, I can shoot better than you."

"Get lost!"

Pei Yuan and Wei Ganghao looked at each other helplessly, but their hands were not slow. They carried one in each hand and quickly helped the wounded who wanted to go out to fight.

And they could clearly feel that after knowing the news of the arrival of reinforcements, the morale of the people turned around, and no one wanted to die.

Especially in this situation where death is almost inevitable, seeing the hope of life, the potential that everyone can burst out is imaginable.

When the local No. 231 base received the news that there would be reinforcements, Lin Xinghai had already brought Liu Miaomiao and the little fat man to the airport.

It wasn't just them. The members of the Xinghai team, who had already assembled, also received orders immediately after Lin Xinghai accepted the mission and gathered here.

However, after everyone came here, they were immediately attracted by the two armored vehicles in front of them.

The size of the two armored vehicles in front of them was almost twice that of other armored vehicles. Whether it was the huge ramming angle on the front of the car, the blades on both sides of the car body, or the 20 automatic machine guns on the roof, all of them highlighted the extraordinaryness of these two armored vehicles.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the two huge mechanical arms on the roof. Lin Xinghai blinked and finally confirmed that he was not mistaken. Those were two mechanical arms, and they were the same type of mechanical arms as the mecha.

At this time, the little fat man was a little proud and introduced to the members of the Xinghai team, "How are they? I have strengthened these two armored vehicles in all aspects. For example, the ram has added a pneumatic device. If there is an enemy in front and dares to block it without knowing the consequences, the ram can be fired directly like a battering ram."

"And the blades on both sides are all high-frequency vibration blades. Not to mention ordinary zombies and abyss creatures, even the body of a first-level mutant zombie can be easily cut open."

"Of course, the main means of attack are still these two mechanical arms, which can be flexibly controlled like mechas. There are two cutting blades hidden inside the mechanical arms, which can be directly popped out as weapons during combat. If you encounter ordinary mutant zombies that are not particularly flexible, our armored vehicles can deal with them alone."

Listening to the little fat man's introduction, the Xinghai team members around couldn't help but take a breath.

"How much does it cost to modify such an armored vehicle?" Yan Feijie couldn't help asking.

"Hey, guess what?" The little fat man didn't answer immediately, but kept it a secret.

"The cost of such an armored vehicle should be 300,000 or 400,000 Chinese yuan!" At this time, Yuan Zheng on the side took over.

This is actually a very outrageous guess. After all, a normal armored vehicle only needs 10,000 Chinese yuan.

Of course, this refers to the case without any modification, but even after the modification, spending 30,000 or 40,000 Chinese currency is already a lot. After all, the armored vehicle is just a means of transportation, not a mecha that can directly improve combat power, so no one will invest too much money in it.

The 300,000 or 400,000 yuan guessed by Yuan Zheng is already 30 or 40 times the price of an ordinary armored vehicle. This guess is quite exaggerated.

However, if the interior of this armored vehicle is also equipped with precision instruments, it should be able to reach this price.

Hearing Yuan Zheng say so, the little fat man shook his head and chuckled: "How can it be so little? Adding a zero is almost the same."

"You said that these armored vehicles require 300 to 400 million Chinese currency per unit? This is impossible. Even if you install all the good things in it, it can't be so expensive." This time it was Yan Feijie who spoke up, and he said with great certainty.

You must know that the purchasing power of the Chinese currency is quite sufficient. Many precision instruments can be bought back for one or two thousand Chinese currency. Even some expensive and rare military instruments can only cost 10,000 or 20,000 Chinese currency at most.

At this time, Lin Xinghai ignored the arguments of the crowd. He took two steps forward and gently knocked on the fender of the armored vehicle. He couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face, "These outer armors are not all second-level biological alloys!"

"Hehe, you are still a good judge of goods." Hearing Lin Xinghai speak, the little fat man immediately came over and explained: "Not only the outer armor, but all the metals of the entire armored vehicle are second-level biological alloys, which are the same material as the rare-level mecha. This is the most expensive part of this armored vehicle."

"Such an armored vehicle can almost ignore the attacks of most first-level mutant zombies. Even if it is a first-level "death claw", it will take at least 10 minutes to break the defense of these armored vehicles."

"Of course, it is indeed a bit expensive. Its cost is almost the same as that of a rare-level mecha." After saying that, even the little fat man showed a slightly painful expression.

And the others who wanted to refute fell silent instantly.

Even Lin Xinghai couldn't help but twitch his mouth. At least half of the instructors in their Donghai College didn't have a rare-level mecha, not to mention the other shelters or the military's body-shaping warriors.

But the little fat man used such important materials on two armored vehicles. If the instructors in the school knew about it, Lin Xinghai suspected that they would be jealous and directly snatch these armored vehicles.

"Okay, get in the car! Time is running out, hurry up." Lin Xinghai jumped on the armored vehicle first and gave the order.

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