I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 609 The situation worsens (please subscribe)

There is a huge gap between third-level tasks and second-level tasks.

The first and second level tasks can all be said to be entry-level, but the level of difficulty is different.

Because of this, these two levels of tasks can be taken at will as long as there is a body shaping realm leader.

But the tasks are completely different when they reach the third level. The reason why 300,000 points are required to accept the third level tasks is to set a threshold.

Basically, if a team's points can reach 300,000, it means that this team has completed a sufficient number of tasks and has been able to clearly understand the difficulty of performing tasks near this abyss passage.

After having this understanding, taking on higher-level tasks can prevent them from making some low-level mistakes due to recklessness and the like.

Of course, the reason why it is so complicated is because the difficulty of level three tasks will soar significantly.

The first and second level tasks are just outside the defense line, and the degree of danger is controllable.

But level three tasks require entering the green poisonous mist to perform.

Although it is only in the outer area of ​​the green poisonous fog, the difficulty can be said to have increased geometrically compared to first- and second-level tasks.

After all, within the scope of the green poisonous mist, the field of vision will be greatly suppressed. Although it is not as exaggerated as being unable to see your fingers, after entering this green poisonous mist, you can basically not see things one meter away.

In addition, the green poisonous mist is highly toxic, and this green poisonous mist is not only poisonous if inhaled, but even if the skin is exposed to it for a long time, it will also seep into the pores and cause poisoning.

Therefore, when they go in, they must wear fully armed anti-gas suits. This will undoubtedly greatly reduce everyone's ability to move.

Of course, it is not that there are no other ways to deal with it. The simplest one is to directly use the power of blood and energy to form a protection on the body surface to isolate these green poisonous mist from the body.

However, even a warrior in the Body Shaping Realm cannot endure the long-term consumption of blood energy. Only the strong ones in the God and Demon Realm dare to do this.

Secondly, there are some superpowers with special defensive powers, which can use defensive powers to resist the poisonous fog.

But in doing so, there is actually no difference in using the power of blood to resist. It is just that one consumes the power of blood and the other consumes supernatural powers.

When entering the green poisonous fog, in addition to the two major troubles of facing vision and preventing poisoning, there is also the last problem, which is that these green poisonous fog will also give the abyss creatures and mutant zombies inside a certain degree of control. increase.

Although this increase is not as exaggerated as entering a violent state, the increase can still reach 10% to 30%.

The specific increase depends on the level of spray zombies and the poisonous mist they spit out.

The above three are all troubles caused by the green poisonous mist. In addition to this, there is another more dangerous thing, that is, there is no defense line set up by the army in the green poisonous mist.

This means that in the green poisonous fog, the mutated zombies can move at will, and it is difficult to monitor them.

Even if the team is only performing tasks in the outer area of ​​the green poisonous fog, they might encounter a level three mutated zombie.

Although the probability of this is very low, if it happens to any college team, it will be fatal.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that the difficulty of level three tasks has soared.

Of course the rewards are also soaring!

Even the simplest patrol and surveillance tasks start with at least 100,000 points.

For slightly more difficult tasks, the reward can reach two to three hundred thousand points.

If it were like the kind of rescue mission that Lin Xinghai took on before, the points earned might soar to four to five million.

One task lasted them a whole morning, and the total income from all the tasks was added up.

Of course, even Lin Xinghai would never dare to take these level three tasks at will.

"Okay, it's 12 noon now. Let's take a break for an hour and let everyone take a good rest. We will gather at 1 p.m. and then go see what level three tasks are suitable for us."

Lin Xinghai said to everyone first, then turned to look at the little fat man, "I will leave it to you to arrange the protective clothing and other equipment that need to be prepared."

"Okay, I promise to complete the mission." The little fat man nodded seriously, while thinking about what killer weapons he should bring in.

After making arrangements, Lin Xinghai finished the nutritious meal hastily and continued to practice with Liu Miaomiao.

In fact, this morning, he would continue to take time to practice while performing tasks.

At the end of the morning, the progress of his Thunder Divine Body also increased by 1%, reaching 26.86%.

As long as the progress of the God and Demon Body reaches 30%, it will be considered as completing the first stage of training of the God and Demon Body, and both arms will be able to complete the first strengthening.

At that time, he can use his most powerful attack method, the Thunder Spear.

This will be another powerful trump card!

As for now, although it is not impossible to use the Thunder Divine Spear, due to the insufficient strengthening of the arms, it will not only cause damage to the meridians of the arms, but also the power of the Thunder Divine Spear will be greatly reduced once it is used.

Of course, Lin Xinghai tried to use the Thunder Divine Spear after using the system to upgrade it to the level of Xiaocheng. Although the power displayed at that time was only one-third of the original version, its power could already surpass the thunderstorm.

Now that he has completed the first stage of cultivating the divine and demonic body, he believes that the power of the full version of the Thunder Divine Spear can not only reach the threshold of the divine and demonic realm.

It is even possible to cause huge damage to the early stage of the God and Demon Realm.

However, Lin Xinghai's training plan only lasted for half an hour before it was interrupted.

Moreover, Lin Xinghai was a little surprised by the person who came, because he turned out to be Zuo Wenyao.

"Teacher Zuo, why are you here? How is the battle situation on the front line?" Lin Xinghai invited the other party into the barracks where he was resting, while observing the expression on the other party's face.

Because they had not seen him for only half a day, Zuo Wenyao, a strong man in the realm of gods and demons, actually showed a very tired look on his face.

This made Lin Xinghai's heart sink slightly. Obviously, in terms of the level of cutting-edge power, their human side did not seem to have an advantage.

You know, he had learned from Zuo Wenyao before that this time the country had recruited powerful people from all over the country to come over.

The total number of powerful people in the realm of gods and demons has reached an unprecedented 100.

In the past, it would have been unimaginable for a full 100 powerful men from the God and Demon Realm to appear on the front line together.

But now, even if 100 powerful men from the God and Demon Realm are guarding the front line, the battle situation seems to be a bit unfavorable. How can this not make people worried?

"I won't hide it from you. The current battle situation on the front line is indeed not good. To put it bluntly, we humans have fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage."

"Fortunately, the country has prepared sufficient weapons this time. Otherwise, it would not be a disadvantage, but a defeat." Zuo Wenyao's first words shocked Lin Xinghai.

"How could this happen? How many level three mutated zombies have come over the abyss passage?" Lin Xinghai asked in surprise.

"It's not a problem of too many level three mutant zombies. In fact, the abyss plane probably doesn't dare to send too many level three mutant zombies."

"Because according to the military's plan, as long as the number of level three mutated zombies is three times that of ours, that is, more than 300, nuclear weapons will be activated immediately to conduct an all-round cleanup here."

Zuo Wenyao first shook his head, denying Lin Xinghai's guess, and then continued: "According to the latest statistics, the number of level three mutant zombies is about 230."

"Of course, although this number is more than twice ours, under normal circumstances, we can cope with it normally."

"In fact, last night when the number of level three mutated zombies was the highest, the peak even reached 250."

"But on our side, not only do we have sophisticated thermal weapons, but we also have much better cooperation than the mutated zombies. We can use different groups of people to contain most of the mutated zombies, so that on the local battlefield, more can defeat the smaller. situation, quickly eliminate some of the third-level mutant zombies."

"Last night we used this method to achieve great results. We killed 50 level three mutant zombies at the cost of only 10 people being injured."

Hearing this, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face. You must know that there are only 100 powerful gods and demons deployed by the country. Although the number of enemies is higher than our own, they can actually annihilate so many level 3 enemies. Mutated zombies.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the number of mutant zombies killed in abyss passages across the country in a year is estimated to be only this number.

Otherwise, level three biological alloys would not be so rare, resulting in many powerful people in the God and Demon Realm not even having a legendary level mecha.

It can be said that the results of this victory are absolutely huge, and after the results of this victory are digested, it is estimated that there will be many more legendary mechas, allowing our own cutting-edge power to achieve a qualitative leap.

But Lin Xinghai also knew that things couldn't be that simple. Zuo Wenyao must have something to say.

Sure enough, Zuo Wenyao paused and then said: "But starting from this morning, the situation has changed."

"The reason for the change in the situation is not that the number of third-level mutated zombies coming out of the abyss passage has increased, but that their strength has become much stronger."

"Have you become stronger? The kind that temporarily increases your strength?" Lin Xinghai asked with some confusion. He immediately thought of the mutated zombies in a violent state.

He believed that there must be other means in the abyss plane to enhance the strength of these abyssal creatures and mutated zombies.

But Zuo Wenyao shook his head and gave an answer that surprised Lin Xinghai, "No! It's more like they have returned to their original strength."

Lin Xinghai was shocked. Before he could ask anything, Zuo Wenyao continued: "Not all mutant zombies have become stronger. The strength of those first-level mutant zombies is still the same, but the second-level and third-level mutant zombies are still the same." The zombies have become a lot stronger.”

"In addition, there are some mutant zombies, which are stronger than the first-level mutant zombies, but not as good as the previous second-level mutant zombies."

Zuo Wenyao paused here and looked at Lin Xinghai, "I want to hear your thoughts."

"Quenching Fu Realm-level mutated zombies!" Lin Xinghai said quite firmly, and then his eyes flickered as he continued: "And it is very possible that the fact that we have not been able to discover the Quenching Fu Realm is related to this matter. "

"Yes!" Zuo Wenyao nodded, "In fact, the top brass of the military department and the Seed Plan Execution Department all agreed that the Abyssal Plane had used some strange means to hide the Realm of Quenching Fu. "

"But this kind of hiding method is not that easy to achieve. For example, they must completely erase all traces of the Quenching Realm."

"So we have never found mutant zombies of this level. In order to prevent us from suspecting the other party, even the mutant zombies that originally corresponded to the body shaping realm and the god and demon realm have had their strength sealed. It’s equivalent to us not cultivating the Fu-Quenching Realm.”

"And because you have obtained the true inheritance of the divine and demon body and have broken through to the Quenching Realm, the opponent's strange methods have been eliminated. They no longer need to cover up, and those second and third level mutant zombies no longer need to suppress and hide their strength. "

At this point, Zuo Wenyao stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the venue instantly became depressing.

"So what's the situation now?" Lin Xinghai finally broke the silence.

"We can't defeat them." Zuo Wenyao said: "In the past, although we could not defeat the mutant zombies of the same level with our own strength, if we drive the legendary mecha, we can suppress them in turn. "

"But now, even if we drive the legendary mecha, we can't defeat it at all. It takes at least two strong men from the God and Demon Realm to suppress a level three mutant zombie."

The field fell into silence again, and Lin Xinghai clearly realized the seriousness of the matter. If the high-level battlefield collapsed, there would definitely be a chain reaction, leading to a collapse across the board.

And even if nuclear bombs are used to clean the ground, it will not be easy to deal with this time.

Because the abyss plane no longer hides its strength, their third-level zombies can come over in a steady stream.

Even if the military bombs continuously, it will be useless. After all, there are more than one abyss passages on the earth. If all the abyss passages around the world riot together and are attacked by third-level mutant zombies whose strength exceeds the realm of gods and demons, it will definitely be a disaster. A huge disaster.

"Then we have no solution?" Lin Xinghai swallowed hard and asked.

"Yes, then just wait. After we rebuild the Quenching Fu realm, then the combat power of both sides will naturally return to the previous state. There may even be strong ones among us who can break through to a higher realm and completely suppress other side."

"But everything takes time. And to delay time, you need to use your life to fill it." Zuo Wenyao said with a hoarse voice.

In fact, this is also a consensus that they, the powerful gods and demons, already have.

He came here to see Lin Xinghai, even with the intention of leaving his last words.

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