Just finished, send it first, and change it tomorrow!

Soon, the party came to the prototype.

"Sir, are you sure you want to buy this prototype?" Tan yaxun asked.

"Yes." After nodding, Fang Tianhe asked, "when can the engineer come?"

"I've informed you. I'll be here in five minutes at most." Hearing that the other party wanted to buy, Tanya's face flashed a touch of excitement, and then she said enthusiastically: "or you first choose mecha weapons."

The so-called prototype is a simple mecha, which has nothing.

Of course, this also includes weapons. Cold weapons and hot weapons are not available.

Even the micro missiles were refitted later.

"Roger, you choose!" Fang Tian and KaiKou Dao.

"Hello Roger's face came early.

Tan Yayong's wrist mounted computer, which is uniformly distributed by the company, turns on the projection function, and then projects one piece of mecha weapons to the public.

There are hot weapons, cold weapons, still pictures, and dynamic pictures of using weapons in mecha.

Roger started to choose cold weapons under the direction of Fang Tianhe.

With the increase of the number of mecha, the mercenary regiment can also carry out some division and cooperation.

Shen Han's marksmanship is no worse than Roger's, and her ability is more suitable for long-range attack. Therefore, if Roger controls the mecha, he will cooperate with Fang Tianhe for close combat.

In this case, a cold weapon is enough.

Knives, guns, axes, halberds, swords, hammers, cold weapons are listed, and of course, their prices.

Lin Xinghai looked at it and couldn't help but smack her tongue secretly. The price ranges from 10000 to 50000 points.

He also saw the price of mecha. A prototype needs 200000 points.

As for the gorgeous mecha that has been equipped with various weapons, the points range from 300000 to 800000.

This makes Lin Xinghai's mouth twitch. No wonder so many first-class mercenaries can't even afford a mecha.

In the end, Roger chose a pair of axes worth 18888 points.

He is the gene optimizer of strength type. In close combat, this kind of heavy weapon can undoubtedly give full play to his strength.

And this pair of axes is big enough to be used as a shield at the critical moment.

For such a choice, Fang Tianhe can't help nodding secretly.

After selecting weapons here, Fang Tian and the required engineers also came.

"I don't know what kind of modification you need to make to the mecha?" The engineer who came here was a middle-aged man in his 50s. He asked directly.

Compared with the service staff, he does not pay too much attention to the service attitude.

Seeing the Lord coming, rogerton's spirit was shocked. Compared with the selection of weapons, the refitting of mecha is undoubtedly more important.

This directly determines the performance of a mecha, of course, the price is more expensive.

He just wanted to say that we should strengthen the power system of mecha.

However, Fang Tianhe was the first to open his mouth, "enhance the speed of the mecha, as well as the power device."

"Is the driver an agile genetic optimizer?" The engineer asked.

"No accident, yes."

"Yes! I have three sets of refitting schemes, which need 30000 points, 60000 points and 90000 points respectively. "

"Show me the modification scheme of 90000 points!"

Fang Tianhe and the engineer a question and answer, soon the content of the conversation, also gradually to the point that Lin Xinghai can not understand.

As for Roger on one side, he had been stupefied. He felt that the sadness in his heart had turned into a river against the current.

"Don't be sad, at least you chose a weapon." There is only a hint of happiness in Xu's words.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Fang Tianhe said in a bad tone.

Lin Xinghai, on the other side, looks at the nose and the heart. How can he not know what this modification means.

But would he object? This is certainly impossible.

This mecha will be his in two weeks at most. Of course, the more suitable it is, the better it will be.

Looking at the prototype in front of him, Lin Xinghai has a feeling of surging emotion. Soon he can control the mecha and fight with the mutant zombie.

Thinking of those terrible mutant zombies, Lin Xinghai suddenly moved in his heart. Can his exploration technique be applied to mecha?

Thinking of doing it, Lin immediately opened the system panel, and then used in addition to exploration.

Immediately, his exploration of the number of free use, reduced once again, only four times.

At the same time, the system panel also refreshes the information.Name: military type I fighter a (prototype)

Constitution: 300 ~ 900 points

strength: 300 ~ 900 points

speed: 300 ~ 900 points

remarks: the combat effectiveness that the mecha can play is directly related to the operator. If you use the ability to cooperate, you can increase the attribute limit.

Looking at the attribute of mecha, Lin Xinghai can't help but suddenly.

No wonder it can defeat mutant zombies. This basic attribute is no worse than mutant zombies, and there is no short board.

Of course, it can't be said that there are no short boards. Drivers may be short boards.

"Lao Luo, how does this mecha drive Lin Xinghai couldn't help asking.

"You boy, are you going to practice now? Just tell me honestly, how long can I drive this mecha? " Roger cast a glance at Lin Xinghai and said with resentment and resentment.

He did not know whether it was right or wrong to bring Lin Xinghai into the mercenary Corps.

"Cough! Jackie

"Don't call me Jackie."

"All right! Lao Luo, if you want to be more open about everything, it's not a bad thing for me to use this mecha. "

"Well! I mean, when I can drive the mecha, I can make greater contributions to the corps and earn more points. I guarantee that in less than two months, the mercenary Corps will have a fourth mecha, and you can refit it as you like. " Lin Xinghai hastily comforts a way.

"Really?" Roger looked suspicious.

"It's true, of course. When did you see me lying to you?" Lin Xinghai clapped her chest and assured him.

As for the previous deception, saying that he is a matter of special constitution, has been habitually forgotten by him.

Roger felt better, and then he said to Tanya, "let's apply for a test drive."

"Good! However, the site is limited and only some simple operations can be carried out Tanya reminded a word, then opened the robot's operating room with the wrist computer.

Roger made a jump and arrived at the three meter high cab door.

But he did not go in, but grabbed the side of the handrail, and then waved to Lin Xinghai.

Without hesitation, Lin Xinghai jumped up.

For the first time, he looked closely at the cab.

The driver's cab is not big. The most prominent one is the driver's seat. It is extremely spacious and is designed according to human mechanics. It must be very comfortable to sit on.

Of course, Lin Xinghai's attention soon shifted to the operation interface in front of the seat.

That dense button, see Lin Xinghai a burst of scalp numbness.

"This It's a long time to learn! " Lin Xinghai looked at 10 times the keyboard operation button, can not help but fell into deep thinking.

Roger followed Lin Xinghai's eyes and couldn't help laughing. "If you want to operate with instructions, it's impossible to learn without practicing for three or five years."

"And it's impossible to fight mutant zombies with command."

"If you take a step forward, you need to give nearly 10 instructions from the engine to the transmission structure to the balance system."

"So we use the built-in brain nerve transmitter to control the mecha." Roger said, pointing to something like a helmet over the seat.

"But with this thing, there's a high demand for perception." When it comes to perception, Roger regains a sense of superiority.

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