I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 665: Escape and Resistance (Part 2)


A deafening explosion sounded.

A "iron armored corpse" as big as a hill, its hard head was pierced by a ball of red light, and finally fell slowly.

Beside him, five gods and demons stood panting.

"How is it? How much blood and energy do you have in your body?" Ma Jun, a peak god and demon standing in the distance, also said with some panting.

In the past two minutes, they have killed 12 level 4 "iron armored corpses".

Such a high-intensity battle is something they have never tried before, so the consumption is also extremely huge.

Of course, if it was in the past, let alone 12 "iron armored corpses", I am afraid that even if it was 2 "iron armored corpses", they would not be able to kill them in two minutes.

And now they can do this, relying entirely on the secret method of sacrificing life and death that Lin Xinghai contributed before.

However, although this secret method is terrifyingly powerful, it consumes 20% of the blood and energy in the body at one time. If they were not so many people here and could take turns to perform the secret method, they would probably have collapsed long ago.

"I only have one-third of my blood and energy left, so I can only perform a life-threatening attack once more." One of them replied.

"I'm fine, I can still perform a life-threatening attack twice."

"I also performed twice."

The other two hurriedly reported their status so that Ma Jun could formulate the next battle plan.

"Okay! Then we will hold on for two more waves of impact, and then retreat as planned." Ma Jun said immediately.

Of course, the others had no objections.

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to the abyss passage again. This abyss passage with a diameter of 1 kilometer once again emitted violent space fluctuations.

As the fluctuations came out, the special wrist computers in the hands of the gods and demons kept beeping warning sounds.

"Judging from the spatial fluctuations this time, there should be three more level 4 mutant zombies. Now the first team is using their special abilities to contain them, the second team is preparing to attack, and the third team is preparing for emergencies." Ma Jun immediately ordered.

15 God and Demon Realm powerhouses quickly took action, standing at the exit of the abyss passage in a strange formation, and then 5 God and Demon Realm powerhouses simultaneously accumulated power, ready to launch a life-threatening attack.

However, when the mutant zombies in the abyss passage rushed out, everyone in the field was stunned.

Because there was only one level 4 "Death Claw" that rushed out.

Although the combat power of the "Death Claw" can be said to be the strongest among all the mutant zombies, even the "Death Claw" should not cause such a huge spatial fluctuation.

"What's going on?" Such doubts arose in almost everyone's mind.

Some people speculated whether the built-in detector of the wrist computer was broken.

Others suspected that there was something wrong with this "Death Claw", such as its strength had reached a critical value, which would cause such a large spatial fluctuation.

Just when everyone was hesitant and didn't know whether to follow the original plan, Ma Jun, the strongest person in the field, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Because he found that the shadow under the "death claw" seemed a little wrong, and there seemed to be something hidden there. If it weren't for his cultivation at the peak of the God and Demon Realm and his strongest perception among everyone, he wouldn't be able to find any clues at all.

Just when he was confused, suddenly a special wave came out from the shadow under the "death claw". With the spread of this wave, the shadows under the two God and Demon Realm masters on his side actually slightly rippled with the same wave.

Even though Ma Jun didn't know what was going on, he still shouted loudly at the first time: "Lin Yingjie, Zong Hao, be careful."

With his reminder, the two God and Demon Realm masters whose names were called almost reflexively activated their God and Demon bodies with all their strength, and the huge blood and energy gathered directly under their bodies to form a barrier, and then they were ready to jump out and leave the place first.

But at this moment, the situation in the field suddenly changed. The shadows under the two people seemed to come alive, turning from virtual to real, and quickly turned into two black human figures that were three meters tall.

Although the powerful gods and demons in the field had already released their gods and demons completely at this time, each of them was seven or eight meters tall, and the three-meter-tall black figures only reached their waists, but with the appearance of these two black figures, everyone felt a fatal sense of crisis, which filled their hearts.

After the two black figures emerged, their arms turned directly into long hair, stabbing towards the hearts of the two people from bottom to top.

Bang! Bang!

Two dull collision sounds sounded in an instant, and the god and demon named Lin Yingjie successfully blocked the attack at the cost of a broken arm.

But the god and demon realm strongman named Zong Hao was not so lucky. The black figure's attack was extremely fast, and the seemingly simple stab seemed to contain infinite changes.

So his block failed, and the dark spear pierced through his blood and energy defense, broke through his divine body defense, and pierced directly into his body.

If he hadn't twisted his body desperately at the critical moment and avoided the heart, one blow would have killed him.

But even so, his lungs were pierced and he suffered serious injuries.

All this happened in a flash. Although they had an absolute advantage in numbers, two powerful gods and demons were injured, one slightly and the other seriously. After the others came to their senses, they were really shocked and angry.

They all attacked from a distance.

However, all these attacks failed at this moment, because the two shadows seemed to be real shadows at this moment, without any entity, and began to become virtual.

And that special fluctuation came from them again.

"They should have the ability to switch between reality and illusion, and also have an ability similar to space jump. Be careful." Ma Jun reminded loudly.

These two abilities combined are simply terrifying. If ordinary people encounter them, they will probably despair directly.

These powerful gods and demons on the battlefield are all experienced soldiers. Almost instantly, they made the best choice.

The people who were originally a little scattered quickly approached each other.

In this process, the shadows under two of them began to slightly sway with special fluctuations.

As soon as the two powerful gods and demons who were chosen as targets stepped on the ground, a surge of blood and energy suddenly burst out from their soles, and they rushed directly towards the shadows under them.

The two shadows that could have formed quickly were instantly delayed by the impact of the huge blood and energy, and their solid shadows also faded slightly.


At this time, a powerful god and demon who was in charge of controlling the situation finally seized the opportunity and used his special ability.

Almost instantly, the ground under the feet of the two gods and demons, and even the air around them, seemed to be frozen instantly.

This of course also included the two human-shaped shadows that were about to transform into shape.

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