Finally, Liu Miaomiao convinced her to become their roommate.

The reason why these people were able to reach an agreement was that Wang Yao asked, "what if you, an old classmate, couldn't help it." what would you do

As Liu Miaomiao said with a red face, "then I will serve the wolf with my body to ensure your safety." After that, all the disputes came to an end.

Looking at the five girls who came back, Lin Xinghai couldn't help asking, "well, you haven't consulted me. How can you be sure that I will promise to be your roommate?"

"Oh! Do you still like to live with some rough guys? " Liu Miaomiao raised her eyebrows.

Lin Xing Haydn choked when he said that unless he had a sexual orientation problem, he would not have made that choice.

"Cough!" Lin Xinghai coughed lightly, covered up his embarrassment, and quickly said, "Liu Miaomiao, I have a very important thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Miaomiao was also nervous.

"Well, I seem to have lost my memory after I wake up from the sleeping cabin, eh! Partial amnesia. " Lin Xinghai said directly.

This is a more reasonable reason for him. No matter whether others believe it or not, he does.

Sure enough, Liu Miaomiao several people are surprised, "sleep system failure? It's very rare! "

Hearing Liu Miaomiao say so, Lin Xing Haydn was very happy. He was sure that he was right. There was such a thing. He was going to go on.

However, Liu Miaomiao continued to speak, "but it's OK. Spend some points to the medical cabin and inject brain cell repair solution. Shall I accompany you? "

Lin Xinghai wants to scold MMP very much. Is technology developing so fast?

"No, I feel that my memory is recovering little by little, there is no need to waste valuable points. I just want to let you know about it. " Lin Xinghai said.

"Really?" Liu Miaomiao has some doubts.

"Absolutely true!" Lin Xinghai said solemnly.

Next, people did not continue to tangle with this issue, Liu Miaomiao introduced the other four women.

The most popular figure is Wang Yao. Lin Xinghai has known about it. As for the remaining three people, they are Qin Zixue, Yang Yi and Shen Yimei.

After several people introduced each other, the time was almost the same, and then the dormitory allocation.

but before the allocation of the dormitory, everyone has to check the data again, which is retrieved from the No. eighty-third refuge database.

After the diagnosis is correct, the information will be entered into the ID card.

This ID card in the shelter, in addition to the role of ID card, but also equivalent to a bank card, and each ID card, there are 10 initial points.

One point points can buy a low-grade nutritious meal, that is, if you are frugal, it is equivalent to three days' meals.

After that, we need to find another way out.

However, the Star Shield shelter is in the stage of expansion, and it is quite short of labor, and I'm not worried about not finding a job.

After Lin Xinghai and others received their ID cards, they were uniformly assigned to Room 301 of building D.

It is worth mentioning that when several people apply for the same dormitory, the registered clerk's expression is not generally wonderful.

However, he did not deliberately find fault, in the confirmation of several women are voluntary, then directly arranged.


"Oh, my God, this is too simple!" Push open 301 dormitory door, a few women in a circle, can not help but exclaim.

The whole dormitory has three iron frame beds, and it is the kind of upper and lower bunks. As for the electrical appliances, there is only one energy-saving lamp, not even an electric fan.

In addition, there is no bathroom in the dormitory, even no faucet. There are only two public toilets and a tap on the whole floor.

And the faucet still needs to brush ID card, just can water, 3 points integral a bucket of water.

This is also why Lin Xinghai saw so many people didn't take a bath on the road. The water is not generally expensive.

Fortunately, the high-level shelter is not so inhumane, at least to provide them with bedding and other necessities of life.

A few women again simple arrangement of their own bed, then the sad discussion of how to do in the future?

"According to the description on this paper, we have to find a job within two days, but there are too few jobs listed for women." Liu Miaomiao took the paper that Ji Yuan had been handed out and said with a sad face.

"It's either a mixture factory or a clothing factory. I don't want to go to those posts. On the way over, I saw many shops that seem to recruit salesmen. Why don't we go and have a look?" At this time, Wang Yao also said.

"Don't you pay attention to wages? I don't want to have enough points for bathing. " Qin Zixue is the one who speaks this time. He should be the most clean one among several people.Several women are talking about their own point of view, while Lin Xinghai is watching quietly. At this moment, he is very glad that he joined the crack sky mercenary Corps.

Suddenly, Shen Yimei, standing at the door of the room, said, "what's going on outside? Why is it so noisy? "

She opened the door and went out.

Lin Xinghai's face, at this time also can't help showing the color of curiosity.

Because his ear power is the best in the field, so in addition to the quarrel, he also heard the sound of fighting.

Soon, Shen Yimei came back, and her face also took a trace of panic.

"Amy, what's the matter?" Liu Miaomiao asked at the first time.

"Some people charge protection fees. They are a group of guys who call themselves Axe Gang. They are very good at fighting. I saw a thin young man who knocked down a strong man with more than 200 kg with one punch." Shen Yimei said with trembling voice.

"What! What about the security forces? They just sit around and ignore it? " Liu Miaomiao was surprised.

Lin Xinghai came to the window, glanced down the street and said, "the security forces have left, and the lower urban area is so densely populated, it is estimated that they are powerless to manage."

These things, he also heard Roger mention, those gangsters are actually a group of gangsters.

However, they have a good sense of propriety. They never kill people and do not force ordinary people too much. In addition, many Mafia forces will turn over "sacrifices" to some mercenaries.

After several large-scale rectifications in the urban areas below the municipal government, the administrative personnel here began to turn a blind eye.

After all, they made great efforts to clear up a gangster. Soon, driven by interests, new gangs will be born soon. It is better to restrain the known gangs.

Lin Xinghai did not expect that he met this kind of thing on the first day when he came to xingdun shelter.

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