I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 752: Rule Realm (Part 2)

In the core area, more than 50 powerful gods and demons were trying their best to stop the mutant zombies from escaping.

At this time, the large army had arrived. The continuous artillery bombardment and the electromagnetic railgun shooting of the mecha army formed a terrifying fire blockade.

Even the mutant zombies at the peak of level 4 were rapidly declining under this continuous bombardment.

If it weren't for the "Iron Armored Zombie", a kind of abnormal defense, standing at the forefront, it is estimated that there would have been casualties at this time.

But even so, according to the current firepower intensity, they can be shot and seriously injured in ten minutes at most.

Later, only the gods and demons will be dispatched to easily take down these mutant zombies.

Just when everyone thought the overall situation was settled.

Suddenly, a numbing sense of depression enveloped everyone in the field.

That feeling was as if the sky was about to fall.

At this moment, let alone the ordinary soldiers who gathered around, even those gods and demons had a frightened feeling as if they were about to die at any time.

"What's going on?"

"Why do I have such a strong sense of crisis?"

"Could it be that some missile unit accidentally launched a nuclear bomb?"

Instantly, the group of gods and demons who were originally confident of victory began to panic.

Even the gods and demons could not remain calm when facing the threat of death.

"Look up in the sky, what is that?" Suddenly someone exclaimed in the communication channel.

At this moment, countless people looked up at the sky.

The higher you go, the rarer the green poisonous fog is, so at this time, basically anyone in the body shaping realm can see the huge shadow in the sky.

Above the green poisonous fog, a giant sword shadow of a hundred meters long gradually condensed.

Of course, it may be a bit inappropriate to say that it is a giant sword. After all, the blade of a giant sword is not that slender. It is more appropriate to say that it is a dagger that has been magnified countless times.

Of course, this is not the focus of everyone's attention at this time.

As the shadow of this giant sword emerged, all the gods and demons could feel it at the first time, and the extremely strong sense of crisis in their hearts came from this.

But it was precisely because of this discovery that everyone was even more shocked. If it was a nuclear bomb or something like that that posed such a great threat to everyone, then they could understand it.

But what was the giant sword phantom in front of them?

A special ability or a special martial art?

They didn't know, but no matter what ability it was, it shouldn't have such a terrifying power. This was completely beyond their understanding.

But there was no time for them to think about it. When they just discovered the giant sword phantom, the giant sword above fell down with a bang.

And as the giant sword fell, this world seemed to be triggered by some kind of rule. A wave of surging energy rushed towards the giant sword. In addition, there was an extremely special force condensed on it, making the giant sword gradually solidify from the phantom.


I don't know who shouted.

And with this shout, everyone instantly came back to their senses from the shock and fled in all directions.

Although the giant sword was terrifying, it appeared at a height of a thousand meters, and the speed of its fall was not too fast. It was reasonable for them to escape.

But at the moment when everyone was moving, they were shocked to find that the whole world was suppressing them.

Under this situation, their strength, speed, and even the speed of blood and qi in their bodies were weakened by nearly 10 times.

They are dead!

At this moment, this thought came to everyone's mind.

In the face of such a great power that is almost the power of heaven and earth, their resistance is basically useless. They can only watch the giant sword that has condensed into a solid body fall from the sky.

At this time, Admiral Huo Feiteng, the highest commander of the front line, was standing on the top of a tall building several streets away from here. When he looked at the scene in front of him, the shock in his heart was hard to calm down for a long time.

"Is this the power of rules? I wonder if Mr. Fang can resist it." Huo Feiteng murmured in a low voice.

And when he said this, a strange twisted space suddenly appeared a hundred meters above the powerful gods and demons.

When the green poisonous fog approached this twisted space, it strangely appeared on the other side of the space, as if it was an unreachable space.

This sudden scene was of course seen by everyone, but no one understood what it meant.

The next moment, the sharp-eyed God and Demon Realm was shocked to find that under the strange twisted space, there was an old man standing in the air with vigor and vitality.

Although many people have fantasized about standing in the air and flying in the air, some people even think that as humans continue to become stronger, perhaps someone can really do it.

This was originally just a beautiful fantasy.

But when the fantasy shines into reality, the shock is undoubtedly incomparable.

And more importantly, they can feel a breath as vast as the starry sky from this old man, which is simply incomparable to any God and Demon Realm.

At this time, the old man raised his hand, and an invisible force was released from him. Then everyone found that the strange and twisted space above them was constantly thickening and expanding, like a huge shield, covering everyone below.

The giant sword that fell from the sky also inserted straight into this strange space at this time.

The collision between the two sides did not have any earth-shattering loud noises, but was silent.

Then everyone saw that both the giant sword and the strange space above their heads were slowly melting, just like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

Originally, everyone thought that this would be a silent confrontation. Thousands of meters away from the collision between the two sides, when the aftermath of the collision left the coverage of the strange space, the two energies instantly broke a certain balance and exploded.

At this moment, it seemed as if countless cruise missiles exploded in the sky. The terrifying shock wave, even if it was formed at an altitude of hundreds of meters, could instantly cause the wall to collapse and the road surface to crack when it hit the ground.

The power of each explosion was no less than the full force of a peak God and Demon Realm expert.

However, the explosions in the sky continued, and what was even more terrifying was that they were only the aftermath of the collision between the two sides.

So how terrifying would the collision at the center be?

At this moment, many people had already made some guesses about the strength of the old man standing in the sky. While feeling a little unbelievable, they also became excited.

Admiral Huo Feiteng, who was just a few streets away, looked up at this scene and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "Is this the Rule Realm above the God and Demon Realm?"

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