I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 758 Legendary Mecha (Part 2)

Under normal circumstances, if he used the Thousand Thunder Thorns, even if he was at full power, he would consume at most 100 points of blood and energy.

But just now, he consumed 1,000 points of blood and energy, which was comparable to his strongest killer move, the Thunder God Spear.

However, Lin Xinghai looked at the damage caused and felt that it was still quite cost-effective. He tried it again. Even without using any weapons, the power of the attack was quite good with just simple gun skills, which completely reached the damage level of the late stage of the God and Demon Realm.

As for the strongest overload mode of the mecha, he did not try it, because this thing would cause damage to the body once it was used, and it was enough to know the power roughly.

After testing the attack power, the next most important thing was speed.

The time acceleration ability was exerted, and through the ability amplifier, it quickly covered the entire mecha.

It is worth mentioning that the ability amplifier of the legendary mecha can amplify the ability by 30 times.

In this case, the ability that could only cover two people was instantly equivalent to covering 60 people.

However, for a legendary mecha with a height of 15 meters, it can barely cover the entire mecha.

But after the superpower was released, the whole world seemed to slow down.


The next moment, a harsh sonic boom sounded on the spot, and the legendary mecha that was originally standing disappeared instantly, almost in the blink of an eye, and came to the street next door.

If there were gods and demons here at this moment, seeing the speed of this legendary mecha, they would definitely be shocked and speechless.

Because the average gods and demons, even if they are speed types, have superpowers, martial arts, and gods and demons, the highest speed is only about 100,000 points.

But the legendary mecha driven by Lin Xinghai at this time has a speed of 600,000 points.

This is absolutely unprecedented.

Even Lin Xinghai, after stopping the mecha, silently closed his eyes and felt it. At such a fast speed, he had to adjust slightly before he could adapt.

And more importantly, this is not his speed limit.

The next moment, the mecha moved again, but this time it was not just running. There was blood and energy flowing in the legs of the mecha, and the next moment the whole mecha seemed to be illusory.

Yes, at this moment Lin Xinghai used the phantom body technique.

And the speed of the mecha also soared instantly.

However, Lin Xinghai frowned, because this soaring speed did not match his expectations.

At this time, the limit speed of the mecha only soared from the original 600,000 points to 630,000 points.

It only increased the speed by 30,000 points, and this was under the bonus of the time acceleration ability.

In other words, if he did not use the ability, he would have increased the speed by 3,000 points at most.

Of course, Lin Xinghai also knew that in fact, there was an upper limit to the speed increase of each martial art.

It's just that this speed limit, under normal circumstances, or for ordinary people, does not actually have much impact.

Just like the Phantom Body Technique, under normal circumstances, it can increase the basic speed by 100%. Although the upper limit is 3000 points, since the basic speed value of ordinary people is too low, this upper limit cannot be felt at all.

You should know that the normal basic speed of the Blood Qi Realm is only 500 points, and the normal speed of the Quench Fu Realm is at most 1000 points.

Even Lin Xinghai, the current basic speed is only 1430 points, which is still a long way from the upper limit of the speed of the Phantom Body Technique.

So the Phantom Body Technique, a mysterious martial art, can be used in the Shaping Body Realm.

As for what to do in the future?

Of course, it is to change to a higher level of Earth-level martial arts.

Of course, Lin Xinghai also knows that the speed increase of Earth-level martial arts is actually capped, but its upper limit is much higher than that of the mysterious martial arts.

Even the worst Earth-level martial arts, the general upper limit is at least about 20,000, and even some very powerful Earth-level martial arts can increase the speed by almost 50,000 points.

Of course, Lin Xinghai does not have a ground-level body movement martial arts, but it does not matter, because he has the supporting skills of the God and Demon Body, the Thunder Step.

Although supporting skills like the Thunder Step do not have a clear level division, this body movement has the cooperation of the God and Demon Body, and both the power and potential are very huge.

Lin Xinghai took a deep breath and did it as he thought. The foot of the mecha instantly burst out with terrifying lightning light. This is also the special feature of the fourth-level biological alloy, which can smoothly conduct various energies.

If Lin Xinghai was driving a rare-level mecha or an ordinary mecha at this moment, the final result would only burn the components, but the legendary mecha can fully withstand it and amplify it to a certain extent.

The next moment, only a residual image was left on the spot. The legendary mecha driven by Lin Xinghai had arrived at another block.

At this moment, the speed of the mecha burst out reached an unprecedented 1 million points.

Yes, at this moment the overall speed of the mecha increased by a full 400,000, that is to say, the basic speed that Lin Xinghai's Thunder Step can increase now is 40,000 points.

Although it is still a little bit behind the top-level earth-level martial arts, the problem is that Lin Xinghai's current Thunder Step has not yet been cultivated to perfection, and it can be improved later.

More importantly, the power of the supporting martial arts is directly related to the strength of the God and Demon Body that Lin Xinghai has cultivated.

Lin Xinghai had only cultivated the God and Demon Body of the Tempering Realm. If he wanted to fully unleash the power of the Thunder Step, he would have to wait until he broke through to the God and Demon Realm and cultivated the complete God and Demon Body.

Lin Xinghai was really looking forward to that speed limit. He had no doubt that it would definitely reach the legendary Heaven-level martial arts.

After a little test, Lin Xinghai returned to the military headquarters.

The people in the square had not yet dispersed. Seeing Lin Xinghai driving the mecha back, they all cast their eyes on him again.

And the captains such as Shi Anzhi even surrounded him and asked Lin Xinghai whether he would drive this legendary mecha later, whether there would be any changes to the next combat plan, and other questions.

"Don't worry, the original plan remains unchanged. We will go to the new area in half an hour to continue the mission."

"As for me driving this legendary mecha, it is also to kill more mutant zombies in addition to rescue, which can be regarded as revenge for the dead students." Lin Xinghai said.

Originally, the morale of these students of Donghai College was quite low after experiencing a great disaster for no reason.

But now, looking at the legendary mecha in front of them and the words spoken by Lin Xinghai, everyone cheered up again.

Let's not worry about the past, but now, we have to take the first place in this college league.

When the school has more resources, they can improve faster, and they will not be helpless when encountering such things in the future.

Of course, no one knows what a terrifying number Lin Xinghai said "kill more" would be.

Half an hour later, the team rested and set off again, and Lin Xinghai drove the legendary mecha out of the military base as soon as possible.

What no one knows is that what happened today will leave a strong mark in history books.

This is also the first legendary deed of Lin Xinghai known to the world.

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