I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 798 Assisting in Defense (Part 2)

Hearing Lin Xinghai speak, Shi Anzhi, Zhu Jian and Jiang Hao all showed curious expressions on their faces.

You know, with such a huge tide of corpses, even if the three of them joined forces, they might not be able to help the convoy get through, but at this time, Lin Xinghai's meaning was obviously that he could do it alone, which made the three curious.

And Lin Xinghai did not explain much, just asked the fat man to open the shooting platform.

Soon the top of the armored vehicle he was in opened, and the shooting platform hidden in it emerged.

Seeing this scene, Shi Anzhi and others showed curious and expectant expressions on their faces.

They had all heard that Lin Xinghai's gun skills were like gods, but they had never seen the other party's full-strength attack. Obviously, this time they were finally lucky enough to witness it.

"Are the guns I want ready?" Lin Xinghai asked again.

"Well, they are all ready, but the time was a bit tight when I came, so I could only modify it slightly, and I couldn't customize it for you." As the fat man said, he opened the armored vehicle and the weapons hidden in the secret compartment of the car wall.

There were no big killer weapons in the arsenal, just all the Ripper rifles, but anyone with a little experience could find that the magazine under the Ripper rifle was extra long.

Its length might even hinder the action of holding the gun.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Shi Anzhi and others, even the other members of the Xinghai team in the car showed a moment of curiosity, and they also didn't know what Lin Xinghai wanted to do.

The next moment, Lin Xinghai's perception of up to 30,000 points was released without any scruples.

In an instant, everyone in the car felt that their spirit was suppressed.

This made Shi Anzhi and others' faces change instantly. You know, they are strong men in the God and Demon Realm, even those who just entered are genuine strong men in the God and Demon Realm.

Moreover, after they broke through to the God and Demon Realm, the circles they came into contact with were different. Whether it was the school or the military, they had come into contact with a lot in this week, and even saw strong men at the peak of the God and Demon Realm.

But even the peak-level God and Demon Realm strong men did not bring them such a strong sense of mental oppression.

In fact, although Lin Xinghai's perception is only 30,000 points, it is only equivalent to the level of the late stage of the God and Demon Realm. But the problem is that his perception strength is twice that of others. These 30,000 points of perception can be used as 60,000 points of perception.

In this case, it is not an exaggeration to say that his perception has exceeded the peak of the general God and Demon Realm.

The next moment, something happened that shocked everyone. Lin Xinghai actually floated up out of thin air and landed lightly on the shooting platform.

"Flying up?" The little fat man murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of incredible color. He knew very well that Lin Xinghai did not have any flying ability, so how did the other party do it?

Lin Xinghai did not explain much. With a wave of his hand, a full 30 tearer rifles also floated up.

At this time, the convoy had come to the edge of the corpse tide. Even if they had not completely entered the corpse tide, the zombies would not care whether you had entered or not. When they saw the convoy coming, they immediately turned around and attacked.

It was a group of more than 300 zombies. Although such a small number of zombies was not worth mentioning for such a huge corpse tide.

But under normal circumstances, it would take one or two minutes to kill them all, even for an extremely elite team like the Xinghai Squad.

But as the 30 Ripper rifles floating around Lin Xinghai fired at the same time, the more than 300 zombies around the convoy all fell to the ground and died in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that many people could not react.

At this moment, even the members of the Xinghai Squad were confused.

Everyone knew that Lin Xinghai's shooting skills were amazing, and shooting ordinary mutant zombies was like a massacre.

But there was a limit to speed in the past. A normal Ripper rifle, using the sweeping mode, could only fire 10 bullets per second. Even if Lin Xinghai had two guns in both hands, he could only kill 20 zombies at most per second.

Even if he used the shooting platform later and installed two light machine guns with the highest firing rate, the highest record was only 60 zombies killed per second.

Because Lin Xinghai's speed in killing zombies was completely limited by the gun, he only had two hands.

But now it is different. Lin Xinghai has set all 30 Ripper rifles to the sweeping mode. In this case, he can kill 300 zombies in one second.

"Fuck!" The fat man's thousands of words in his heart finally turned into these two words and blurted out.

Even if the others did not speak, they were shocked in their hearts, even Shi Anzhi and other powerful people in the God and Demon Realm.

Although if they use their God and Demon Body to the fullest and burst out a large range of martial arts moves and superpowers, they may be able to kill 300 zombies in one second, but the consumption is also extremely huge.

Even if they are in the God and Demon Realm, if they dare to burst out like this, the blood and energy in their bodies will probably be consumed in one or two minutes.

On the other hand, Lin Xinghai may have great difficulty in controlling the gun with his perception, but the consumption is really not great.

After all, it is the guns that shoot these zombies, and Lin Xinghai's perception is only used to adjust the shooting angle and pull the trigger.

Even the members of the Xinghai team who knew Lin Xinghai very well had such a big reaction, not to mention the members of the Lietian Mercenary Group in the armored vehicles behind.

Although they all knew that Lin Xinghai must have changed a lot in the past two months, and his strength must have made a qualitative leap, no one thought that he could leap to such a level.

What is the concept of killing 300 zombies in one second?

In this case, wouldn’t Lin Xinghai be able to kill 18,000 zombies in one minute, 1.08 million zombies in one hour, and 25.92 million zombies in one day?

Such a killing speed can even far exceed the total of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the entire Xingdun base.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to call Lin Xinghai a god.

When everyone was stunned, Lin Xinghai was not. He calmly said in the communication channel: "Don't be stunned, keep moving at a constant speed of 60 kilometers per hour. If I miss any zombies, you will quickly kill them."

At this moment, everyone came back to their senses and entered a state of preparation for war.

But soon everyone found that even if they rushed into the zombie tide, they still had nothing to do.

Because Lin Xinghai's efficiency in shooting zombies was really too terrifying, 300 zombies were killed every second, which directly led to the speed at which the zombies rushed over, even slower than Lin Xinghai's killing speed.

In this way, Lin Xinghai effortlessly opened up a bloody path in this tens of millions of zombies, and the convoy drove towards the Star Shield Base slowly.

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