Hearing Lin Xinghai agree, Ling Xiu's face suddenly showed a happy color.

Lin Xinghai is such a big guy to join the team, then they found that place before, perhaps can really go in and have a look.

"Brother Lin, don't you know what you want from the profit of the mission?" After confirming the mission, Ling asked.

"Well?" Lin Xinghai is puzzled.

"Well, if there are temporary members in a hunting team, it will be classified as a temporary team."

"In this case, generally speaking, we will first determine the distribution scheme of the harvest of this mission. When receiving the task, the mercenary guild will also determine it, and then make a fair decision."

"This can avoid disputes and other things after the event to the greatest extent."

"In addition to the distribution plan, generally speaking, even the proportion of the investment in purchasing materials before the implementation of the task will be discussed in advance." Ling Xiu explained.

These are also a reflection of the perfect system of the mercenary guild.

After all, every mercenary is precious to the shelter. Even if they are sacrificed, they should be sacrificed in the fight against the zombies, not in the internal struggle for interests.

Lin Xinghai listened and could not help nodding, for these initiatives, he is also extremely agreed. It's better to put the scandal in front of you at the beginning than to argue after the event.

"What do you suggest for the distribution plan?" Lin Xinghai inquired.

He really does not understand these, rather than let him put forward, it is better to let the other party speak first. If he is not satisfied, he can easily raise the price.

"In terms of the distribution plan, considering your strength, it should be far better than ours. I suggest that we should allocate 40% to 60% of the total income, and we should distribute the remaining 40% by ourselves."

As for the first five points, I suggest that the first five points should be paid for each person. You can buy more bullets. If you have extra bullets, you can apply for a refund when you come back. Then you can divide the refund according to this ratio. " Obviously, Ling Xiu had thought about these conditions before. Now he will come.

Lin Xinghai was a little stunned. This condition was obviously made by Ling Xiu in order to please him.

Will Lin Xinghai refuse to take advantage of this? Of course not!

If he refuses, he will feel uneasy in his conscience and suffer for several days.

"Good! Then do as you say Lin Xinghai nodded and laughed.

Next, I will go to the queue, submit the information of the hunting team, and then pick up the task.

Lin Xinghai doesn't have to worry about these things. Ling Xiu can handle them by himself.

At the invitation of Zhang Meiling, he came to the bar next to the hall, where it was convenient to have a rest, and of course there were also drinks.

Under the introduction of Zhang Meiling, Lin Xinghai ordered a cocktail named "bloody doomsday".

Zhang Meiling ordered a cup of "star sky". As for Huang Nuo and Yao Cheng, they even ordered two large glasses of liquor.

Lin Xinghai did not expect that the two brothers seemed to be able to drink.

As for whether drinking will cause trouble or not, he is not really worried. With the powerful metabolic ability of gene optimizer, he can metabolize out in less than half an hour after drinking hundreds of milliliters of liquor.

Pick up the bloody doomsday, Lin Xinghai sipped, eyebrows can't help wrinkling up.

If he enters, he will continue to add more shifts tomorrow.

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