The large landing screen in the center of the mercenary guild hall is more than ten meters wide. Although it is a complete screen, it is divided into many non-interference plates.

Of course, because the screen is located in the center of the hall, even a plate in the corner of the screen is very attractive.

The shooting list is in a small corner which is usually not watched by many people.

The plate showing the shooting list is not big, so there are only the names of the top 10 sharpshooters.

Because of this, most of the time, the list will not change once in a month or two. Even if there is a change, it is still small, which is probably the appearance of who has advanced one and who has retreated one.

It can be said that all people see are familiar names. As time goes by, this page is naturally ignored.

Songping is an ordinary mercenary. Today, as usual, he came to the guild to find suitable tasks for the mercenary regiment.

Every time he comes, he has a habit, that is to look at the latest task information on the big screen.

After reading the task, he found that there was no one suitable for his mercenary regiment. He sighed with disappointment.

And then, as usual, I glanced at some information in the corner of the screen.

This is just a habitual action of his. In fact, in his subconscious mind, he doesn't think that any useful information can be found in these corners.

His eyes swept past the shooting list and quickly moved to the power list.

But vaguely, he felt as if something was wrong. The names on the list just now had different positions from those in his impression.

With some doubts, he turned his eyes again to the shooting list, and then his eyes seemed to be frozen, and the whole person stood in the same place as if petrified.

When he realized what was going on and came back to his senses, his breathing became increasingly rapid.

"I said, man, are you ok?" Asked a mercenary beside him.

"You see, second in the shooting list." "Second in the shooting list? Is it that someone has pushed Dong Xing, who thinks highly of himself, out of the way? " While he was gloating, he cast his eyes on the shooting list.

Then, the same stupefied.

If one of the sharpshooters on the list broke out and rushed to the second place, he would not be surprised.

Even if the top 10 or 20 ranked masters suddenly crowded into the shooting list and rushed to the second place, he could understand.

However, when a person who has never appeared in the top 100 of the shooting list suddenly and strongly rushes to the second place, the significance of this matter is different.

The sharpshooters on the shooting list, and even the mercenaries who might become sharpshooters, were already under the command of those three-level mercenaries.

Now there is a new recruit, without any sign, on the second place in the shooting list, and the gap between the first and the second is not big enough to make those top mercenaries crazy.

As long as a mercenary with some experience, almost all of them can think that the top mercenaries will spare no effort to win over such a sharpshooter.

If we say it will be bloody, it's a bit exaggerated. But the undercurrent surging is almost inevitable.

And the name Lin Xinghai began to spread among the mercenaries at an incredible speed.

Even some interested people have already begun to collect information about Lin Xinghai.


It's not clear what happened in the forest. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

As long as he doesn't show up, all the troubles will be blocked back for him.

Then after a while, it is estimated that it will stop.

After all, he just took second place.

Like all competitions, most people will focus on the first place. As for the second place, who will remember after the game?

Of course, the shooting list is not a competition, and this list will exist for a long time, but as long as he is low-key, the attention will not be too high.

After all, the mercenary guild has not only one shooting list, but also more than 10 power lists, defense lists, speed lists, and power lists!

At this time, there is only one thing that Lin Xinghai pays attention to, that is, the power of blood.

On the road to Qingtang Town, the multi-functional off-road vehicle is speeding at a high speed. Lin Xinghai looks at the zombie detector on the car, and his eyes are full of expectation.

However, it was not long after they left the shelter that they were not likely to encounter a zombie for the time being.

The vehicle drove out 10 kilometers away. Under Lin Xinghai's expectant eyes, there was a red light on the zombie detector, and then there were 5 red lights at the second and third points. At the same time, the alarm sounded.

According to the brightness of the light spot, it is 5 ordinary zombies.But Lin Xinghai is like beating chicken blood in general, "there are zombies, let's go."

Lin Xinghai's words made everyone in the car slightly stunned.

We need to know that the five zombies shown on the detector are three kilometers away from their right.

Generally speaking, they will ignore such a situation. After all, there are endless zombies to kill. In order to kill 5 zombies, it's really hard to kill them 3 kilometers away from the main road.

However, what else can they say? What else can they say?

As soon as Huang Nuo turned the steering wheel, he drove his SUV off the main road and headed straight for the five wandering zombies.

Ling Xiu, who was sitting on the roof of the car, was the most ignorant. He did not know what was going on. He found that the vehicle left the main road and began to bump violently.

You know, their present position is a mountain forest area before the end of the world. Even if the trees and the like are dead now, the rocks are still there!

At this time, it is not too much to describe driving here by crossing mountains and mountains. Some places even need to start the bounce mode of the SUV to pass.

The people sitting in the car are OK. The seats can provide a good cushion.

But the Lingxiu on the roof is directly sitting on the steel plate of the roof. He can withstand the normal bumps. However, he feels that his buttocks are going to split into eight pieces.

What's more sad is that sitting on the roof of the car, he didn't know what people were talking about in the car. He thought Lin Xinghai knew what good things were here, so he came here hard.

After a full 10 minutes of turbulence, Ling Xiu found that there were only five wandering zombies.

Lin was forced to deal with it at will.

What are they doing here?

Just for the five primary crystals?

In fact, Lin Xinghai's purpose is really like this. After shooting and killing five zombies, he gets out of the car in person and takes a concussion dagger to collect Yuanjing.

Even Huang Nuo and others wanted to help, they were refused by him.

The reason given by Lin Xinghai is, "if I hunt the zombie myself, I should take Yuanjing with my own hands. Only in this way can we have a sense of ceremony."

In this regard, Huang Nuo and others can only be forced to nod.

"According to the previous agreement, I get 60% of the booty, then I will take the three yuan crystal first. Take these two pieces and divide them. " Lin Xinghai said, then took 3 Yuan Jing, self-care to sit back on the car.

At the moment when he picked up the Yuanjing, the prompt sound of the system came out.

"Ding! If the vital energy is detected and cannot be absorbed by the host, should it be transformed into the power of blood gas? "

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