Qingtang town was originally a small town with a population of nearly 100000. During the disaster, many people died, but more people turned into zombies, at least 60000.

A year ago, the disaster began to weaken, and the Star Shield sanctuary began to clear the surrounding area of zombies.

The straight-line distance between Qingtang town and xingdun refuge is 50km. At such a distance, the priority of eliminating zombies is relatively low.

They did not even send out troops, but paid them off in the form of issuing tasks in the mercenary guild.

Therefore, in a whole year, the number of zombies in Qingtang town has only decreased from 60000 to 30000.

The main reason for this is that the task reward is not high, so let alone those mercenary groups of level 2 and 3. Even ordinary mercenary groups of level 1 are seldom willing to come.

However, powerful hunting teams like the alliance of the powers love to come, because there are enough zombies here, but they are not as dense as cities. As long as they don't go deep into the town center, the danger is controllable.

As soon as Lin Xinghai and others got close to Qingtang Town, they heard the faint sound of gunfire. Obviously, in addition to them, other hunting teams also came here to hunt zombies.

"Brother Lin, which direction do you think is better for us to choose Ling Xiu asked Huang Nuo to stop at the entrance of the town and asked.

"Is there anything particular about this?" Lin Xinghai has always been open-minded to ask for advice on things he doesn't understand.

From the car navigation, Ling Xiu called out the plan of Qingtang town and pointed to it and said, "generally speaking, hunting teams like us like to enter from the east or the south."

"In the East, that is, the intersection in front of us, there are more hunting teams in ordinary times, so the zombies in this direction are relatively rare, and the safety factor can be relatively high."

"There will be more zombies in the south, but the road conditions in that direction are the best. It's convenient to go deep or evacuate."

after hearing this, Lin Xinghai made a decision without hesitation, "then choose the south."

The main purpose of his coming here is to hunt zombies.

Lingxiu several people listened, and their faces also showed a smile. Lin Xinghai, the great God, sat in the town. Of course, they also tended to the south.

After Lin Xinghai made a decision, Huang Nuo turned the steering wheel and drove directly into a field road. Then he went south along the periphery of the town.

On the way, Lin Xinghai is also observing the situation in Qingtang town. He finds that there are not many buildings collapsed in this town, even less than half of them.

Moreover, the buildings here are generally two or three stories, even if they collapse, they will not completely block the road.

This kind of road condition is really much better than that in the city.

Smooth roads, for these hunting teams, almost equal to the lifeline, because only smooth roads, multi-functional off-road vehicles in critical moments, can run.

Even on this kind of field trail, the SUV can run at a speed of 100 km / h. in a short time, it will come to the south of the town.

At this time, Ling Xiu's mouth opened several times, as if there was something to say, but finally held back.

It seems that Lin Xinghai is quite speechless. What's wrong with this?

I tried it once before in the mercenary guild.

So Lin Xinghai, this time, directly as did not see.

The other party really has something to do, and will eventually say, if not, it will not be a big deal.

Ling Xiu held back for a while and finally said, "brother Lin, that We found a good place in the middle of Qingtang town. However, with the strength of our team, we could not get in there

"Where?" Lin Xinghai asked directly.

Since he chose to open his mouth, Ling Xiu no longer hesitated and said directly, "a winery."

Lin Xinghai couldn't help but pick her eyebrows. If Lin Xinghai heard this answer before going to the bar, he might not feel anything.

But now I know the value of wine, of course, I understand that this is definitely in short supply.

"Where is that winery in town? And since you haven't been there, how can you be sure there's still wine in it? " Lin Xinghai asked two key questions.

Ling Xiuxian pointed out the location of the winery by pointing out the location of the winery on the car navigation map, he said: "although our team has never been to this winery, I can see with a thousand mile eye that there are no traces of cleaning up the roads nearby, and there are no bullet holes on the walls and the ground. It is estimated that other hunting teams have not been able to get there yet."

"But the winery is half collapsed. I can't guarantee whether there is any wine in it, but I think the possibility of wine is still very high."

If it's something else, no one is sure whether it exists or not, so they take risks.

But when it comes to wine or energy spar, which is expensive, it's not the same.As long as the interests are large enough to a certain extent, people who take risks are everywhere, let alone a group of mercenaries who take risks, it can't be more normal.

After thinking about it, Lin Xinghai said, "look at the situation first."

Although Lin Xinghai did not say clearly that he would go, Ling Xiu and others could not help but show their joy.

As long as there is no clear refusal, he knows that Lin Xinghai must have an idea.

It is also essential for a mercenary to check the situation before doing anything. A truly reckless mercenary has long been dead.

During the conversation, the SUV has reached the limits of the town.

Not far away, groups of zombies wander aimlessly between the dilapidated houses and the ruins.

After observing for a while, Lin Xinghai found that the zombies in the town are different from those in the city.

The zombies in the town are more scattered.

Most of the time, there are only more than ten zombies in one place, and there are 30 or 40 zombies in many places. At the point of terror, 70 or 80 zombies are covered in one place.

Compared with hundreds of zombies in the downtown area, the scale of zombies here is really friendly to these hunting teams.

People are also checking the equipment, doing the final preparations.

"Brother Lin, next, how to fight with zombies, you can arrange it!" Ling Xiu said.

Although he is a nominal captain, but he is very clear what his positioning is, at this time decisively gave up the command.

Lin Xinghai nodded and asked, "how did you fight zombies before?"

"We used defense tactics. Captain Gao's ability can build a defensive position with a wall at any time. We rely on this defensive position to attract zombies with the sound of guns, and then shoot them one by one. " Ling Xiu said.

In fact, many hunting teams use this defense tactic. Of course, not every team has a leader who can use the earth wall ability. Therefore, those teams generally need to find suitable buildings as defense points.

Although it is troublesome to do so, the safety factor is quite high. As long as we choose a place with relatively few zombies to build a position, under normal circumstances, there will be no big problem.

Of course, if there is a big problem, you can't run away.

Lin Xinghai listened, nodded first, then said: "I feel, now our tactics can be changed."

"Of course, you don't know how to change it, brother Lin?" Ling Xiu asked respectfully.

The rest of them cocked their ears, too.

Lin Xinghai: "very simple, I am responsible for killing zombies, you are responsible for collecting Yuan Jing."

All of them said, "well

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