Lin Xinghai left the team and ran forward for a distance, then met the next wave of zombies.

The number of zombies in this wave is 23, which is a relatively small group of zombies.

When Lin Xinghai approached, he was soon found by a zombie. The zombie roared excitedly and then rushed to him.

With its roar, the whole corpse group was startled, and then 23 zombies, Qi Qi launched a charge towards Lin Xinghai.

Seeing this, Lin Xinghai licked his lips. He hung the Ripper's rifle behind his back. Then he drew out the concussion dagger from his waist and used the phantom body method to meet him.

Before people arrive, perception takes the lead in covering the past.

Then he found that there was a senior zombie among the 23 zombies.

The senior zombie was originally in the rear of the corpse group, but after starting, it quickly surpassed other zombies, and the first one met Lin Xinghai.

This makes Lin Xinghai's brow can't help wrinkling slightly. You should know that the speed of senior zombies is also 60 points. And it's not just speed. Both the physical fitness and the strength of the other side have reached 60 points.

If he rushes up by virtue of the phantom body method, it is absolutely a dish delivery.

So when the two sides were close to 10 meters away and were about to collide, Lin Xinghai decisively displayed the speed ability.

In an instant, his speed of 60 points increased by 100% to the horrible 120 points.


If you look at it from the perspective of ordinary people, Lin Xinghai's body looks like a shadow. Even Ling Xiu, who was watching with a thousand li eyes in the rear, lost his vision for a short time because of the rapid increase in speed.

When Ling Xiu locks in Lin Xinghai's figure again, the other party has passed by the senior zombie.

The head of the high-level zombie flies high, and its eyes are still puzzled and frightened.

It is estimated that with its low intelligence quotient, it is impossible to understand why the speed of the human being in front of us can soar to such a degree in an instant.

After killing the senior zombie, Lin Xinghai rushes into the corpse group with no decrease in speed.

His figure is like a butterfly in a flower. It seems to be erratic, but in fact, he is stepping on a precise step, passing by the body of a zombie.

Every now and then, the dagger with concussion mode in his hand will pass through the Zombie's head in time.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Twenty three zombies fell to the ground one by one. Their heads were either cut open or pierced, and their brains were mixed with blood and water. They were dead to death.

And the whole process is completed in just 10 seconds.

Ling Xiu, who was on his way to this side, saw all these things clearly with his power. It was because he saw this scene that he showed such astonished expressions.

Even if it is Ling Xiu, even Lin Xinghai is scared by his own speed.

When the speed is one level higher than the other party, or even two or three levels, the other side will even fight back.

However, Lin Xinghai also found a problem, that is, his own strength is still too low.

Just now, his speed was forced up by power, but his genetic optimization was only 30%. So when he attacked, his reaction ability was a little behind his speed.

If it was not for his perceptual ability to accurately locate, it is estimated that at this speed, he would have slashed the corpse's head on his chest.

Of course, no matter what, with such speed, at least in the Star Shield shelter, he can barely be called a master.

At least for Roger and the like, you can hang each other.

Lin Xinghai in the mind of the resumption of just the battle, and Ling Xiu and others, also with the fastest speed to catch up.

Then Huang Nuo, Yao Chen and Zhang Meiling experienced the shock that Ling Xiu had just experienced.

Especially when they saw the senior zombie, they were more shocked than ever.

Their last mission, because of a senior zombie, caused the captain Gao Shan to be seriously injured.

Now Lin Xinghai can cut off the head of a senior zombie with a concussion dagger. The impact on them is really not ordinary.

Ling Xiu drew out the concussion dagger and came to the head of this senior zombie. Because the head was still intact, the senior zombie was not completely dead.

The reason why Lin Xinghai did not attack the head and killed him directly is that the head of a zombie is the hardest.

He was worried that the concussion dagger failed to cut the other side to death, so he retreated to the next place and chose the neck.

And facts have proved that Lin Xinghai's choice is also correct. Ling Xiu's concussion dagger stabbed at the head of the zombie, and it is indeed stuck.

However, the concussion dagger can be more terrifying than the electric saw and ultrasonic knife after turning on the high-frequency oscillation mode. The skull of this high-level zombie can only slightly block the dagger, and then it is stabbed in and killed instantly."All right, don't be dazzled. Take Yuanjing as soon as possible! Otherwise, other zombies will come. " Lin Xinghai, seeing Huang Nuo and others, is still in a daze and opens his mouth.

The smell of blood will lead to nearby zombies, so leaving the scene quickly is the most important thing.

When they return, if there is no accident, the corpses here will be eaten by other zombies.

Several people heard Lin Xinghai's words, suddenly a smart, hasty action, for Lin Xinghai's awe, a bit deeper.

But at the same time, they will also have a sense of security. In such a dangerous place, the stronger Lin Xinghai's strength is, undoubtedly, the better news for them.

They quickly collected Yuan Jing, and they continued to go on their way.

Next, there were constant battles, or unilateral massacres.

Lin Xinghai shoots the zombie, and then Ling Xiu and others collect Yuanjing. The speed of people's progress is faster and faster, because under such a large amount of practice, Ling Xiu and other people's speed of collecting Yuanjing is also accelerating.

After another half an hour, they finally arrived at the winery.

It is worth mentioning that in the last 5 kilometers, more than the zombies encountered in the previous 10 kilometers, killing more than 500 zombies.

So when they came out, they bought some more bullets. Otherwise, they didn't dare to go so deep.

"There are three ordinary zombies in it. Ling Xiu, you must take people in to look for wine, and the speed must be fast. I think there will be zombies wandering around in three minutes at most." Lin Xinghai looked at the red dot on the zombie detector and said.

"Good!" Without any ambiguity, Ling Xiu immediately took Yao Cheng and Zhang Meiling and rushed in.

There was a few gunshots, then a rummage.

Lin Xinghai asked Huang Nuo to drive the SUV into a ruin and hide it as much as possible.

But he jumped on the roof of one side of the house. If Ling Xiu and others haven't finished in three minutes, he will try his best to kill the zombies who come here to fight for their moving time.

Time passed, but Ling Xiu and others did not come out, and Lin Xinghai's eyebrows could not help frowning.

It was not until two minutes later that Ling Xiu finally came out of the winery, but his face was rather ugly.

"I almost went through it, but there was not a bottle of wine."

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