Hearing Lin Xinghai's domineering words, Ling Xiu didn't know how to answer.

But this thing is really too dangerous, even if Lin Xinghai said that for such a reason, he is still not willing to go.

Ling Ling wanted to stop the brain from working quickly. However, he didn't find a reasonable way to stop the brain from working.

"Brother Lin, although it is a paid rescue, I feel that the benefits are not directly proportional to the risks we need to take."

"This kind of transaction must be settled on the spot. If we are not in the shelter, we can't transfer points online. We can only use objects to settle accounts. We can get the total income of the goods, and it is estimated that 10000 points will be obtained if we hold on to it. "

"But what we have to do is not only deal with mutant zombies, but also guard against the tide of corpses. If we are accidentally involved, we will be in danger." Ling Xiuquan said.

Other people also nodded to agree, of course, the main reason is their fear of mutant zombies.

"Of course, it is impossible to get 10000 points. The corpse of a hunter alone is worth 10000 points."

"And you have not considered why this Hunter still chases the mercenary regiment even though he is seriously injured?" Lin Xinghai said.

This question really baffled Ling Xiu and others.

Mutant zombies have certain wisdom. They cherish their lives more than ordinary zombies, so they usually escape after being seriously injured.

Now, this situation seems a little abnormal.

Seeing no one to speak, Lin Xinghai continued: "there must be something very important that attracts the hunter. The attraction is far beyond the food."

"What would that be?" Ling Xiu asked subconsciously.

"If I'm right, it's energy spar, and it shouldn't be small." Lin Xinghai gave his inference.

The energy fluctuations released by the energy spar can promote the evolution of zombies. Of course, it will have a fatal attraction for mutant zombies.

In addition, he had only experienced such a thing before. He was almost killed by the blood devil. So almost immediately, he had this association.

Moreover, according to Lin Xinghai's understanding, the high-level of the refuge has been purchasing energy spars at a high price all the time. Of course, the major mercenary regiments will pay special attention to them when they go out, and even deliberately look for them. It's not too strange to meet one here now.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he guesses wrong. It's not the energy crystal. There must be other good things that attract the hunter. Then it can be used to mortgage the points.

Hearing these words, Ling Xiu and others finally moved.

Such an opportunity is rare. If you miss it, there will be no next time. Even if you can meet it, if you don't have Lin Xinghai, it's useless.

Rich and noble in danger, and listen to Lin Xinghai's tone, is full of assurance, why don't they take risks!

Maybe one-time, earn enough points to achieve their goals.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiu and the others looked at each other and chose default.

Lin Xinghai see no objection, immediately let Huang Nuo drive past.

Now they are five kilometers away from the corpse tide, which has become the biggest obstacle to rescue.

What's more, the position of the other side is not unchangeable. If you want to chase after the rescue, it becomes more troublesome.

"Brother Lin, I'll exchange positions with you. I have a way to let the other party know that we exist and come to join us." Ling Xiu said that since he had made a decision, he would certainly go all out.

Lin Xinghai listened and couldn't help picking eyebrows slightly. He was a little curious about how Ling Xiu let each other know their existence.

However, he did not ask, but nodded, and then they exchanged positions.

Whether it is from the co driver's seat to the roof, or from the roof to the co driver's seat, it is a very simple thing for the gene optimizer, just turn over and pass.

Even the two people are still in the case of high-speed vehicles, switching positions.

Two people in the exchange of positions, Lin Xinghai noticed that the other hand is not a ripper rifle, but a sniper gun.

There was a sudden look on his face.

Then, as he guessed, Ling Xiu held a sniper gun, lifted it, aimed, and fired.

According to Lin Xinghai's understanding, the effective range of sniper guns in this era is generally 3 kilometers, and the maximum range can reach 5 kilometers.

This is just the limit range of Ling Xiu's thousand mile eye ability. Because of this, he especially likes to use sniper gun, which can bring his ability to the extreme.

Of course, few people with sniper guns shoot such a far target, even Ling Xiu, because the accuracy is not guaranteed.But now the design goal is corpse tide, that's another matter.

With the help of the thousand mile eye ability, Ling Xiu chooses a group of zombies close to the mercenary regiment and pulls the trigger directly.

So a large group of zombies, as long as the deviation is not too exaggerated, there is always one unfortunate one will be hit.


The sniper shot five kilometers out of the barrel.

Then suddenly, among the huge corpses, there was an unfortunate zombie, whose chest seemed to be hit by something terrible, and a blood hole as big as a bowl appeared.

And it is driven by a strong impact, fly upside down, knocked down a few zombies, and then stopped.

The power of sniper bullets, even at targets 5 km away, is not comparable to ordinary rifle bullets.

The chest of the first zombie was pierced with a blood hole, less than two seconds later, the right arm of the other zombie not far away was hit by a sniper bullet and broke directly.

Soon, another Zombie's head exploded.

If this situation is only once or twice, it may be easy to be ignored. However, as long as the mercenaries are not totally blind, someone can always find something wrong.

"Commander, there are other mercenary regiments nearby. Bullets are coming from the left. The other side should use sniper guns." A mercenary, who was the first to find out the situation, immediately exclaimed excitedly in the communication channel.

Inside the damaged mecha, Ren Hong, who was wary of poachers' sneak attacks, was stunned at first by the sound from the communication channel, and then his face showed a look of ecstasy.

Although they have released the distress signal bomb, everyone knows that under such circumstances, the possibility of a mercenary group willing to come to rescue is extremely low.

They released that flare, and it was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But who could have thought that the mercenary regiment really responded.

"Turn to the left and we'll meet each other." Ren Hong immediately issued the order.

At the same time, he prayed in his heart that it was the second or third level mercenary Corps willing to come and rescue.

Otherwise, the first-class mercenary Corps may not be able to help them through this crisis.


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