Bang bang bang!

Lin Xinghai didn't pull the trigger fast because he had to wait for the senior zombies to show their flaws and shoot at the moment when they dodged or attacked.

At this moment, they are often unable to change direction in time. In addition, with Lin Xinghai's current shooting method, there is no need to aim at it at all, and basically shoot with a gun.

After reducing the aiming process, Lin Xinghai has pulled the trigger at the moment when senior zombies sense danger.

Under the superposition of these factors, there is only one result, that is, a hundred hits.


The ability alliance team to come to rescue, can be said to be the hammer mercenary corps, the most concerned about the matter.

Although the members of the giant hammer mercenary regiment knew that a hunting team was coming, they were prepared for it.

But seeing that the other side only has a multi-functional off-road vehicle, plus a few people, saying that they are not disappointed, that is absolutely false.

Of course, they are still looking forward to what special means the other side can have.

After all, any mercenary who can survive in the end of the world is not a fool. If he doesn't rely on him, how dare he join the muddy water.

Then, they saw that the other side hovered at the edge of the corpse tide, and did not bring out any powerful weapons. Only the young man sitting on the roof of the car fired his gun at will.

In this scene, a lot of mercenaries were angry in their hearts and showed their fierce light. In their eyes, the other side is just coming to amuse them.

Otherwise, the other party with two Ripper rifles can rescue them from the corpse tide?

I dare not think so in my dream.

What's more, they are even more annoyed that the other side even operates with both hands and double guns. Even the top ten sharpshooters dare not play like this.

They don't think it's strange that they don't care about the stars.

But these people soon found that the senior zombie who was attacking the armored vehicle suddenly died.

At first, they thought it was a mercenary who happened to hit him. After all, they could not have gotten nothing after firing so long!

Of course, the death of a senior zombie does not change their current situation, so these mercenaries just look at it.

However, no one thought that this was just the beginning. The high-level zombies, who were unable to hit by any means before, fell to the ground one after another as if they were possessed of evil spirits.

Now, no one can calm down, everyone is looking around, trying to find out what is causing this situation.

Because it is very likely that this is their hope of escape from heaven.

In the end, it's the young people who are looking for the cross-country car.

Every time the other party fired a shot, a senior zombie died.

This makes a lot of mercenaries are a little incredible, feel everything is so fantastic.

But no matter what they think, the facts will not change because of their wishes.

Lin Xinghai every shot, as if in their face a slap in the face, so that these people have a good understanding of the reality.

A group of mercenaries looked at it numbly, but soon, they found another more terrible thing, that is, Lin Xinghai's shooting method was actually a hundred hits.

For ordinary mercenaries, shooting ordinary zombies has a half hit rate. That's amazing.

As for shooting high-level zombies, the hit rate can be 10%. For many people, it is already something they dare not think about.

It's impossible to hit high-level zombies with a hundred hits.

But this kind of thing, appears in front of them like this, and is also unceasingly happening, lets them not believe also cannot.

"It's unscientific. How can someone's shooting reach such a level?" Said the mercenary.

"Since it's unscientific, you can think about psionics. Maybe he has mastered some kind of ability to improve design skills." Speculation was immediately raised.

And when they accepted the reality, all kinds of thoughts in their hearts finally turned into Joy, excitement, ecstasy.

It can be said that how angry they were before, how surprised they are now.

No matter how the other side does it, it is a great good thing for them to have such a shooting method.

"Can we escape?" A mercenary finally asked this sensitive topic, and his voice also slightly trembled.

"It's very likely that as long as the other party can kill all these high-level zombies, our armored vehicles will be able to support the rush out of Qingtang town." It was immediately analyzed.

This made everyone fight back like chicken blood. Even if their shooting method can't hit the senior zombies, it's good to put enough pressure on these senior zombies.

In this way, the number of high-level zombies killed by Lin Xinghai is constantly rising, which soon exceeds 20, and then approaches the level of 30.The people of the giant hammer mercenary regiment were very excited, but Lin Xinghai was quite calm, because he always knew that the victory or defeat of this war was not in the bodies of these senior zombies.

"Here he is." At this time, Ling Xiu called out endlessly.

But Lin Xinghai knows that the other party is talking about the hunter.

This is also the most important task he assigned to Ling Xiu. It is not easy to find a hunter who is good at hiding and sneaking attack in the dense corpse tide.

Only those who possess the ability of thousand mile eye, such as Ling Xiu, can lock on the other side for a long time.

"Can't help it at last?" The corner of Lin Xinghai's mouth has a slight arc.

His main purpose of killing high-level zombies is to lead the hunters out.

A creature with a certain amount of intelligence, such as the mutant zombie, will certainly not watch him stir things up.

What's more, compared with armored vehicles with mecha, he looks better here.

Soon, the hunter entered his perception, the other side relying on the cover of the building, quietly approaching.

And quickly approached the 100 meter range, but Lin Xinghai did not start, but continue to wait.

But he also reduced the frequency of shooting and focused more on the hunter.

But he soon found that the other side did not come directly to attack, but circled in front of them.

At the same time, he found that there was a wave of zombies in front of him. The number of zombies was close to 50, and they were rushing towards this side.

Lin xinghaili even understood, the other side is to use this wave of zombie attack to attract their attention, and then sneak attack.

"Tut! I'm really a hunter. " Lin Xinghai couldn't help but sigh.

Then he told Ling Xiu, "I may not have time for him to take care of it. You can just blow it up with your hand gun. Don't be slowed down by this group of zombies, or we will be in danger of falling into the tide of corpses."

"Good!" Ling Xiu nodded.

Zhang Meiling and Yao Cheng are holding the Ripper's rifle tightly. Even if they can't help much, they are not willing to become a burden.

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