"Ahem, everyone pack up and gather at the playground."

As he spoke, the head teacher Qiu Yuan clapped his hands at the door, signaling everyone to go to the playground.

A group of people followed Qiu Yuan to the playground in an orderly manner.

On the way, all the students took the initiative to make way for Class 3 where Bai Yi was.

It was obviously because Bai Yi's performance yesterday was too outstanding.

More than ten minutes later, all the classes in the school came to the playground.

Seeing that everyone was there.

Principal Sun Shun stood up and slowly spoke into the microphone:

"Classmates, first of all, congratulations on your excellent performance in yesterday's assessment. Our school has applied for scholarships for you. All students who are admitted to top 20 universities can receive awards provided by the school."

When these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Although there were scholarships in previous years, they were only available to the top 10.

Unexpectedly, the top 20 can get scholarships this year, which made everyone very happy.

Sun Shun pressed his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet, and continued:"Yesterday, Zhennan Province had already released the results, and the provincial champion was......They are Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian from our school!"

"Let us congratulate them with warm applause!"

"Snap Snap Snap~~"

All the students in the school sent their blessings at once.

Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

If he was the number one in Dongwu City, it would be understandable.

Unexpectedly, he also won the provincial number one?

"Among the eleven cities in Zhennan Province, the highest rating is only SS level, and our school......The team downstairs is my grandson's team. The final score is SSS level, and with the potential of F level, it crushes the Purgatory level copy. During the assessment, no recovery items were used, and no damage was suffered.......(Ten thousand words omitted here)"

"Finally, the Provincial Education Bureau and Dongwu City Real Estate Bureau decided to award Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian a scholarship of one million gold coins each, and a villa in the core business district as a gift!"


Zhang Daxian jumped up excitedly when he heard Sun Shun's words.

Bai Yi glanced at Zhang Daxian, shook his head and said,"Daxian, you have some potential, this is just the beginning."

"Aren't you excited?"

"What a joke! How could I, Bai, be excited about such a small reward?"

"Your mouth is almost crooked to your eyes, what's going on?"


Oh, I just practiced smiling."......"

Soon, after the principal's"simple" speech, the commendation meeting for Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian came to an end.

After the crowd dispersed, Qiu Yuan came to Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian and said,"Come with me to the principal's office to receive the award."

"Hehehe, I'll go right away."

The two of them skipped towards the principal's office amid everyone's envious eyes.

As soon as they entered the door, Bai Yi saw Sun Shun talking to a middle-aged man.

Seeing Bai Yi and the others come in, Sun Shun said enthusiastically:"You two are here, come and sit down, this is Lu Shaowen, the gold medal editor-in-chief of our Dongwu City Publishing House"

"Nice to meet you. I came here this time to conduct a simple interview with you. I hope you can agree."Lu Shaowen pushed his glasses and smiled sincerely.

"I don't know what to say."

Just when Zhang Daxian was about to agree, he was stopped by Bai Yi.

He had lived two lives, so he naturally knew that these reporters wanted exclusive reporting rights.

They wanted to do exclusive interviews without giving anything.......But it's not that easy.

When Lu Shaowen saw Bai Yi trying to stop him, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he soon smiled and said,"It's my fault for not explaining it clearly. It's just a few simple questions that won't involve privacy, and I also brought you gifts."

After that, he took out two cards from his pocket and said,"There are 100,000 in them, which is a gift to congratulate you on your success in winning the provincial champion."

"Oh, Editor Lu is so polite, how can I say this?" Bai Yi quickly snatched the card and said with a cheerful smile:"Tell me what you want to ask, I will answer everything I know."

"It's very simple......."

An hour later, both parties were very satisfied and left the meeting.

Bai Yi and Zhang Daxian got the money, and Lu Shaowen got the exclusive interview and performance.

You have to know that Bai Yi, who was rated as F in potential, won the provincial college entrance examination.

This is definitely a hot topic.

The number of readers alone is absolutely explosive!

Lu Shaowen definitely made a profit from this deal.

"Bai Yi, you are really amazing.......In just a few words, 100,000 yuan was in hand."

Zhang Daxian looked at the card in his hand happily. He now felt that being Bai Yi's friend was really lucky.

Not only did he get into the top 2 Tianfu University, but he also got more than one million yuan in cash and a villa!

This made him decide in his heart that no matter what happened in the future, he must follow Bai Yi's lead.

"Daxian, you can definitely follow me." Bai Yi patted Zhang Daxian on the shoulder and asked,"Have you used the secondary occupation scroll?"

"Not yet, it's waiting for you."

The secondary professions are divided into: pharmacist, alchemist, forger, enchanter, animal trainer, etc.......

There are many types of them. Basically, everyone who has extra energy will choose to start a secondary profession.

Of course, you can't just start a secondary profession whenever you want. You also need to have the corresponding talent.

When using the secondary profession scroll, three secondary professions suitable for you will appear.

Choose one of them and you can start it successfully. The reason why Bai Yi didn't use it was that he didn't know what secondary profession he would have.......

After all, the profession of [passerby] is somewhat biased towards life.

"How about we find a place to go now?" Bai Yi suggested.

"Let's go, it's still early anyway."

The two of them found a shop called Huayoujing Maid Cafe and sat down. They ordered a cup of coffee each. Zhang Daxian took out the secondary occupation scroll and said,"I use it first?"

Seeing Bai Yi nod, Zhang Daxian immediately used the secondary occupation scroll.���

Soon, three professions appeared on the scroll.

【Tailor】Potential B

【Chef】Potential A

【Corpse Cremator】Potential B

"No way......There is no S-level profession."

Zhang Daxian sighed. He had thought that there was still a potential for an S-level profession in the secondary profession.

At worst, some better secondary professions would be good.

But looking at it this way, except for the chef, none of them are very good.

"I think you should be a chef, so it will be easier for you to find a wife in the future."Bai Yi smiled and said

"It can only be like this."

Zhang Daxian nodded regretfully, and then chose chef.

After the choice was made, the secondary occupation scroll disappeared completely.

Bai Yi also took out the secondary occupation scroll from the game backpack, and murmured to himself with some expectation:"I hope I will not be like the passers-by, who all have F-level secondary occupations."......

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