
Bai Yi's words made Su Ruoxi's heart flutter.

You can't tell that Bai Yi, who doesn't know how to flirt with girls at all on weekdays, can actually say a lot of sweet words.

But Bai Yi is not wrong.

If the previous ones were just curious about each other, then Chu Liang's life-and-death crisis not only made Bai Yi fall in love with Su Ruoxi, but also made Su Ruoxi completely fall for Bai Yi's handsomeness.

To this day, she still remembers Bai Yi's words:"Welcome to my world, my delicate little princess."

Although it was just a pretentious remark, it matched the situation and mood at the time.

This sentence hit Su Ruoxi's heart directly.

Su Ruoxi lightly held up her hair, revealing two cute dimples, and said:"Okay, let's send you here, otherwise my parents will have to keep you later."

"Well, then......"Bai Yi hesitated to speak.

But Su Ruoxi quickly understood what he wanted to say:"Don't worry, I will tell my parents that I came back with my teacher."

She knew that Bai Yi didn't want to reveal his cards.

Otherwise, how could he not bring Zhang Daxian this time?

It's not that I don't trust Zhang Daxian, but the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better.

""Well, thank you."

Bai Yi looked at Su Ruoxi gratefully.

It was hard for him to say about this matter. He watched Su Ruoxi leave.

Then he summoned the door again to go home.

Through these experiments, he has mastered the consumption rules of the door.

In most cases, the consumption between cities is 1 point of energy.

However, if you want to enter a place you have never been to, or a place that does not belong to you, the consumption will increase.

For example, he tried it just now and wanted to go directly to Su Ruoxi's house, which required 10 points of energy.

However, at the nearby intersection

, it only takes one point. The judgment rule is that Su Ruoxi's home belongs to someone else's private space.

Although it can be entered, it consumes more energy.

Similarly, if it is a bank vault or something like that, it is the same.

Of course, like the situation at school before, opening a door face to face will reduce the consumption a lot.

When I got home, this time the door appeared in the living room.

When Bai Yi walked out, he saw Bai Zongheng and Zeng Ping waiting for him.

""Son, don't you have anything to say to us?"

Bai Zongheng smiled and poured himself a glass of beer.

He had already seen that this time, the relationship between Bai Yi and Su Ruoxi had undergone some subtle changes.

"Yes, how far have you two progressed? Mom can see that Ruoxi's eyes were not right when she looked at you last time. Zeng Ping asked, holding Bai Yi's hand and sitting on the sofa.

"Uh, don't worry about this. Compared to this, your son, I am a great success in school. Now I am an assistant researcher and assistant teacher."

"assistant researcher??"

"Assistant teacher? ?"

This time the topic was changed successfully.

Bai Zongheng and Zeng Ping were attracted by this new term.

"Hehe, to put it simply, I am half a teacher."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Bai Zongheng smiled and shook his head:"Son, are you bullying me and your mother because we are uneducated? You, a freshman who just entered the school, can become a teacher?"

"It's not really a teacher, it's just like a substitute teacher." Bai Yi explained

"If you want to talk about fighting, your skills are indeed difficult to deal with, and you can shamelessly summon your father to come over, but teaching......I'm the first one who doesn't believe it." Bai Zongheng still didn't believe it.

He knew his son's abilities.

Bai Yi rolled his eyes and didn't want to explain anything:"You won't understand even if I tell you. By the way, Dad has something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Are you out of money?"

"It's not about the money, it's about whether you can improve your strength. If you keep doing this, you won't be able to help me in a few months."Bai Yi grinned and said

"Hey kid, how can you talk like that?"

Bai Zongheng immediately rolled up his sleeves and said,"Your butt is itchy, right?"

A little brat of level six actually dared to say that his strength was not enough???

It seems that he has become a little inflated after going to school!

Bai Yi smiled and showed his panel.

He felt that there was nothing to hide from his parents.

When Zeng Ping and Bai Zongheng saw Bai Yi's latest panel, they were all stunned.

Bai Zongheng's hand pouring the wine did not stop.

The beer was still overflowing, and he was shocked:"My son Bai Yi, actually has the appearance of an emperor∑(っ°Д°;)っ?"

Zeng Ping even reached out her hand to touch Bai Yi's hand, and said in disbelief:"Is this still my useless son?〣( ºΔº )〣???"

"How could it be false?"Bai Yi smiled proudly.

Both of them were very shocked.

How long has it been since Bai Yi awakened his first skill the day before the college entrance examination ? As far as they know, Bai Yi has awakened four god-level skills.

That's not all.

At the beginning, his total attributes were only 10 points.

It has improved by leaps and bounds to 119 points!!

What is the concept? It's not just as simple as doubling tenfold!

Can a normal person increase his attribute points as much as he did? No wonder, just now Bai Yi had the courage to say that in a few months, he might not need Bai Zongheng's help!

""Son, tell me honestly, have you taken any illegal drugs behind our backs?" Bai Zongheng looked at Bai Yi seriously. He seemed to be willing to sacrifice his own family for the sake of justice.

In Bai Yi's case, it could only be attributed to taking a large amount of illegal drugs, which could elevate his attributes in such a short period of time.

"Yes, Xiaoyi, if you really did something illegal, confessing is your only way out!"

"Don't worry, my condition is due to my talent......."

Bai Yi roughly talked about his talent and what happened in school.

During this process, Bai Zongheng and Zeng Ping were a little shocked.

It turns out that the talent of omniscience and omnipotence is so powerful?

Not only is it omniscience, but it can also force all the attribute points obtained to be averaged?

In this way, Bai Yi gets one free attribute point, which is equal to four points.

In addition to the reward from Tianfu Tower,......Now they knew why their son's attribute points suddenly became so high.

"Xiaoyi......You really tried too hard."

Zeng Ping looked distressed.

Especially when she heard that Bai Yi took on Su Ruoxi's golden skill with his bare hands in the freshman competition, she was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat.

If we are not careful, this will become a story, an accident.

Bai Zongheng sighed:"Seeing you trying so hard, it is true that your parents did not understand you before. You are the best in your parents' eyes. Now you are grown up, and there are some things I should tell you."

Bai Yi was confused:"Could it be that I have some special background?"......

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