The next day.

Bai Yi spent a day running between the two colleges, selecting his teammates.

When he went to bed last night, he was thinking about a question.

That is, does potential represent everything?

Apart from the abnormal attribute bonus brought by Su Ruoxi's SSS-level potential, it seems that the gap between S-level and SS-level is not particularly large.

Even a professional teacher with S-level potential like Huang Lu is more troublesome than a professional teacher with SS-level potential like Lin Ba.

Because to be honest, some SS-level freshmen are not particularly talented except for their high potential.

For example, Lin Ba, his profession is a wood mage, but his talent is [Combo] suitable for physical professions. The effect is that the more combos, the higher the damage.

Although it cannot be said to be useless, it is very low in matching with himself.

Look at Huang Lu's [Difficult to distinguish between true and false], just relying on a talent, he can force himself to cheat.

After making a decision, Bai Yi already has a candidate in mind.

In addition to Su Ruoxi and Zhang Daxian, the two must-choose people.

The remaining three people are Huang Lu with S-level potential, Chen Yangxin with SS-level potential, and Singed with S-level potential.

When Bai Yi reported this list, Ye Yanhu and Ke Buye were a little puzzled.

Why did he choose two S-level potential people when there were so many SS-level potential people?

And those SS-level geniuses who were not selected also felt that Bai Yi was selfish and protested.

After all, if they couldn't participate in the competition, they couldn't get credits and rewards.

In this regard, Bai Yi didn't say much.

Instead, he proved his judgment with practical actions.

He set up the arena and asked them to challenge the four people except himself and Su Ruoxi.

The result was unexpected!

All the players on Bai Yi's side won.

Including Huang Lu and Singed, two freshmen with S-level potential, they all defeated their opponents!

In the end, everyone respected Bai Yi's decision.

Captain: Bai Yi, occupation [Passerby].

Vice Captain: Su Ruoxi, occupation [Magic Swordsman].

Team members: Zhang Daxian, occupation [Dragon Armor Warrior].

Team members: Chen Yangxin, occupation [Silver Moon Assassin].

Team member: Huang Lu, occupation [Magician].

Team member: Singide, occupation [Mushishi].

So far, the list of Tianfu University National Freshman Exchange Competition has been confirmed.......

In the following time, while attending classes, Bai Yi took time out to take everyone to the bronze dungeon, and asked everyone who had not been to the Tianfu Tower to clear the tenth floor.

According to everyone's current level attributes, the bronze dungeon is almost crushed.

So the rewards are also very scarce, and can only be used as daily training.

But in seven days, everyone's level has reached level nine.

Among them, Bai Yi's own attribute points have reached 132 points of all attributes.

Among them, natural upgrades added 3 points, and the remaining 10 points of free attributes are additional rewards for the dungeon.

Because there has been an experience of SSS-level clearance, the reward has been halved since the second time.

There is no additional reward later.

But Bai Yi didn't care much, because the main income from brushing the dungeon is divine power.

After seven days of crazy brushing, his divine power reached 22,000 points.

There is still 8,000 points away from 30,000 points.

And time passed in a flash, and finally it came to the day before the start of the game.

That night, Bai Yi and the other six gathered together

"According to Mr. Qin, the participating teams from all the universities have arrived tonight. All the universities above the top 100 have sent their teams. The competition will start at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."Bai Yi said

"Brother Yi, what is tomorrow's competition?" Chen Yangxin asked immediately.

Bai Yi:"The first competition is the individual competition, and then the secret realm survival competition. Our Tianfu University is the host, so our goal is naturally to win the overall championship. The rules of the individual competition are also very simple. The six of us will have ten placement matches respectively. After a group of people are eliminated based on the results, we will start the draw."

Singed:"That's great. With Brother Yi here, we can basically say that we are sure to win."

Bai Yi:"It's simple to think about. The individual competition is not so bad.......Survival in the secret realm is a team sport, so it's important to work together and have comprehensive strength."

Zhang Daxian:"Hey, with you and Ruoxi in our school, it's hard to lose."

Su Ruoxi:"That may not be the case. I've learned about it before. Three freshmen from Peking University and Tsinghua University have also challenged the level 6 release of the golden skill. They can be said to be strong opponents. One of them is......Released two golden skills in succession!"

""Released two gold skills in a row? ? ?"

Everyone was stunned. What kind of genius is this?

Releasing a gold skill at level 6 is amazing enough, but this person can actually release two in a row?

What kind of top-notch talent is this that can allow his body to withstand it?

You have to know that using gold skills below the usage level is a heavy burden on the body. You can tell by looking at Su Ruoxi's shaking hands at that time.

Even though she is immune to thunder, she still can't stand it under the violent energy.

"You are talking about Wu Dalang, the youngest son of the president of Peking University and Tsinghua University."

When Bai Yi talked about this person, his eyebrows were also a little solemn.

As the main person in charge of this competition, Bai Yi had collected the ace players from various universities early in the morning.

Among them, Wu Dalang was the one that Bai Yi feared the most.

"Yes, it's him. If I meet him......Although I don't want to admit it, there is a high probability that I will be defeated."

Su Ruoxi's self-abasement and Bai Yi's solemn expression made everyone silent.

If even Su Ruoxi admitted that she was defeated, who among them could beat her.

They could only pray that Bai Yi could meet him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Bai Yi clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said:"Don't worry, since Wu Dalan is the ace of Peking University and

Tsinghua University, just leave it to me. Your goal is to be the ace of other schools. Believe that you are not worse than others." As he said, Bai Yi took out a few pieces of equipment from his backpack and put them on the table, saying:"These are the equipment that Ruoxi and I have customized for you these days. The attributes of each piece are increased by 25 points, which is 5 points more than the highest silver equipment out there."

Chen Yangxin:"Thank you, Brother Yi, this dagger is really suitable for me. The agility is increased by 25, which is really great! ̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)"

Huang Lu:"Well......Why are these equipments not restricted to any profession and have the feature of lowering equipment requirements? It's really great!!(☆▽☆)"

Singed:"Brother Yi, just for this free equipment you gave us today, we have to fight hard too!!"

The three of them were happily choosing their own equipment.

Only Zhang Daxian did not move.

Looking at the three people's excited appearance, he sighed and shook his head.

These people still don't understand Bai Yi. Free gift?

It doesn't exist at all!

Sure enough, after they all finished choosing their equipment, Bai Yi smiled and said,"Seeing that you are so satisfied, I am also very happy, so let's calculate the price next."

The three of them:"@_@a......"

"Such top-grade silver equipment, 20 credits per piece is not too much, right? You each chose four pieces, so the total is 80 credits. Do you want to pay now or in installments?"

Bai Yi showed a harmless smile and said,"Of course, our store can also provide zero down payment service, you only need to pay back 5 credits a month.σ(゚ー^*)"


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