The Bird's Nest.

8:15 am.

The entire perimeter of the arena was crowded with people.

The sounds of gongs, crowds, firecrackers, and courtship continued.......

Two or three hundred thousand people were crowded and rubbed against each other, and some pushing and shoving conflicts would break out from time to time.

Fortunately, Qiu Kaige had already brought his guards to the scene to maintain order.

This resulted in no serious malicious incidents.

Bai Yi left the meeting room and looked through the window at the already full auditorium outside. He couldn't help but sigh that there are still many rich people in this world.

Out of curiosity in the morning, he checked the tickets.

Seat E, the farthest from the arena, costs 100,000 to 200,000 gold coins per ticket. And Seat A, the closest to the arena, has been sold for 5 to 10 million gold coins per ticket!!

A rough calculation shows that the ticket revenue alone can bring hundreds of thousands of credits to Qin Tianfu.......

Think again about the credits he promised to give me.......Well, what a loss!

Retracting his thoughts, Bai Yi came to the lounge of Tianfu University.

While he was in the meeting, the team members arrived.

Everyone was wearing specially designed team uniforms.

The white base, with some emerald green bamboo, was very consistent with the positioning of Tianfu University.

Bai Yi changed into the team uniforms, distributed the corresponding number plates to the team members, and confirmed:"Are you all ready?"


"OK, let's go in."......

""Here they come!"

Bai Yi led the team and walked out of the entrance of the Bird's Nest.

When the audience saw the contestants wearing Tianfu University uniforms entering the venue, they immediately burst into a series of cheers.

"You hit one, I hit one, Tianfu got first place today; you hit two, I hit two, Tsinghua and Peking University will always be second; you hit three, I hit three, the Magic City performed very averagely; you hit four, I hit four, the other teams have no chance; you hit five, I hit five, it all depends on Bai Yi!"......

Good job!

Hundreds of thousands of spectators shouted this slogan, which really ignited the atmosphere.

This is the treatment of the host.

Among the 300,000 spectators, the vast majority were from Tianfu City and Tianfu University.

The individual boos were completely drowned out by this slogan.

Bai Yi felt......Why is it so awkward?

"Brother Yi, you are now the signboard of our Tianfu. Look how much these audiences love you. They even made up this slogan for you."Singed looked at Bai Yi with a smile.

After spending so much time together, they also found that Bai Yi was a very easy-going person. He was not as arrogant and unkind as other geniuses. Instead, he was very easy to get along with.

"Yes, I also hope that one day my name can appear on it, and I have even thought of a slogan,"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, take the lead, who can compete with me, be the Great Immortal." Zhang Daxian raised his eyebrows at Bai Yi and said,"How about my slogan?"

"It's quite awkward, so awkward that I can dig out a three-bedroom apartment with my toes."Bai Yi shook his head and laughed.

After all the teams entered the venue, more than 20 figures appeared in the square.

The three people in the lead were particularly eye-catching. They were:

Level 137, Emperor-level professional teacher, President of Tianfu University - Qin Tianfu.

Level 116, King-level professional teacher, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Military Region - Qiu Kaige.

Level 98, Venerable-level professional teacher, Mayor of Tianfu City - Qin Tianzhu.

The three of them can be said to be the most famous figures in the entire western region.

With them sitting here, the audience present felt very relieved.

In addition to the three referees, there were also teachers from the top 20 universities who formed the deputy referees, as well as dozens of referees on the field.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the host stretched out wings behind him, flew into the sky in the amazement of the crowd, and announced:

"All participating teams please get ready, the National College Freshman Exchange Competition is about to begin."

"There are a total of 600 people participating in this competition, with 100 starting arenas. Random matching is adopted on site. The number plates on you have a teleportation function. Please do not resist after the match is successful!"

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's start the carnival!"

As the host said, many large screens appeared in the audience.

These were to allow the people sitting in the back row to see the competition on the ring more clearly.

At the same time, some of the participating students felt the vibration of the number plates.

There are only 100 rings, and the challenges will be carried out in batches.

On Bai Yi's side, all six of them felt the vibration.

That is, all of them will be in the first batch.

"Come on, everyone!"

Bai Yi looked at everyone's number plates that had begun to vibrate, and reminded them.

Then, he turned around and told Su Ruoxi:"Ruoxi, be careful not to get hurt."

Su Ruoxi:"Yeah, you too."

Everyone was speechless. Why did they have to eat dog food when they were about to compete?

But they didn't have time to think about it. The ten-second transmission time was up.

In an instant, two hundred people appeared on the ring.

When Bai Yi opened his eyes the next second, he was already on the ring.

Opposite him, stood a man in a Taohua team uniform.

Judging from his appearance, he should be the representative team of Taohua University ranked 35th.

Bai Yi just glanced at this person lightly and lost interest.

With his current attributes, unless he is a seeded player above the Top 10, he is not his opponent at all.

But out of respect, Bai Yi still reminded:"You only have one chance to make a move, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you."

The boy nodded heavily, without any delay.

Instead, he began to gather his strongest attack.

The student immediately released the silver skill [Flame Slash].

The scorching flames wrapped around the big sword and slashed towards Bai Yi.

In the next second, Bai Yi had disappeared from the spot and appeared behind the boy and said,"Too slow, next one."

As he spoke, Bai Yi threw the brick in his hand down heavily.

With great force and a whistling sound, it hit the boy's head.

In an instant, the boy's eyes rolled back and he fainted.......

"Arena No. 35, the winner is Bai Yi from Tianfu University!"

With the referee's decision, the next opponent was teleported up.

Yes, this is a round-robin battle without a break.

Only the loser can rest, and the winner has no right to rest.

This time, a girl from Huanghe University ranked 20th appeared.

As soon as she came on stage, she cast a coquettish glance at Bai Yi and said delicately:"Giegie, my friend is so tough, Giegie should not be willing to hit me, right?(✿◡‿◡)"

Bai Yi was slightly stunned, then showed a friendly smile and said:"Don't worry, sister, Giegie never hits women.(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง"......

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