At the same time, Zhang Biao and Zhang Bao stood on both sides of Wei Yuan with swords and shields. They also exuded a murderous aura from the same source as Wei Yuan. Although they did not have innate supernatural powers, their military realm was the same as Wei Yuan, so their combat power was naturally good. The swords in their hands were made of fine iron, which was enough to withstand the bloody aura in their bodies. As the wild wolf approached, Zhang Bao and Zhang Biao showed a grim smile at the corners of their mouths. A military strategist who has not been baptized by blood is not a good military strategist! Being protected by the adults at home, he will never be able to become an eagle flying in the sky. "Kill!"

The two brothers roared at the same time, without a trace of fear in their eyes, only the excitement of seeing blood.

A flash of cold light passed by, and Zhang Biao on the left held a horizontal sword wrapped in blood, and cut the wild wolf in half with just one sword.

As the saying goes,

Head of copper, bones of iron, waist of tofu.

Even if the strength is superior, you still have to attack its weaknesses.

This is Zhang Biao's character!

Zhang Bao on the right is completely different from his elder brother, he is a completely reckless man.

No matter how strong you are, I will just smash it with a shield and directly knock the wolf demon into a daze.

The fierce eyes were directly smashed a lot clearer.

Taking advantage of its unpreparedness, Zhang Bao kicked it into the air with one foot, and stabbed it into the belly of the wolf demon with a knife.

In a few breaths, several wolf demons surrendered.

Zhang Biao and Zhang Bao only felt the blood surging in their chests, which was a pleasure they had never felt before.

However, they were a little too excited and didn't realize that this [Three Talents Formation to Subdue Demons] seemed to have undergone some special changes.

Wei Yuan's eyes were cold, and he showed a harmless smile. He hung the tiger-killing bow on his back and looked at the two tiger monsters with a provocative face.

After cultivating the Heart of Evil Wheel, these monsters that had not yet reached the white level could no longer cause him any harm.

On the contrary, a casual arrow from him could cause them to be seriously injured.


The two tiger monsters roared suddenly, opened their mouths wide, and rushed towards the three people one after another.

The fishy breath made Wei Yuan frown.

Wei Yuan snorted coldly, and the blood evil on his body suddenly exploded into blood mist, and then lingered on the heavy halberd again.

Then he turned around, the tip of the halberd dragged on the ground, and the whole person carried the tail of the halberd and killed the blind tiger monster in the front.

Seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, the blind tiger demon bared its fangs and wanted to bite Wei Yuan off in one bite.

Unexpectedly, it was greeted with a heavy blow.

Wei Yuan lifted the halberd handle lightly, and then swung the heavy halberd behind him heavily.

There was an ancient technique of dragging a sword, so I tried dragging the halberd.

There was a bang!

The blind tiger demon that had just approached was whipped away by the halberd with great force, as if it had moved in an instant, and completely disappeared in front of Wei Yuan's eyes.

Boom boom boom!

It even knocked down many giant trees along the way.

The tiger weighed at least 700 to 800 kilograms, and even Wei Yuan, who was born with supernatural power, felt numb in his tiger's mouth and could not control the inertia of the halberd.

Seeing that the heavy halberd was about to slip out of his hand, he had no choice but to turn around with the halberd, and then hold the halberd with both hands, and then he held it firmly.

Wei Yuan looked up and saw Zhang Bao and Zhang Biao, who seemed to be in sync with each other, holding shields and swords to fight against another tiger monster.

The fine steel shield was extremely durable. It was hit by the tiger's palm and made a thumping sound, but its shape did not change at all!

And although it was the first time for the two to fight against such a large monster, they were not at a disadvantage at all.

Seeing this, Wei Yuan felt relieved to find the blind tiger monster, wanting to finish off the monster and see how much monster life he could gain, and also to use this opportunity to practice more.

Woo woo woo!

The blind tiger monster closed his eyes and kept humming, lying on his back on a sandy ground, looking very peaceful.

Blood beads kept oozing from the skin of half of his body, and his mouth and nose were also full of dirty blood.

If it weren't for the fact that his abdomen was still rising and falling slightly, Wei Yuan almost thought that the tiger was killed by his halberd!

I think that Wu Erlang who beat the tiger might not be as good as my halberd!

Looking at the huge tiger body, Wei Yuan's mouth curled up and revealed a knowing smile.

I had never tasted such nourishing animal meat in my previous life, but in this life, it was delivered to my door!

"Wei is really lucky! And the tiger bones and tiger whips must be able to sell for a lot of silver!"

"The rich master in the county who married several concubines usually likes to drink this kind of wine. I just don't know if the tiger has turned into a demon, will the wine be more powerful!"

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan no longer hesitated, holding the halberd and jumped up more than six meters high, using the acceleration of gravity, and stabbed the tiger with a halberd.

The heart of the demon.

The tiger's eyes suddenly opened wide, as if it was emitting a last burst of light.

But it soon died with its eyes wide open!

The smelly blood soon dyed the tiger demon's fur red, and a black wind came out of its five orifices, and there was a faint tiger roar.

If a person dies, he can turn into a fierce demon, and a tiger demon can also turn into a strange demon!

Wei Yuan snorted coldly, holding a halberd in his hand and hitting the ground heavily, and the blood evil in his body burst out, completely shattering the wind and ghost.

To deal with this kind of demon, you must cut the grass and root it out without mercy.

If you don't care, I'm afraid it will become a big harm in the future!

[Kill the untransformed tiger demon and gain 38 years of demon life]

"Good guy!"

Wei Yuan looked at the deduction panel and couldn't help showing a little weird expression on his face.

He clearly remembered that killing those white-level wolf demons before seemed to give each of them only more than 30 years of demon life!

Now this tiger demon that has not yet transformed has given him nearly forty years of demon life!

However, in terms of combat power, Wei Yuan felt that this tiger demon was even more powerful than the three wolf demons.

If it weren't for his spear and archery skills that had been perfected, it would not be so easy to kill this tiger.


Wei Yuan lowered his head and sighed, his expression a little frustrated.

"It took so many moves to kill a tiger that has not yet transformed!"

"I'm still too weak!"


A dull roar came from afar.

"Not good!"

Wei Yuan's face changed when he heard the sound.

He forgot that there was still a demon life... beast left!



Zhang Bao held the deformed shield and kept hitting the huge tiger head, hitting the tiger demon's head with a big bump, and his eyes were swollen and narrowed into a slit.

Zhang Biao was like a flexible old ape, constantly hacking at the tiger monster's weak points, sometimes the eyes, sometimes the crotch, and sometimes the back.

Even a man made of iron could not stand such abuse. The tiger monster, covered with wounds, now felt that he was about to be anemic!

He felt dizzy and his body was wet. He could even smell the smell of tiger blood.

He was frightened and miserable. He wanted to run but couldn't.

He could only continue to let these two fierce military strategists play with him!

If he was not careful, the tiger monster was chopped on the bell by Zhang Biao.

With a "woop", the tiger monster instantly tucked his tail and jumped more than two meters high.

"Get down for your grandpa Leopard!"

Zhang Bao also flew up when he saw this, and his shield hit the tiger monster's brain again, laughing and asking.

"Brother, where did you cut!"

"On the bell!"

"Don't damage it, it won't look good and can't be used to make wine!"

Zhang Biao glared at Zhang Bao.

"I don't need you to teach me!"

"I used the back of the knife!"

"Ah?" Zhang Bao was stunned for a moment, then raised his thumb and said sarcastically.

"Brother! When it comes to being a dog, I'm really not as good as you!"

"You're too mean!"

"Get out of the way!"

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