The meat is very delicious.

Wild boar meat nourishes the five internal organs, moisturizes the skin, and can also dispel wind and detoxify. It is a rare tonic.

Zhang Bao, who used to be a cook for a while, is now taking several soldiers who have broken through to deal with this wild boar weighing thousands of kilograms.

It took a long time for several people to barely turn it over, so that its belly is facing up to facilitate opening.

He is not like Wei Yuan, who has that abnormal innate power.

He can carry thousands of kilograms of weight on his shoulders and return to the camp alone from a distance.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Zhang Bao looked at the huge blood-red hole behind the wild boar, shook his head and smacked his lips.

"This lord is too cruel!"

The soldiers on the side seemed to have never seen such a huge wild boar before, and their faces were extremely excited, not caring about the fishy smell emanating from the blood hole.

"Brother Bao, how much silver can wild boar meat be worth?"

Zhang Bao carefully measured the size of the cut.

"If we sell all this wild boar meat, it will be enough for us to stay in the brothel for several months, and every night will be different!"

"Fuck, is it so valuable?"

"If we stay there for several months, I'm afraid that good people will be sucked into bamboo poles, right?"

"That's you, don't take me with you, Brother Bao, I have a golden spear that is invincible and I have won every battle.

Let alone several months, even if we stay there for a whole year, our spears will be the same as they go in and come out!"

"Brother Bao is indestructible!"

"Brother Bao is mighty and strong!"

"Go away, get out of the way!"

Zhang Bao saw the soldiers making a fuss and hurriedly laughed and scolded.

The training in the army is very boring and there is no entertainment on weekdays.

So when they are free, they always gather together to make jokes and occasionally tell some dirty jokes.

After nearly a month of contact, Zhang Biao and Zhang Bao naturally became familiar with these soldiers!

"Okay, stop wasting time! The brothers have been busy all night and are waiting for dinner!"

Zhang Bao instructed several people while peeling the skin.

"Go pick up some dry firewood to make a fire!"

"Go to the woods to dig some Angelica dahurica and wild onions, otherwise the fishy smell is too strong to eat!"

After peeling the skin, it is natural to cut the meat.

In winter, there is no need to worry that the pork will go bad. You just need to wash off the blood and then hang it on the tree.

In winter, the wild boar needs to hibernate, so the wild boar has accumulated more than three fingers of fat.

In other seasons, you can't see such pork belly with more fat than lean meat!

Zhang Bao cut off about 100 kilograms of fat and lean meat from the pig's belly, then cut it into small pieces and put it into a large pot to blanch it.

After the Angelica dahurica and wild onions were brought, he changed the water again and started to simmer over high heat.

The soldier who picked up the angelica was also lucky. He dug out a few radishes from nowhere and brought them back in his clothes.

Zhang Bao was so happy. He was worried that the pot was too monotonous with only pork as an ingredient!

This was really like sending a pillow to someone who was dozing off.

It was just the right time.

He quickly peeled the radishes and cut them into large pieces, then put them all into the pot and stewed them with the pork.


Although the sun had not yet risen, the night sky had already dispersed and the sky was slightly bright.

When the lid of the pot was lifted, a greasy aroma instantly emanated.

A large layer of clean oil floated on the surface of the soup, which made people's appetite increase just by looking at it.

Zhang Bao sniffed hard and nodded with satisfaction.

The angelica and wild onion were indeed reliable. The fishy smell of the wild boar had long been inaudible, and only the fragrance of meat and radish remained between the wings of his nose.

He took out a handful of coarse salt from his bosom, stirred it and put it into the pot.

Then, he shouted to the soldiers who were swallowing their saliva secretly.

"It's time to eat!"

After a night of training, all the soldiers in the military mansion have broken through to the evil body realm.

After serving the broth, everyone sat together excitedly, drinking the pork broth in their hands with the dry food they brought with them.

Although it was called broth, in fact, everyone's bowl was full of big fat meat.

The soldiers had been training hard and it was just right to eat some fat meat, so that they would not have no oil in their stomachs and could not use their strength.

A mouthful of greasy pork and a mouthful of a big pancake soaked in broth, both of which were eaten together, don't mention how comfortable it was!

For a while, there were bursts of laughter in the camp, and everyone's face was filled with satisfied smiles.

No one thought that their own adults would personally kill a huge wild boar to reward everyone.

This image of being an official is completely different from what they have in their hearts.

Not true.

Zhang Biao saw that all the soldiers had eaten the meat soup, so he came forward with three wooden bowls.

This was Wei Yuan's order, to let these soldiers eat first, and the three of them should eat last.

In the camp tent,

Yang Wei's eyelids trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Where is this?"

"Am I dead?"

He struggled to sit up, covering his head, and felt that he could not muster a bit of strength.

It was like fighting with someone for three days and three nights, and his whole body was hollowed out.

"Didn't I get lost? How did I get here?"

Before he could recall carefully, he felt a fragrant aroma entering his nose.

"What is this smell?"

"Could it be the smell of meat?"

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva. It seemed that the last time he ate meat was on New Year's Eve last year.

At that time, his mother was still in good health, and she could save a few copper coins every month by helping people wash clothes.

This money is usually not used, and is saved for the New Year to buy a few cents of fat meat in the county town to make meat dumplings.

When Yang Wei thought of his sick mother, his eyes darkened instantly.

He didn't know how the mother in the village was doing now.

It was all his fault.


The stomach growled uncontrollably. After a night of tossing and turning, the food in the stomach had long been consumed.

"Are you awake?"

Zhang Biao lifted the door curtain, entered the tent with a bowl of meat soup, and raised his eyebrows at the weak Yang Wei.

"Eat something?"

Yang Wei didn't care about anything else at this moment, and didn't know how strong he was. He took the wooden bowl and ate it with his hands.

In less than half a minute, he ate a bowl of pork soup!

Even the oil on the bowl was licked clean by him.

Looking at the scarred face that seemed to be smiling, Yang Wei smiled awkwardly and returned the wooden bowl in his hand to Zhang Biao.

He got out of bed, clasped his fists and knelt on the ground.

"Thank you for saving my life, sir!"

Zhang Biao turned his body to avoid the kneeling ceremony, and said lightly.

"Hey, it wasn't me who saved you, it was my sir!"

Yang Wei looked up in astonishment, looking at the familiar iron armor on Zhang Biao's body, his voice trembling for some reason.

"Your sir?"

"Could it be..."

His eyes lit up, and a touch of ecstasy appeared on his face, like a drowning man who suddenly grabbed a life-saving straw.

Dong Dong Dong

He kowtowed several times in a row until his forehead was blood red, and then he dared to speak loudly.

"There are demons in the northwest!"

"Please save my life, sir!"

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