After this battle, the demon house was now silent. Only the eerie locust tree was still dancing in the wind, making a "swish" sound from time to time. The paper man and the zombies were all killed by the soldiers in the evil body realm. For some reason, after Wei Yuan beat the white snake demon into the ground, the black snake demon disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace. It was as if the terrifying snake several meters long just now was just an illusion. Could it be that the explosive evil arrow really broke the realistic illusion? If so, it makes sense! After waiting for a long time, I saw that there was no killing prompt on the panel. Wei Yuan sighed in silence, his narrow eyes full of helplessness.

You can't play like this!

So it's all fake after fighting for a long time?

There's no place to make up for it!

"Sir, this snake demon..."

Zhang Biao asked cautiously.

"Is there any more demon blood?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

As he said that, he untied the gourd on his waist and handed it over.

The gourd contained half a pot of gray-level mountain ghost's demon blood, which was specially used to help new soldiers break through.

The medicinal properties of this demon blood are very good, but the only disadvantage is that it is too strong and it is easy to hurt the body if taken too much.

Therefore, when taking it, it must be diluted with clean water before it dares to be taken by them.

Look, forty-seven soldiers only consumed less than twenty drops and it was completely enough!

Wei Yuan took the gourd and took a big gulp of it into his mouth, and the fishy and sticky feeling rushed straight to the top of his head.

Otherwise, it is said that dogs don't need this stuff. Only soldiers would regard this demon blood as a treasure.

The hot taste went all the way from the throat to the spleen and stomach, just like drinking a 60-degree grain wine.

Wei Yuan endured the discomfort in his throat and returned the gourd to Zhang Biao.

Who would drink this kind of thing if they didn't want to quickly recover the evil spirit!

"The snake demon is not dead, but I don't know where it went."

"After you two drink this demon blood, give some to your brothers. We have the evil wheel that can directly convert the blood evil in the demon blood into the evil of the tiger demon.

But they have to use the body casting technique to convert it!"

Wei Yuan swept the gravel on the ground with his feet, sat down and continued.

"Although it's a bit wasteful, it's always faster than recovering by practicing by yourself."

Zhang Biao nodded, closed his eyes and raised his head to drink a sip.

But he didn't drink as much as his master, after all, his cultivation is here!

After Zhang Bao finished drinking, he took the gourd and gave each of the soldiers two drops.

One drop to drink, one drop for reserve.

They are now all soldiers in the evil body realm, and their body's endurance is naturally much stronger than before the breakthrough.

One drop of gray-level demon blood can be completely tolerated. The worst thing is that their temper will become more irritable after drinking it!

Just fight more to vent it out!

Wei Yuan closed his eyes and controlled the two evil wheels in his body to absorb the blood evil contained in the demon blood, and completely transformed it into the evil of the tiger demon.

The conversion rate is not high, only about 50% to 60%.

But the situation is urgent, and it is urgent to restore the evil spirit in the body.

No one knows where the two snake demons will appear again.

If they come out to harm people again and are known by the patrol officer, won't he be the one who eats the spoils?

He doesn't believe that the shitty county magistrate will speak well of him!

Thank God for not adding insult to injury!

Of course, the most important thing is that Wei Yuan has not received any demon lifespan for nearly a month.

His path to longevity as a soldier may depend on the lifespan of these demons.


A faint voice came from a wooden house, and Wei Yuan's eyes opened instantly.

He waved his hand to signal the Zhang Biao brothers to guard the army here, and he drew his sword and walked into the wooden house.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man with a haggard face struggling to roll down from the bloody wedding bed.

The man had dull eyes, blue lips, and his skin and flesh were tightly attached to his bones, even worse than when Wei Yuan first came to this world.

At least Wei Yuan could still walk normally and help people out of trouble.

As for him...

Just looking at him like this, I was afraid that he would not be able to breathe and die.


When the man saw someone entering the house, he quickly raised his arm and shouted.

Wei Yuan looked around and saw that there was no danger, so he ran to his side quickly.

He pulled off the red gauze and wrapped it around him.

How could he be naked, especially when he was a man!

He just carried the man on his shoulders and was about to leave the house when he heard

His half-dead voice came.


Wei Yuan pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly a smile appeared on his lips, and he replied tentatively.

"Tsk... tsk?"

The man was stunned when he heard the words, as if he was thinking, but his face became even uglier after a few breaths, and he hurriedly fluttered on his shoulder.

"Book... box... box!"

"Bed... under the bed!"

Wei Yuan suddenly realized it, so he threw the man back on the bed, bent down to look, and saw a brand new book box at a glance.

But for some reason, there was a big hole on the top of the book box.

"Is there medicine here?"

Wei Yuan raised his head and squinted his eyes and asked with a smile.

Seeing the man nodding frantically, he pulled the book box out from under the bed and searched from top to bottom.

But the more he turned, the weirder Wei Yuan's face became.

The book box should indeed be filled with books, but it was the first time he saw so many...

Books like "Secret Play of Spring Night" and "Su Nu Jing",

"Mandarin Duck Atlas" and "Feng Yue Ji Ji",

"Eighteen Spring Palace Styles" and so on filled a whole box.

The most important thing is that there is no other type of book.

Good man, are all the literati in this world so erotic?

Or is this man too single-minded?

Wei Yuan forced a smile and gave the man a thumbs up to express his admiration.

But the man didn't seem to know what such a gesture meant. He just kept shyly tilting his head and looking at Wei Yuan with his peripheral vision.

"Is it this?"

Wei Yuan raised a porcelain bottle and shook it in front of the man's eyes.

Seeing him nod, he opened the bottle, took out a few fragrant pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

Then he picked it up and planned to step out of the wooden house, regardless of how much dose he should take.


"You have so many things to do!"

Wei Yuan, adhering to the principle of saving people to the end and sending Buddha to the west, picked up the book box!

Seeing that the book box was taken out with him, the man's eyelids finally sank and he began to snore.

"My lord!"

Zhang Bao saw his lord stepping out of the wooden house and hurriedly stood up.

"What is this?"

He first glanced at the man wrapped in the red gauze curtain, and then looked at the hole in the book box.

"It's almost the same as the scholar described by Yang Wei!" Zhang Biao on the side hurriedly said.

"What a scholar!" Wei Yuan laughed.

"It's just a lecherous scholar!"

Seeing that the two did not believe him, he threw the book box on the ground.

"You two look at what books are here!"

The two of them lowered their heads and looked into the book box at the same time.

After a moment, Zhang Biao threw the book back into the box.

"I'm studying the Art of War!"

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