The two brothers were wearing leather armor, with a large black iron shield shaped like a turtle's back hanging on their backs, a ring-headed knife hanging on their waists, and a spear in their hands, looking majestic. Zhang Biao's expression was solemn, and he always looked at the iron tower-like figure beside him inadvertently. He always felt that this adult under the same roof seemed a little different from before. As for what was different... It was hard to say. It seemed more reliable? The iron pagoda weighing more than 60 kilograms made people feel more secure just by looking at it. He secretly pondered in his heart and encouraged himself. I am a military strategist who has broken through to the realm of the wheel of evil.

Protecting the homeland, slaying demons, and fighting bandits are what we should do!

Thinking of this, Zhang Biao's fear of demons in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

After all, this is the first time he has faced demons with his master.

Zhang Bao, who was standing aside, behaved completely differently from his brother. He looked extremely excited, and there was no fear in his eyes.

From time to time, he looked at Wei Yuan with a silly smile, looking like a real fool.

"Zhang Bao, why do you always look at me?"

Wei Yuan lifted his face guard to reveal his face, carried the iron halberd on his shoulder, turned his head and asked helplessly.

"Are you jealous of your master's handsome appearance?"

"I dare not!" Zhang Bao touched his beard and smiled silly.

"Besides, my appearance is not bad. It's a little rough, but I'm a man!"

"Huh?" Wei Yuan changed the subject.

"You mean I'm not a man?"

Zhang Bao was a little confused by the question for a while, so he simply lowered his head, pretending not to hear, and stopped talking.

After a while, he must have something to say, and he was uncomfortable, so he raised his head again and said to Wei Yuan.

"Sir, the iron pagoda on you is very powerful. When can you make a set for me and my brother!"

"Look at my leather armor, it's almost rotten!"

"Leopard, shut up..."

Zhang Biao hurriedly spoke to stop him.

He knew how fierce his younger brother was, but he didn't expect him to be so fierce.

If Wei Yuan was embarrassed, it would be embarrassing for him!

"No problem!" Wei Yuan waved his hand and smiled softly.

"After we kill the wolf demon, I will pay for a good set of armor for you two brothers!"

Zhang Bao raised his head towards his elder brother and said proudly.

"Only the crying cubs get milk!"

"Look at the courage of our master!"


Lin'an County, surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, is a rare treasure.

No major natural disasters have ever occurred since its establishment.

Of course, the disaster caused by demons is an exception.

The name of the village is Shangwu. It is said that a hundred years ago, the whole village was full of martial artists.

It's just that the inheritance has disappeared in recent years, and only the name has been preserved.

The people in the village make a living by farming and casting farm tools.

Especially the forging craftsmanship, which is well known in the villages around ten miles away, and people nearby also like to come here to buy some farm tools or repair farm tools.

As their thoughts drifted, they had already arrived in front of the village. The leading farmer quickly got off his horse and looked anxiously towards the village.

"Sir, this way..."

Wei Yuan quickly got off his horse and rushed to the village with his weapon without even bothering to tie it.

His figure was graceful, as if the heavy armor on his body was as light as nothing.

As soon as he entered the village, he suddenly smelled a bloody smell in the wind. He subconsciously stopped and sniffed hard.

After the repair of the wheel of evil, the five senses will also be slightly enhanced.

This ability to distinguish the direction of smell is naturally not a great magical power.

Wei Yuan's face was as gloomy as water, his eyebrows were cold, he held the heavy halberd, stepped on the muddy dirt road under his feet, and rushed towards the bloody direction.

Zhang Biao and Zhang Bao naturally did not dare to be vague, and hurried to catch up with the sir in front of them who was very fast.

The three of them felt a surge of blood rising up in their hearts, reaching their heads, and there was a turbid air stuck in their throats, which they couldn't get rid of.

Passing by a dilapidated farm, the bloody smell was getting closer and closer.

In the center of the village, a group of farmers wearing linen shorts squatted there without dignity like livestock being kept in a pen.

Their faces were pale, their lips were blue, their eyes were numb, and some of them were even wet.

It seemed that they had experienced something terrible.

In front of the group of farmers sat a transformed gray wolf with its legs crossed.


Its eyes were sharp and its aura was overwhelming. Its slightly raised mouth corners were drooling from time to time. It was holding a thigh that was almost clean and was playing with it casually.

In the middle of the crowd, there were two fierce wolf monsters standing upright.

Its eyes were cold and it swept through the crowd from time to time, as if it was choosing food.

Suddenly, the two monsters laughed obscenely, looked at each other, and at the same time, they chose a girl with pigtails, about six or seven years old.

"Don't eat my baby, don't eat my baby!"

The mother of the girl immediately knelt on the ground like a madman, holding the hairy thigh of the wolf monster and begging.


"I only have this one baby!"

The girl saw her mother like this and began to cry loudly, but before she could make a sound, she was clamped under a thick monster arm.

She struggled constantly, her legs kicked like machines, her arms fluttered in the air.

Her cloth shoes fell off, her shirt was torn in the struggle, her tender face was full of fear, tears were streaming down her face.

How could a little child compare to a monster in strength!

"Mother! Mother!"

The girl's voice of fear was heartbreaking.

"My baby, kill me!"

"Can't you just eat me!"

"How much meat can a baby have!"

"You bunch of damn beasts! You will die a miserable death!"

"Damn, I'm not a human!"

A wolf demon saw the woman making a fuss, grinned, and kicked the woman in the stomach.

"Fuck! Why are people so stubborn again!"

The gray wolf demon sitting in front stuck the leg bone in his hand into the ground, and cursed with a very unhappy face.

"You woman, you have so many babies, but I only want one!"

"You'll be fine if you go back!"

"I'm already very merciful not to kill you!"

The gray wolf demon stood up, his sharp eyes swept across the crowd, shaved his teeth with the tip of his claws, stretched his waist, and said arrogantly.

"If you delay my appetite! Your village will suffer!"

Several young and strong farmers in the crowd heard this, and they felt their brains congested and their blood boiling.

Just as they were about to stand up and fight the wolf demon.

Suddenly, they heard a sound of breaking wind coming from behind.

Everyone looked back and saw a horizontal knife flying from the west.


A plush demon arm was cut off and fell to the ground, and the frightened girl fell into her mother's arms.

"You fart!"

Zhang Baobao opened his head, his face flushed, and he shouted angrily.

Wei Yuan, wearing an iron pagoda and holding a heavy halberd, walked slowly behind the crowd with broad strides.

His eyes were neither sad nor happy, and the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

The tip of the halberd was pointed at the gray wolf monster, and he spoke softly with murderous aura.

"Beast, you say..."

"Who is suffering?"

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