The two of them were sitting in a corner room on the second floor.

Su Chaoyang sat in a private room on the second floor.

His cold face showed no emotion.

But his eyes were fixed on the man in gray.

After a moment,

He turned his head and asked Lu Qingfeng, who was standing at the table respectfully.

"Is that the man you are looking for?"

Lu Qingfeng, like a family servant, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a trembling voice.

He raised his head, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and said in a trembling voice.

"That's right!"

Seeing that Mr. Su didn't react at all, he quickly stretched out his hand to bow.

Humble as an ant, he lowered his body a little more and buried his head again.

"Mr. Su, I, Old Lu, really have no other choice!"

"You know, there are not many free cultivators in Lin'an County!"

"It's already the limit to find a dozen in recent days!"

"I, Old Lu, will resort to this desperate measure when I have no other choice!"

Seeing that Su Chaoyang still had no reaction.

Lu Qingfeng swallowed his saliva and his body began to tremble violently, like a sieve of chaff.

He was afraid that his action would make the person in front of him unhappy.

He had already regretted writing the letter.

If it weren't for his quarrel with the Taiping Army.

How could he have attracted this moody evil star!

Su Chaoyang's eyes moved away from the gray-clothed man and glanced at Lu Qingfeng's appearance.

His pale thin lips slightly raised an arc.

Since when, he began to enjoy the feeling of being able to easily control others.

Especially in this remote and barren land.

He was a cultivator from the Immortal Palace, and here...

He was just like the emperor.

He could get whatever he wanted!

Even the head of Lin'an County bowed down in front of him.

He didn't even dare to say a word.

This was a feeling that he couldn't experience in Kyoto and the Immortal Palace.

Coming back to his senses, he picked up the empty cup on the table and filled it with tea.

He said softly.

"Well done!"

Lu Qingfeng's trembling body suddenly stopped, and he slowly raised his head.

It seemed that he couldn't imagine that this sentence could come out of his mouth.

Su Chaoyang looked at the turbid eyes and couldn't help but smile.

This reminded him of the old dog he raised many years ago.

The look of wagging his tail and begging for mercy was exactly the same as Lu Qingfeng at this moment.

It's just a pity,

The old dog was beaten to death by him accidentally.

Thinking of this, he sighed.

This beast...

is better than humans after all!

He slowly pushed the steaming teacup to the table and said with concern.

"After standing for such a long time, County Magistrate Lu must be tired!"

"Try this Mocha from Miaobaozhai, it's much better than what you bought in Kyoto at a high price!"

"Ada! Aer!"

"Why don't you give County Magistrate Lu a seat!"

As soon as the voice fell,

two skinny men with gloomy and gloomy air strode into the room.

One of them pulled out a chair, and the other lifted Lu Qingfeng's shoulder and pressed him on it.

The strange feeling on his shoulder made Lu Qingfeng's heart, which had just calmed down a little, stir up waves again.

The hands were extremely cold, chilling to the bone.

It was as if it was not a human hand, but...

the hand of a corpse.

"Try County Magistrate Lu!"

"This tea won't taste good when it gets cold!"

Suddenly awake,

he looked at Su Chaoyang, who was as warm as the spring breeze, and then at his followers who were in stark contrast to him.

He laughed dryly, closed his eyes, and drank the boiling hot tea in one gulp with trembling.

"Is it delicious?"


"It's... delicious!"

"Who is that gray-clothed man to you?"

"It's... someone Lu knew in his early years. He... he once saved my life!"

Su Chaoyang's eyebrows tilted upward, and his expression suddenly became curious!

"He also saved your life!"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng seemed to open up his chatterbox immediately.

"I happened to meet bandits in the mountains a few years ago!"

"If he hadn't stepped forward to save me, I'm afraid Mr. Su wouldn't have seen me now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qingfeng's expression even showed a little sigh.

He seemed to be reminiscing about those old memories.

Even if he was inhumane, there was always some beauty and softness in his heart.

"That's all?"

Su Chaoyang listened to the story with relish, and it seemed that he was not satisfied yet.

"It's all old stories!"

Lu Qingfeng secretly lowered his head and looked up at Su Chaoyang as much as possible.

To avoid him getting angry.

After hearing the story, Su Chaoyang's face seemed a little tangled.

He turned his eyes to the man in gray again.

"Does he have any family?"

"They are gone! He is alone!"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes burst into a strange color, and he didn't know why Su Chaoyang asked this question.


"Then he must miss his family very much, right?"

Su Chaoyang muttered to himself.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes suddenly widened when he realized something was wrong.

Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly found that the hand on his shoulder was still pressing him tightly.

"Mr. Su!"

"I promise he won't reveal any secrets!"

Lu Qingfeng's tone was a little hurried.

"After the matter is done, I will give him a large sum of money and let him run away!"

"No one can find him!"

Su Chaoyang retracted his gaze and sighed softly.

"As long as a person is alive, he will be found!"

"Do you understand?"

He stood up and took out a silver note of 10,000 taels from Ah Da's arms and stuffed it into Lu Qingfeng's arms.

"Since you found the person..."

"Then you must never pay this silver again."

Su Chaoyang looked at Ah Er.

He immediately released his hand on Lu Qingfeng's shoulder.

Lu Qingfeng, who was in tears, suddenly felt dizzy.

Then, he rolled off the chair weakly and curled up as much as possible.

After a few breaths,

Su Chaoyang squatted beside him, gently stroked his back, and said softly.

"He will definitely thank you!"

"If it weren't for you! He wouldn't be able to reunite with his family so early!"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng seemed to cry even louder.

Su Chaoyang sighed, and his expression seemed a little impatient.

"I will send someone to get his clothes, and we will build a tomb for him!"

"By the way! Old Lu, does he really have no family?"


The auction was going very fast. After only one hour, nearly 40% of the items in the auction album were sold.

And it was not the same auction as Wei Yuan imagined.

There was no fierce quarrel, and there were no exciting scenes with red faces.

Everyone abided by the rule that the highest bidder wins.

Sitting in the private room, Liu Qingshan flipped through the "Portraits of Wei Ladies" that had just been delivered with a happy face.

This was the book he spent a full thousand taels to bid for!

After all, it was something from the last dynasty, and it could be considered a cultural relic.

So the premium was relatively high!

Otherwise, a book of similar quality in Daqian would only cost ten taels to get it!

Liu Qingshan also happily returned the twenty taels of silver to Zhang Bao.

Now the two of them are as good as one person, sitting in a corner together looking at the book they just got.

From time to time, he let out bursts of lewd laughter.

Zhang Biao couldn't help but clench his fists when he saw this scene.

He wanted to draw out his long sword and kill these two people!

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