The old man was very happy.

"It's a pity to waste that bottle of Hufu Dan!"

A Er sighed with a little pain.

"Stop talking nonsense! Just focus on your work! Are you afraid that the young master will treat you and me badly?"

"Having this big monster squatting here, it saves us a lot of effort."

A Da said coldly with an expressionless face.

Turning his head to look at the figures not far away.

"Those eight martial artists are about to catch up!"


A Er showed a sneer on his face and shook his head disdainfully.

"They are just a few martial artists with internal injuries. The magic skills passed down by the young master are enough to deal with them!"

He put one hand on Ah Da's shoulder.

"Four per person?"

Ah Da seemed to be disgusted by this action and quickly pulled the hand on his shoulder aside.

He licked his lips, and there was a little madness in his eyes.

"Of course, whoever kills faster will get it!"


In less than an incense stick of time,

Eight martial arts practitioners with their own ulterior motives finally arrived here.

The leading old man looked at the two strange figures sitting on the boulder, his eyes rolled around a few times, and shouted loudly.

"Have the brothers over there ever seen a man in gray?"

A Er pointed to the cave on the mountain wall, and then stopped talking.

Seeing this, the old man instructed the people behind him.

"Did you see it?"

"We are not the only ones who want the Hufu Pill!"

"These two people must have the same idea as us."

After saying that, he winked at one of the young men.

The man immediately asked.

"Then what should we do! We will listen to you!"

After this, although the others were a little unhappy, they decided to listen to his ideas reluctantly.

If it suits their wishes, they will work with him.

Anyway, the Hufu Pill is not in hand yet, and it is not time to tear each other apart.

"What else can we do?"

After making a "kill" gesture, he raised his head and smiled friendly at the two figures not far away.

His face, like an old farmer on the roadside, gave him a natural protective color.

No one who saw him for the first time would think he was a bad guy.

But how can the word "bad guy" be written on his face?

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and a hint of murderous intent slowly appeared in their eyes.

Which martial arts practitioner present didn't have blood on his hands?

Besides, two against eight.

The advantage can be seen at a glance.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his idea, the old man hurriedly said.

"All eight of us are injured, so we should be careful!"

"Let's divide into groups, four of us will kill one!"

After that, he pointed to the martial arts practitioner who had just "set up the stage and performed" with him and said.

"The little brother who just spoke, we are destined to be brothers, come and join me!"

Soon, the eight people with their own ulterior motives divided into groups.

The old man nodded with satisfaction and gave another instruction.

While everyone was not paying attention, he stuffed a blood-red pill into the arms of the young man.

The eight people dispersed and walked towards the two people.

All their retreat routes were blocked vaguely.

"Two brothers!"

The leading old man bowed and smiled at the two people.

"Is the gray-clothed man really in this cave?"

A Er stood up and said impatiently.

"Too much nonsense! If you don't believe me, just go in and see for yourself!"

The old man sneered, and his gentle appearance instantly became extremely cold.

"With you two young and strong brothers here, why should I, an old man, bother?"

After saying that, he waved his hand.

There was only a sound of metal friction "clang clang".

Several of them instantly drew out their weapons and surrounded A Da and A Er.


Looking at the tense crowd around him, A Da's lips trembled, and he couldn't help but sneered, playfully.

"What does this mean?"

"Are you going to use my two brothers as a target?"


"Don't say that, little brother!"

The old man calmly wrapped his hands in his sleeves and secretly grabbed a hidden weapon in his hand.

"I don't want your lives, I just want you to help me find the way!"

"If the man in gray is really in the cave, I will definitely let you two go intact and will never hurt you!"

"You want the Viscera Protecting Pill?"

Ada raised his head, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Could it be that you

Aren't we?" The old man asked. Ada and Er smiled at each other and stood up. "Of course not!" As soon as the two jumped off the boulder, several weapons were already on their necks. "Don't move! Our swords don't have eyes!" "Then what do you two want?" "Why are you squatting here?" The old man's eyes showed a strange color, and while everyone's eyes were focused on these two people. He quickly grabbed the young man's arm and took a step back. "What do we want?" A cold breath rushed out from the two people, and everyone suddenly felt cold all over. "Do it! "

The old man shouted angrily, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The big hand hidden in the sleeve suddenly waved.

Countless hidden weapons instantly shot out and flew towards the two people.

Others heard the words, and they also "showed their magical powers like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea".

Everyone used their own unique skills.

It's just a pity that they were still half a step slower.

The surrounding cold air suddenly shrank rapidly and wrapped the two people.

Then, as if accumulating power, it suddenly exploded.


A transparent wave spread out in all directions with the two people as the center.

Everyone was shocked in an instant He changed color and took a few steps back.

He felt a foul and cold air invade his lungs.

It was like falling into an ice cave, and the cold was piercing.

Even the blood in the meridians was frozen into ice.

His movements became stiff.

His original injuries were aggravated again.

Before everyone could stand firm, they heard a muffled sound of footsteps.

Two figures slowly walked out of the smoke and dust.

The faces of the two people who were unharmed were full of mania.

A harsh and hoarse voice like a saw came out of the two people's mouths.

"What we want..."

"Of course, it's your life. "



The shirts of the two men were slowly stretched and torn.

It seemed that something was about to break out of the body.

After a few breaths,

the two men groaned.

Two thick arms covered with black stitches emerged from each of their armpits.

It was completely inconsistent with their already skinny bodies.

It was as if,

as if they were forcibly spliced ​​together.

"Is this enough now?"

A Er had a devilish smile on his face, and a primitive animality suddenly burst out from his body.

It was like a beast in a cage that had been hungry for many days and suddenly came out of the cage.

He twisted his neck a few times, and his legs exerted a little force to crack the ground.

"I... I quit! "

"Don't kill..."

Before anyone could finish, their heads were crushed by four big hands.

The old man's eyes were cloudy, his face was dull, and he trembled as he opened his frosted lips and slowly uttered eight words.

"The secret art of sewing corpses..."

"Four-armed corpse!"


Ada, who was about to take action, turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

"Is there anyone who knows?"

"Then I will..."

"I'll send you off first!"

The old man's pupils suddenly shrank, and a chill ran down his spine. He slapped the young man on the shoulder and said angrily.

"Go! "

The young man seemed to be frightened at this moment, with no expression on his dull face.

He could only fly away at a high speed with the old man's internal force.

The old man showed a calm face.

As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger, but also lost in danger.

He had been prepared for this.

As long as his family's incense can continue.

He stood up and took out a handful of hidden weapons from his arms, trying to buy more time for the young man.

But he didn't expect it.

The four-armed figure moved forward close to the ground at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the young man.

Just one punch pierced his chest.

Blood splashed on half of Ah Da's face.

He tilted his eyebrows upward, turned his head, and licked his lips.

He seemed a little embarrassed and said to the old man.

"I just lied to you."

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