The soldiers were ready to go, and the battle was over.

Taiping Army Mansion

The well-fed soldiers were ready to go, standing in line on the parade ground.

The two Zhang brothers in armor stood in front of the line and called out their names one by one.

It was obvious that they were going to lead them to the evil spirit cave to continue their evening training.

Although the military emphasizes quick success, they cannot slack off.

After all, no matter what system you practice, it will be like sailing against the current.

If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you want to gain a foothold in this chaotic world, it still depends on your strength.

Of course, this group of soldiers also understand Wei Yuan's good intentions.

So in recent months, no one has ever complained of being tired or wanted to retreat.

It just so happened that I made some unexpected money today.

Wei Yuan waved his hand and simply bought ten sheep to reward the soldiers.

He came over after everyone had eaten and drunk enough.

Originally, he thought he would only see a pile of bones.

Fortunately, Zhang Biao was careful and had left one for him in advance.

After everyone left,

Only a few injured soldiers and the two martial artists were left in the military mansion.

And Wei Yuan and Liu Qingshan, who were eating roasted lamb on the parade ground.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Yuan was lazy and did not practice.

But the current evil spirit cave is not suitable for him.

Relying on the three evil wheels in his body to transform the free evil spirit in the world is enough for his daily practice.

If he went to the evil spirit cave, I am afraid that the other soldiers would only be able to stare blankly.

They can't even rob him.

Besides, keeping him in the military mansion can also deal with some unexpected situations.

"Master Wei! Have a drink?"

Liu Qingshan wiped the mutton fat on his mouth, untied the gourd from his waist, drank a mouthful, and handed it over.

"The military office usually prohibits alcohol."

Wei Yuan ate the lamb leg in big mouthfuls, without raising his head.

"If you want to stay in the military office, you must abide by the rules here."

Liu Qingshan's smile froze, and he quickly tied the gourd around his waist.

"Master Wei is strict in managing the army, worthy of being a county lieutenant!"

"By the way! Is your secret technique of controlling people really effective?"

"Don't make any mistakes by accident, two second-level warriors are not easy to deal with."

"Why don't you try it?"

Wei Yuan threw the bone in his hand and joked with a smile.

It took forty years to deduce this secret technique of the evil talisman.

How can it be so easy to crack.

If the opponent's cultivation is higher than his, there is still a chance.

Unfortunately, these two people together may not be Wei Yuan's opponent.

Wei Yuan's cultivation is now in the middle of the second realm, while the other two are in the early stage of the second realm.

With the blessing of the evil wheel cultivated by [Whale Swallowing Hundred Refinements] and the innate divine power.

He has gradually caught up with the gap between the military cultivator and the other two cultivators.

In other words, within the same realm, there will no longer be a big gap for Wei Yuan.

It's just that this method requires too much monster flesh and blood.

Otherwise, Wei Yuan would not ask Zhao Wancai to help collect it.

It's also true that the military family hardly needs any natural treasures.

It's simply a fantasy to think that you can cultivate such a huge amount of blood and energy by yourself.

So it's understandable to consume more monster flesh and blood.


There are still too few ways to obtain monster flesh and blood in this barren Lin'an County.

It took the military government several months of harvest to cultivate a evil wheel.

God knows how much monster flesh and blood will be needed for the next breakthrough.

It will be miserable if it's not enough.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan sighed secretly in his heart. When the soldiers become stronger, he should take them to move. Didn't Zhao Wancai say that the war on the border is tight? Perhaps, that is the most suitable place for him. … It was already dark. Although it was not yet curfew time. But there were few people on the street, only a few restaurants and brothels were still brightly lit. Almost all of them were unfamiliar faces who came to participate in the Miaobaozhai auction. It was because of them that Lin'an County was so lively in the cold winter. "Cough cough cough!" In a dark alley not far from the Taiping Army Mansion. A figure leaned against the wall and gasped. The hoarse throat like a bellows coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood from time to time. A strong bloody smell emanated from his body. Lao Du gritted his teeth, tore off his gray robe, and a jade bottle rolled down to his feet.

The fist-sized blood hole on his chest had almost stopped bleeding.

It was faintly covered with a layer of green membrane.

He tore the gray robe into strips and wrapped it tightly around

On his body.

He picked up the jade bottle with trembling hands and swallowed the last two emerald green pills in it.

I don’t know if it was God’s pity or if he was destined to die.

Although the sharp spider leg pierced him, it did not hurt his important organs.

Although he was also seriously injured, he was not killed in one blow.

So he could barely hang on to his life with this organ-protecting pill.

He also took the boiling blood pill that he picked up by accident while the demon was out.

That’s how he managed to escape.

Now his body is extremely weak and he can’t raise a trace of true energy.

He can stay awake completely because of his desire to survive and the five-person organ-protecting pill.

This pill can heal hidden injuries in the body and strengthen the five internal organs.

For ordinary people, taking two pills at a time is already the limit.

But he took several pills in one breath.

The powerful drug power may be a disadvantage for others, but for his seriously injured body at this moment.

It was like a life-saving elixir.

The excess medicinal power not only formed a green membrane on his wound.

It also helped him stop the heavy bleeding.

Otherwise, in his current state, the wound would have been bleeding after taking the boiling blood pill.

In addition, he was running for his life all the way, and he might have lost too much blood and fainted before he even reached Lin'an County.

His eyes revealed despair and alertness.

He kept looking around the dark environment, fearing that there would be any disturbance.

It was no longer safe outside, and other counties were too far away from here.

He couldn't run there with his current physical condition.

In desperation, he could only return to Lin'an County and see the dark under the lamp.

After all, old people in the world know it.

A dangerous place is a place of life.

Lao Du slowly took out a bloody envelope, and his expression revealed a resentful look.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

"I saved your life without asking for anything in return, but now you want to hurt me."

"You are really a traitor to Tiangang, you are unworthy of being a son!"

He couldn't help but clench his fists, making a crisp "crackling" sound.

The pale joints were clearly visible.

The killing intent towards Lu Qingfeng in his heart had reached its peak.

After a long time,

He slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

He slapped himself in the face and struggled to stand up slowly with the stone wall.

He looked at the plaque not far away.

The only way to survive now is the Lin'an Military Mansion.

I heard that the two of them didn't like each other.

The most important point is that the Wei Xiaowei hated demons the most.

With this letter and himself as a witness, Lu Qingfeng's crime of colluding with demons will definitely be confirmed.

According to the laws of Daqian, colluding with demons will result in the death of nine clans.

He wanted to see with his own eyes that Lu Qingfeng, this traitor, had his family destroyed and his head tumbled off.

Old Du smeared the blood from the corner of his mouth on his face and moved towards the Taiping Army Mansion step by step.

At this moment,

he had no other choice but to fight.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a surprised voice in his ear.

"Brother Du?"

He grinned with the corner of his mouth full of blood stains and handed over the envelope in his hand.

He murmured.

"Lu Qingfeng colluded with the big demon outside the county! Go and report to the guard..."

Before he finished speaking, his body softened and he fainted.

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