“This, need to be recorded!”

Nick Fury muttered.

As the head of an organization responsible for the security of hundreds of millions of people, it is not enough to simply respond when a crisis comes, it is too inefficient.

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a dedicated emergency response plan for various emergencies.

And zombies, this kind of crisis is something they have not considered before.

“A bit like a vampire, but even more terrifying, any wound that has come into contact with a zombie will be infected with the virus, which is highly contagious, unless you carry an antidote with you, you can only clean it from a distance.”

In the conference room, several senior agents and a group of trainees are discussing this.

This is the task given by Nick Fury, and they often do this deduction so that they can be well prepared when a lot of things happen, rather than rushing around.

“The zombies in the movie have weaknesses, the neural links between the head and neck, but if it is a Resident Evil outbreak in reality, zombies do not necessarily have this weakness, so how do we kill them? The first is the flame, the incineration of the flame can effectively clean them up, while avoiding close contact, but also can destroy the virus protovirus. ”

A petite middle-aged woman with black hair said.

“Mei is right, in addition, biolytic agents can also play an effect, the strains cultivated by special means can be quickly explained to organic tissues, although the T virus can be resurrected from the dead, but they cannot be separated from the essence of the virus, protein, they also need to rely on the existence of the human body, if these strains fall on them, they can directly decompose the zombies.”

The so-called strain is the lowest link in the biosphere in nature, the decomposer.

That is, all sorts of bacteria, fungi!

The so-called decay is caused by them.

To put it bluntly, the agent’s idea is to make these zombies rot through artificially cultivated bacteria.

“OK, your proposals are very good, especially May and Coulson, record the information, well, for the burning substances and strain cultivation of zombies, you can let the science department carry it out, and then put it on the record.”

After the discussion, Nick Fury said a few words, let everyone prepare to disperse, but a message was suddenly sent to him, and after reading the message, his whole person was stunned in place.


Nick Fury looked at the report in his hand, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot, but the many elite agents he stopped were dazed, for a long time, he took a deep breath, and then sent the report in his hand to the big screen for everyone to see together.

“Oh buy ka!”

The cries of surprise arose one after another, and even Coulson and May, who had just performed well, turned pale at this time.

Deduction is one thing, but if Resident Evil really happened in reality, what would it be a terrible scene?

“Issue a nine-level alert order, and all the agents who are not on mission are assembled. Also, ask someone to bring that director over, damn it, I want to know what the hell is going on. ”

Nick Fury growled.

I saw that on the screen, on a long street, dozens of residents with broken clothes looked miserable, but although they were slow to move, they were unswervingly pursuing, they were chasing prey, flesh and blood.

A town that should have been peaceful and peaceful, at this time, has become a purgatory on earth.

Resident Evil, outbreak!

On the other side, in the apartment, Levi did not know that S.H.I.E.L.D. had panicked.

It’s been two months since Biochemical One was released, and Levi has been staying here since the other day and hasn’t gone out.

In fact, the invitation to him has not been interrupted during this time, but he is busy with one thing, so he has no interest in paying attention to those people.

His redemption plan!

In fact, his redemption list has been out since Biochemistry was first released.

It’s just that at that time, he looked at the high exchange requirements on the list and couldn’t do anything at all.

According to the system, the box office of his film, note that it is the box office, not his film revenue, will be converted into points year-on-year, and he can exchange this point for various items, and the exchange can also be divided into time-sensitive, reduced, improved and special processing.

Of course, except for the first two, the latter two options require additional points, and the first two are not all available.

For example, use-type drugs can’t be exchanged for time-sensitive drugs, you can’t exchange for an immortal medicine, and then say I want one that can live for a thousand years.

You can’t exchange a nuclear bomb for a day, and then come out and put it in a cannonball!

“Items: The original code after the artificial intelligence program red; Redemption price, 10 million points! ”

“Item: T virus fortified serum (note, the probability of successful enhancement is extremely low!) ), exchange price, ten million. ”

This is something Levi wants to exchange from Biochemical One.

Among them, the Red Queen is what he needs to make movies, and he needs the Red Queen to help him make those classic animated blockbusters, such as Zootopia and Super Marines.

And the T virus booster needless to say, that is to strengthen him personally, however, this is the T virus in the first part, although it has been shown in the next few parts that the umbrella company has broken the level, and the T virus can be used to mass-produce enhanced people like Alice.

However, in the first part, to be precise, at the end of the film, the injection of Alice is actually only a slightly modified sample of the T virus, and the result of injecting it is that 99.99% will become a zombie.

Fortunately, Levi can improve, and he can spend points to have the system improve the T-virus, so that it becomes the kind of serum without side effects in subsequent movies.

Only, he almost got money now!

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