“Are you looking for death?”

It was the first time that Levi had seen such a fool who couldn’t figure himself out, and just now Levi found the location of the hive in seconds and then directly arrested him without the slightest reaction.

This kind of operation, can’t he still see that he is an existence that he can’t provoke at all?

Pushed out with one hand, Levi was like pushing down a chopstick, and a powerful force directly burst out, directly blasting the dry body of the hive!


A huge gap appeared on the ground, Will looked at the scene in front of him, he didn’t know why Levi suddenly made a move, with his strength naturally could not detect the small movements of the hive, but this did not prevent him from being sincerely afraid of this.

“Disgusting little bug, if it weren’t for the fact that you still have some effect, you would be gone by now.”

Levi stretched out his hand, and the hive that had just been blasted out by him flew back to Levi’s hand as if it was pulled by some invisible silk thread.


A roar came from the mouth of the hive, and on the opposite side was the golden yellow divine light emanating from Levi’s hand.

This scene looks very much like a god purifying the demon, at least in Will’s eyes.

“These little bugs, if you don’t want them, I can help you clean them up.”

The light around Levi’s body slowly shone on the area, occasionally glowing with a trace of black smoke, and what seemed to be black smoke to Will was actually the hive spreading out of himself.

The hive is a collection of countless small bugs, like a hive where bees come together, hence his name.

And each bug can spread out, as a means of killing, but also a means of control.

However, he can use these bugs to devour ordinary people, but if he controls it, he can only control inhumans.

It stands to reason that this kind of bug that is so small that it is invisible to the naked eye will not be detected at all, but who Levi is, these small actions of the hive are just a joke to him.

Even if he does not have the power of the sun god, with the domineering of the T virus in his body, there is only one end for these little bugs to invade.


The power of the sun god slowly burned the remains of the hive, until he had already weakened and the little bugs that made up his true body were not even half there, and Levi let him go.

This guy uses it well, or a good knife.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if Malik worships him or not, it’s really not okay, just let this guy devour Malik.

Mind control means don’t work, but directly devouring his memories is not something that mental defense means can resist.

And all Levi needs to do is firmly control this guy.

Looking at the hive that was about to hang, Levi kicked him on tiptoe, watched him roll around on the ground, but couldn’t even stand up, Levi just sneered.

This is the lesson he has won.

However, when the stick is finished, the sweet date must also be given!

A gentle stream of life energy was like a gushing spring, moisturizing the body that should have belonged to former NASA astronaut Nabs.

So, in the eyes of Will and the Hive, a miracle is unfolding.

The dry body, which could barely sustain its activities by the power of the hive, was like a wilderness irrigated by spring rains, and it was rejuvenated in less than a moment.

The dry muscles are being reborn, the calcium-lost bones are repairing, and the body is rapidly regaining its previous vitality and vitality.

And the hive as a parasite is also like bathing in the spring breeze, and it feels extremely comfortable!

The number of insect swarms is recovering rapidly, and the power he can control is also increasing dramatically.

A moment later, when a human man with an intact body and as energetic as Will appeared, both Will and the Hive were already in great shock and deep worship.

Will bowed his head and bowed to show his highest respect to Levi, while the hive, a guy who was once worshipped as a god by others, fell into suspicion that he had never had before.

“It turns out that I’ve always been a false god? It turns out that you are the true God? ”

He felt at the moment, like a king who ruled tens of thousands of people and owned a county, and suddenly one day, he found that in fact, the outside world was extremely vast, and there were emperors who ruled hundreds of millions of miles of land, a million-strong army, and golden iron horses!

If he had absorbed the memories of the Celestial Empire, he would have known that there was a word specifically to describe him.

Yelang is arrogant!

He was the monarch who asked Yelang Kingdom and Han Dynasty, and his previous provocation to Li Wei was outright arrogance!

Seeing the performance of the two guys in front of him, Levi was quite satisfied, and what he wanted was this effect, but the heat was not enough.

Levi’s gaze looked into the distance, in front of the cliff, the ancient ruins, the Hydra kingdom established by the followers of the Hive who were the first to be exiled here.

“I am the sun, the eternal light, the lord of all things, I am the true God, the only God!”

Levi’s body slowly rose, a round of halo appeared behind him, in this planet without stars, without the sun, I don’t know how many billions of years, today, there is a sun.

“This is my great power!”

Levi’s voice was like a bell, exploding in the ears of Will and the hive, and then, a mighty and mighty force like the sun burst out from Levi’s hands.

The divine, great daylight poured out, and Will and the hive quickly followed the direction of Levi’s finger.


Second more.

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