In the evening, Levi and his party left from the Mutant Academy!

Skye and Wanda are okay, the two of them are young, but Natasha is actually in the grade of motherhood, just strengthening the serum to keep her young, so she can’t see it, not to mention that she still has a heart knot.

So, along the way, Natasha’s gaze towards Levi was a little wrong, her eyes looked under him from time to time, occasionally looked at her stomach, and after touching it for a while, she showed a smirk.


Levi shivered, Natasha spoke in this coquettish and crooked tone, although he enjoyed it, but every time he heard this voice, it meant that nothing was good.

What’s more, where does he not know what Natasha is thinking, even if he does not use telepathy, as far as he knows Natasha, who does not know who?

“Cough, let’s talk about it first, the child’s thing, can we wait?” Seriously, I’m really not ready right now, and besides, we still have more important things to do, and I can tell you very clearly that we, or the entire Earth, the entire universe are facing a huge threat, and if we can’t solve that problem, I really don’t dare to have children! ”

The car is driving as usual, this is a commercial vehicle, the front driver’s seat is separated from the back seat by a baffle, and only when the back needs to talk to each other, so Li Weida can say some secret things here.

To be honest, Levi is really not ready to be a parent, he is not yet that age.

Think about it, a god who may live 10,000 years, or even live the same life as heaven and earth, is only in his twenties to give birth to children.

Levi felt that he really had another two years to play.

And on Thanos’s side, Levi doesn’t solve him, this guy can always get things done.

What if he let Levi’s white-haired person send the black-haired person, Levi must not storm away and destroy the world?

“But those kids are really cute!”

Natasha looked at Levi pitifully, and Levi was really helpless about this.

“I promise, we’re going to have a lovely baby, okay?”

What man can refuse a woman’s desire to be a mother?

Levi looked at Natasha affectionately and made the heaviest promise of his life, probably the heaviest.

And Natasha, who got the promise, was also satisfied, at least the current situation was much better than her original inability to have children at all, what was she not satisfied with?

Afterwards, the group went straight to the restaurant for a sumptuous dinner, and after eating, the four of them came to the famous Broadway.

After a drama was performed, Levi watched it with relish, Natasha watched it with interest, and Wanda and Skye looked at a loss.

Levi has plenty of artistic attainment there, and it’s not a problem to enjoy drama, while Natasha is a former super agent, and her targets are basically the big guys.

A certain warlord, a certain high-ranking department, a certain high-ranking general, and so on.

And they are basically some old men, anyway, they will not be young.

Places like theater theaters are places where they often appear.

So it’s only natural that Natasha’s training courses include this type of art appreciation.

Only Skye and Wanda have never touched this kind of thing, let alone understand this somewhat pompous and special art form, so that they doze off when they look at it.

“Okay, let’s go back, I’m afraid that if you look at it again, you two will fall asleep.”

After watching the first scene, Levi also found the boredom of the two women, so he proposed to leave.

The two girls were naturally happy, and Natasha had no objections, for these two younger sisters, if she still had a hint of competition at the beginning.

Now she really regards them as her own family.

No way, really speaking, among the few of them, Wanda’s life is a little better, she also has an older brother, although very out of tune, recently found a girlfriend, after starting her own racing driver life, she almost forgot her sister.

It is normal for a group of people with miserable backgrounds to gather together and warm each other.

Maybe after a night of hugging and crying together, Natasha and the three are now really sisters anyway.

“It’s snowing.”

Levi walked out of the theater, and after walking for a while, he suddenly found snowflakes in the sky, and for a while, the four people were silent, walking slowly on the street, enjoying the rare snowy scene.

The pedestrians on the street were also very happy, and from time to time there were cheering pedestrians jumping into view, and the four of them just smiled slightly.

“It’s snowing, oh, it’s snowing!”

On the street corner, a teenager who looked to be in his early teens was wearing a thick winter coat and looked up at the sky, while behind him was a middle-aged man with a thick and stocky face, and beside him, a lady with a faint wrinkle on her face was looking at the teenager in front of her with a smile.

“Peter, slow down, pay attention to the car.”

“It’s okay, Uncle Ben, Aunt Mei, look at this snowflake, it’s so big and beautiful, if only I could keep it forever.”

The young man laughed happily, ran to the middle-aged lady, spread his palm, and a crystal snowflake lay in his warm palm, slowly melting.

“Peter, it’s melted, warmed by you, and if the snowflakes never melt, you’re going to have a headache how to go out.”

May ruffled her nephew’s hair and a warm smile appeared on her face.

She and her husband have never had children, and Peter’s arrival has brought their home back to life, and how she wishes Peter was her child, but now it makes no difference.

“You can keep it, you just have to put it in the fridge.”

A slightly magnetic voice sounded in his ears, and at the same time, a golden beam of light fell, just landing on Little Peter’s palm, refreezing the snowflake that was already melting and turning it into a crystalline color, and even because of this energy, this snowflake was still glowing with a little golden brilliance.

Mei raised her head and looked at the person with a little doubt.

I saw that the tall body was as straight as loose, and the ordinary hand-spun casual clothes wore on the other party’s body had a very leisurely indifference.

The faint smile on the other party’s face gave people a very warm feeling, as if this cold winter suddenly became warmer.

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