Chapter 100: A life-and-death battle between the Supreme Beings? A battle to destroy the Nine Profound Realms? What is it all about?

In the Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Su Changqing at the edge of the battlefield, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation.

"Where will we go in this life?"

""Can I have a true identity besides my comrade-in-arms?"

She murmured in her heart, then came back to her senses, with a blush on her face.

For some reason, she hoped that time would pass faster. At least

, it shouldn't be like now, when the relationship between her and Su Changqing was no different from that of strangers.

But things can't be forced,

Xia Qingxuan understood this, and now looked at Xia Wenze who seemed to be distracted beside her.

""Dad, look at you, you don't even have a chance to make a move now!"

She couldn't help but complain. If the Beiming Holy Land had helped, maybe she would be standing next to Su Changqing now.

So now, even if she saw Su Changqing again, she didn't know what to say.

Hearing this,

Xia Wen Ze was also a little annoyed, but quickly asked:"Why? It seems that you believe that kid can end this war"

"Then... Su Changqing is the son of Daoyi, and the strongest son so far. How can the Lord of Daoyi be at ease when he travels? Not to mention letting him get involved in this war."

Xia Qingxuan wanted to say that was of course, but she quickly reacted and changed her words.

Upon hearing this,

Xia Wenzhe guessed a lot about his daughter's thoughts, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't expect that he, a saint, could cut off the immortal platform and even block the attack of the Supreme. This kid is probably not only the strongest saint son of Daoyi Saint Sect, but also the strongest genius among the younger generation of Jiuxuantian, without a doubt!"

He looked at Su Changqing again and gave a very high evaluation.

In fact, after living for so many years, it was the first time he saw such a monster like Su Changqing!

Even the strongest people in the ancient times of Jiuxuantian had never heard of such a thing!

Now it is definitely regrettable.

If there were no so many doubts and decisive help before, perhaps Beiming Holy Land, Dayu Divine Dynasty, and Daoyi Saint Sect would have established a foundation of friendship.

But now, there is an idea but no chance.

Xia Qingxuan heard his father's praise, and pride rose in his heart


Her cheeks suddenly became hot at this inexplicable emotion. She always felt that she had a strange feeling towards Su Changqing.

It was hard to explain, but it was very subtle.


It was at this time that

Su Changqing noticed Su Youwei and Xia Qingxuan's reactions and laughed in his heart.

"It will take some time to get their trust to the extreme level, but it won't take long.……"

He muttered to himself and began to make up more stories for this diary.

After taking the blow from the Supreme, he felt bad. Even though he was not seriously injured, he was still injured.

His strength was still insufficient. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as just blocking the blow, but a real fight with the Supreme!

Without thinking too much, Su Changqing continued to make up his diary.

【This war has come to an end】

【The destruction of the immortal demon clan is a good thing for Jiuxuantian. A future hidden danger and a cancer have been eradicated!】

【But this war is nothing. Compared with many future wars, it is just a small fight!】

【No matter whether it is the future war of destruction, the war of the heavens, or the dark turmoil, their levels of terror cannot be compared to this battle between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan!】

【Before the many wars come, there will be many disturbances and chaos in Jiuxuantian, especially the War of the Heavens. In the war at that time, all those below the saints are ants, and the God Kings are not considered the main force in the War of the Heavens. The fall of saints is a common occurrence. It is one of the most tragic wars in the history of Jiuxuantian!】

【In the later stage of the War of the Heavens, cultivators in other realms could no longer influence the direction of the war. Instead, it became a life-and-death battle between the supreme beings of the heavens. Countless supreme beings of the heavens died in that battle, and quite a few were even emperors!】

【In my previous life, even though I fought side by side with the great supreme beings of Jiuxuantian, even though I was able to suppress many supreme beings by myself and even face the quasi-emperors, I was unable to quell the wars in the heavens, so that... Qingxuan died to save me!】

【In this life, even if one can fight on the immortal platform as a saint and face the attack of the supreme being directly, for others, this may be a great honor and achievement, but in the future, these are not worth mentioning!】

【Since the ending can be changed, I will not be content with peace in this life. Before the war of the heavens comes, I will step by step reach the top of Jiuxuantian and dominate the heavens! 】

After he made up the story, he was quite satisfied.

There is nothing too urgent to do right now, just let nature take its course.

0 Asking for flowers

As for the trust value of the diary holder, it is only a matter of time.

Presumably, soon, the trust values of the four diary holders will be able to break through the upper limit and reach the level of extreme trust.

By then, new diary holders can be unlocked, right?

Who will it be in the original book?

In addition, will the diary be upgraded as a result? Su Changqing is looking forward to these

, but he did not dwell on this matter too much. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Anyway, he only needs to make up stories and let the diary holders believe them, and the rest will fall into place.


As Su Changqing fabricated another story, Su Youwei in the Dayu Divine Dynasty looked at the contents of the diary copy and suddenly trembled.

"This war is just a minor one for the future! ?"

"In future wars, everyone below the level of a saint will be an ant? How horrible will the wars that break out at that time be?"

"A life-and-death battle between the Supreme Beings? And will Jiuxuantian also have greater civil strife in the future? So that... there won't be enough strength to compete in the War of the Heavens?"

She was shocked by the contents of this diary.

According to Su Changqing, Jiuxuantian will be more chaotic in the future than it is now.

In a truly chaotic world, will there be a civil war?

At the same time...

After reading the diary,

Su Youwei's heart trembled, and she quickly looked at Su Changqing who was not far away with a firm expression.

"The top of Jiuxuantian, the master of the heavens! ?"

At this moment, she felt a strong fighting spirit in the diary!

Su Changqing was no longer as lacking fighting spirit as before. Now he regained his fighting spirit and was determined to change the bad things in his previous life!

For a moment,

Su Youwei looked a little dazed, and couldn't help but look at it in a trance.

"This guy, I have to say... is full of charm right now!"

She murmured, revealing the look of a girl thinking about love.

When she reacted, her face suddenly blushed.

But she really couldn't control her thoughts, her mind was full of random thoughts, it was too embarrassing!

But she was also happy that Su Changqing's words in the diary were full of fighting spirit!


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