Chapter 188:

After a while, when they came to their senses...

Bai Lie and the other supreme beings who had originally wanted to kill Su Changqing no longer wanted to continue.


They each showed amazing strength and fled with their own people!

No one dared to hesitate!

Because they didn't know whether Su Changqing would take the initiative to attack next!

If that happened, it would be too late for them to leave!

Perhaps they would face the same fate as the Undead Demon Clan, and all of them would be destroyed!

As for Qiu Yao, after he came to his senses, he still couldn't believe it!

"how so……"

He murmured, looking at Su Changqing with confusion in his eyes!

A Saint Realm kid can kill the Supreme...

Such a thing has never happened in the past and present!

But this happened to Su Changqing!

He saw it with his own eyes!

It is impossible to kill Su Changqing now!

And this kid will rise completely in the near future!

By that time, once the revenge on the Sky Python Demon Clan is taken, I am afraid no one can resist!

Thinking of this,

Qiu Yao's heart was in turmoil, and there was more fear in his eyes!

"This time, I will lead my people to completely hide from the world and not care about worldly affairs!"

He glanced at the Saint Lord Daoyi and spoke very unwillingly!

And this is the price of Su Qing's action!

From now on, the Sky Python Demon Clan will continue to disappear and never appear again!

Without waiting for the Saint Lord Daoyi to speak,

Qiu Yao, with reluctance in his heart and shock at Su Changqing, fled away with his people and disappeared from everyone's sight!

Seeing this scene,

Su Qingyun, Xia Wenzhe, and the Demon Lord looked at the Saint Lord Daoyi, and their hearts were still shocked!

"This kid Su Changqing's future achievements will definitely surpass you and me. It is only a matter of time for him to become the supreme being. Perhaps he will become the first emperor of Jiuxuantian and also the first human emperor!"

"I never thought that he could actually kill the Supreme. How long has it been since he killed the Immortal Platform?"

"Even I was not absolutely sure that I could take that sword just now, so how did I get it?.!"

They spoke one after another, with more shock in their eyes!

Not only did Su Changqing's performance in the Tower of All Heavens surprise them, but now he was facing the Supreme, and he actually had the means to kill the Supreme!

This made them not only shocked, but also unexpected!

Daoyi Saint Lord listened to the words of several people, and a rare smile appeared on his face!

"No where……"

He looked modest, but the smile on his face could not help but grow!

Looking at Su Changqing below, his eyes were full of admiration that was unprecedented!

This kid's growth rate was too amazing!

Having been raised by him since he was a child, he was a little confused now, how many unexpected killer moves and trump cards did this kid have?


At this moment, most people were still thinking about Su Changqing's words!

To be precise, it was the sword that could kill the Supreme!

Now, the scene before the death of the Supreme Elder was still vivid in their minds!

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath again, even if they just thought about it!

At this moment,

Su Changqing felt the fearful gazes from all directions, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Fortunately, I was able to show my supreme attack.……"

He muttered to himself, feeling somewhat relieved.

However, the longer those supreme beings live, the more afraid they are of death!

If it were me, I would definitely not give up when facing this situation!

But now, the crisis has been resolved! Su Changqing was still a little unsatisfied with killing the supreme being with one sword, but he could only think about it again.

"It seems that I still have to improve my cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise... there will always be villains who want to harm me!"

He muttered in his heart, and also made it clear what to do next!

Not only that, this is also equivalent to making plans for the final battle three months later!

Beside him,

Xia Qingxuan, Ling Qianxue, Su Youwei, and Murong Dieyi looked at Su Changqing, their eyes full of spirit!

"Terribly strong……"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They didn't know how to describe the man in front of them.

A saint killed the supreme being!

This was the first time in the history of Jiuxuantian, and perhaps it would be the first time in all the heavens and worlds!

This man, Su Changqing... was creating miracles all the time! [] His power was beyond reach!

She wanted to catch up, but she felt powerless.

Under the shocked gazes, the supreme aura on Su Changqing gradually disappeared and returned to normal.

Until she saw this,


Many immortal platforms and saintly masters breathed a sigh of relief and were able to catch their breath!

It was really the oppression from Su Changqing that made them almost unable to breathe!

Wang Ye, Yu Li and other people on the Tianjiao list were still moved!

"I'm afraid it's hard to catch up with him.……"

"It turns out that the reason why Su Changqing did not compete for the ranking of the Tianjiao List was not because he did not want to, but because he did not regard us as his opponents.……"

They couldn't help but feel lost and confused.

Facing such a terrifying existence, their thoughts of fighting against it completely disappeared.

Because, doing so would undoubtedly be courting death.

After all...

Su Changqing was an existence that could even kill the Supreme Being!


Finally, as the Daoyi Saint Master laughed heartily,

Su Changqing followed him and left surrounded by a group of disciples and elders!

Countless people were looking at Su Changqing's back at this moment, and the shock in their eyes had not yet dissipated!

Until the Daoyi Saint Master completely disappeared from sight, at this time, the Twelve Dao Palaces.

A group of disciples and elders came back to their senses, and many of them were still confused.

".Su Changqing...he is really going to rise, and his rise...will be unstoppable!!!"

"With the strength he had shown before, is it possible that... in the final battle three months later, he would become the strongest person to enter the Tower of All Heavens! ?"

"This is possible, but... we still don't know how strong those people who rank above Su Changqing are.……"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly hope that time can go faster and the final battle can start sooner!"

They were talking about it, and now they didn't know how to evaluate Su Changqing!

The strength that guy had shown before was totally not on the same level as them! (Ma Zhaohao) Amidst the shocking discussions,

Lu Mian looked a little regretful and shook his head:"I never thought that Su Changqing could kill the Supreme Being by himself.……"

"This time, the Twelve Dao Palaces missed the opportunity to make friends with the Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"Su Changqing's rise will be inevitable and unstoppable. It is hard to imagine what his future achievements will be."

He murmured, with shock still in his eyes!

The sword that Su Changqing had used before, which made the world dim and the Heavenly Dao avoid, still appeared in his mind. He took a deep breath and felt a little annoyed.

If he had taken action at that time, he would definitely have won Su Changqing's favor.

However, it was too late to say anything now.

But fortunately, the Twelve Dao Palace and Daoyi Shengzong were not in a hostile relationship, which was enough!


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