Chapter 190:

Meanwhile, in the Wanxiang Realm, the final battle in half a month has been eagerly awaited by all forces!

Even though no one among them can enter the final battle of the Zhutian Tower, people are still looking forward to it and want to see the result!

As the Zhutian Tower has come to an end, the major forces surrounding Zhongzhou have returned to their respective families.

Now, in the Ji family, one of the top forces in the entire Wanxiang Realm.

In a room, several old men are gathering together, using their energy to heal the soul of Ji Feng, who is in a coma at the center.

"What happened to that damn Su Changqing? He actually injured the young master so badly that even the life-saving item given by the patriarch almost killed him.……"

"The young master was seriously injured and it was unknown whether he could wake up. If he didn't have any life-saving items, he would probably have to stay in the Tower of the Heavens forever!"


They were healing and talking at the same time.

The elders of the Ji family were surprised by Su Changqing and were even more worried.

Next to them, a middle-aged man had a gloomy face and his eyes revealed endless murderous intent!

"Jiuxuantian...Su Changqing……"

He spoke slowly, and the temperature around him cooled down.

And he was the head of the Ji family, Ji Yuhai!

It was in the midst of everyone's worries that

Ji Feng woke up, and as soon as he woke up, he fell into madness!

"Su Changqing, Su Changqing!!!"


He looked at his now damaged soul and suddenly roared!

He had a monstrous hatred for Su Changqing! He had never thought that the other party would have the strength to almost kill him!

His body was destroyed and his soul was broken. In the future, he would most likely become a complete useless person!

In fact, he had already woken up, but when he heard Su Changqing's name, he couldn't help it anymore!

Ji Yuhai looked at his son's appearance and hurriedly stepped forward and said,"Feng'er, Feng'er, Dad will try every means to reshape your body for you, a better body. Don't get angry, otherwise it will cause irreversible damage to your soul!"

Upon hearing this, the others also echoed.

Hearing that he could still reshape his body,

Ji Feng's originally violent emotions gradually calmed down, but the hatred in his eyes became even more monstrous!

"I want to kill Su Changqing, kill Su Changqing!!!"

He roared again, and his soul became very unstable!

Even if he tried his best to restrain himself, he couldn't suppress the hatred for Su Changqing in his heart!

Especially when he heard that Su Changqing replaced his name and could enter the final battle, the murderous intent in his eyes became even more, almost turning into substance!


Half a month has passed, and in all the heavens and worlds, in all planes, in all big and small worlds.

At this time, almost everyone is still discussing the final battle three months later!

At the same time, many forces are shocked when talking about Su Changqing!

Especially some people in the big world, after learning that Su Changqing came from the small world, they all took a breath of cold air! In the small world, there can be a monster like Su Changqing! ?

It's incredible!

At this time in Jiuxuantian,

Daoyi Holy Sect.

Su Changqing and his party returned smoothly, and no other forces took action on the way!

However, outside the holy land at the moment, countless disciples and elders from the inner and outer gates have been waiting for a long time!

"Congratulations to the Holy Son for returning and being on the list of the heavens!!!"

""The Holy Son is mighty!!!"

Seeing Su Changqing's return, their eyes all fell on Su Changqing, cheering and shouting!

Everyone's face was filled with unspeakable excitement!

In their eyes, there was an unprecedented fanaticism!

Because before this, they stayed in the Holy Land and did not expect that the Holy Son could achieve such an amazing result!

The first in Jiuxuantian, the fifth in the heavens and the worlds!

Such a result is quite explosive even among countless heavenly prodigies!

And Su Changqing is their own Holy Son, how can they not be excited and happy?

Amid the shouts and cheers, the heaven and earth shook! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Daoyi Saint Lord looked at this scene with a smile on his face

"Enjoy your moment, kid."

"Have a good rest for a few days, and I will find you later."

He looked at Su Changqing next to him, patted his shoulder, and smiled with satisfaction.

He was extremely satisfied with this trip to Zhongzhou.[]

He was still excited that the boy he raised could achieve such an impressive result.

If it weren't for the Saint Lord, who wanted to maintain his image, he would have joined the sect.

After saying that,

Saint Lord Daoyi left first.

At this time,

Ling Qianxue looked at Su Changqing in front of her, and couldn't hide the smile on her face. She couldn't help but feel proud.

""Brother, the final battle will be in three months, you can do it!"

After thinking for a while, she mustered up the courage and said seriously.

At the same time, she was also quite curious, who still had a copy of the diary?

Xia Qingxuan? Su Youwei?

But such a question was not easy to ask, and she had discussed it with Murong Dieyi in the Tower of All Heavens.

0 Asking for flowers

Since the senior brother didn't know that he and the witch had a copy of the diary, then... maybe they could be honest with each other as the holders of the diary, but would anything happen if they confessed to Su Changqing, the only recorder?

Because of such speculation, so... even though Ling Qianxue was curious, she still didn't say that she had a copy of the diary.

Hearing Ling Qianxue's words,

Su Changqing smiled and nodded, and said softly:"Everything will be in three months. By then, the opponents we face will not be so simple."

"What the result will be, we can only tell when the time comes."


Ling Qianxue nodded, knowing that the final battle would not be that simple.

However, with the strength that Senior Brother had shown before, if he could still do this in the Tower of All Heavens, it shouldn't be difficult at all, right?


At this moment, the entire Jiuxuan Heaven has not calmed down!

Even after half a month, the world is still talking about this tower climbing!

The most discussed topic...

Su Changqing and Wang Ye, who were able to enter the next round of the Jiuxuan Realm!

Because only these two people can enter the final battle in more than two months!

After this tower climbing,

Su Changqing is now the first on the Tianjiao list and the fifth on the Tiantian list, making the former first on the Tianjiao list, now the second on the Tianjiao list and the seventieth on the Tiantian list, famous!

"Su Changqing, this guy, maybe when the final battle comes, he will become even more terrifying. I really don’t know... When the final battle really starts, how will he behave?!"

"Judging from the current situation, Su Changqing was able to kill the Supreme, so he must have a lot of trump cards. Even though I am not sure yet, I always have a feeling... this guy might really be able to take the first place on the list of all heavens and be called the strongest genius among all heavens!"

"It's really exciting. Su Changqing obviously only has the cultivation of a saint. He just killed a fairy not long ago, but now he can kill a supreme being. If he is given some more time, won't he be able to kill even a quasi-emperor! ?"

"In the near future, not only will Su Changqing rise, but Daoyi Shengzong will also rise with him!!!"


The target of most people's discussion was Su Changqing!

The current unrest also came more from Su Changqing, from this guy who made countless people have a new understanding of the Saint Realm!


The old author has released a new book. I will definitely work hard to update it. The quality is guaranteed! I beg you to support my new book with data! Subscribe to support it!! Give the author a little support, please! Loss!.

: Hồng Mông Chí Cao

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