Chapter 21: The hero’s fate has changed, and he continues to make up stories!

【Lin Fan caused irreversible damage to Jiuxuantian in the future, and even caused cracks to appear in the realm, resulting in Jiuxuantian becoming the first world to fall among all the heavens when the dark turmoil came!】

【This person is one of the sources of chaos. After obtaining the imperial weapon, he was unable to control the weapon spirit and was possessed by the weapon. He killed innocent people indiscriminately in Jiuxuantian. Various forces suffered heavy losses in their efforts to suppress him!】

【It was because of the cracks that the realm was exposed to the vision of the heavens too early, causing many alien races to invade through the cracks!】

【The major holy places, divine dynasties, and sects all suffered a significant reduction in their combat power after the War of Collapse. Faced with the chaos caused by the alien invasion, they had no choice but to fight to the death!】

【Now that I think about it, Lin Fan really is someone that anyone can kill!】

【In the previous life, disaster struck!】

【Facing the battle of collapse, I fought with partners like Henren, Wu Shi and others, and suppressed them one after another!】

【It was also at that time that I learned that outside of the Jiuxuantian, there were even more powerful worlds and races. Among them, the Void Alien Race, the Teng Snake Race and other powerful forces took the lead in invading, and a war was about to break out!】

【At first, under the suppression of me, Henren and others, Jiuxuantian had a brief peace!】

【However... an even greater disaster is coming!】

【The sky was torn apart, and a world with a much stronger overall combat power than Jiuxuantian took action……】

【The sky of Jiuxuantian was crumbling. Although I had single-handedly restrained thousands of aliens, killing them so hard that the sky was stained with blood and the blood rain lasted for decades. Even ruthless people like Wu Shi were fighting hard, but the number of aliens was too large, and Jiuxuantian suffered heavy casualties!】

【That disaster lasted for nearly a hundred years. During this period of time, I lost too much and gave up too much. In the end, I forced a breakthrough with a thousand years of life, at the cost of regressing my cultivation. With the strongest blow, I destroyed the Eight Desolations, and the seal of the realm was finally ended!】

【But... I later realized that even if the disaster is over, everything has just begun……】

Dayu Dynasty, at this moment.

The phantom of the Divine Phoenix hovered above the sky, making countless people of the Divine Dynasty thrilling!

In the palace.

Su Youwei exuded a strong aura, and although her eyes were still bright, they were more majestic!

"Sure enough... Following the method of my future husband... Ugh... Su Changqing, I can successfully awaken the power of the Phoenix in my body!"

She blinked her big eyes, feeling delighted.

The weakness she felt before has now disappeared!

Instead, there is inexhaustible power!

With a flip of her hand, a ball of amazing flame appeared, the temperature suddenly rose, and the surrounding space showed signs of distortion!

Su Youwei blew out the Phoenix flame in her hand in a panic, and was shocked.


She became more and more excited, as if this kind of magical power was innate.

Before this, she had never practiced any martial arts!

A moment later...

Su Youwei had just finished her practice, and a copy of the diary appeared in front of her.

"Hmm? Su Changqing finally updated?"

She blinked and quickly looked at it.

Lin Fan appeared?

He fled with serious injuries? Su Youwei naturally hated this name. This guy was one of the main factors that led to the Collapse War, and now he is one of the sources of the disaster?

"This guy is such a disaster!"

She snorted angrily and shook her fist.

If this bad guy Lin Fan was in front of her, she would definitely make him pay for it!

But after reading the diary,

Su Youwei's face showed a trace of fear, and she felt even more angry!


"Lin Fan did so many bad things that he almost caused the entire realm to collapse, leading to the invasion of some alien races in the heavens and causing chaos?"

She was breathing rapidly and was even more angry!

If it weren't for Su Changqing's difficult resistance, would Jiuxuantian be completely destroyed!?

When she thought of this, she was so angry that she trembled.

Such a villain is simply disgusting!

At this time,

"My good daughter, my good daughter, hahahaha……"

Su Qingyun's heroic laughter came from outside, and then the door opened.

Seeing her father entering the room,

Su Youwei snorted with a cold face and pouting lips:"Dad, quickly issue a wanted order. If anyone named Lin Fan enters the territory of Dayu Dynasty, arrest him and kill him!!"


Su Qingyun was stunned when he saw his daughter's cold face and those words.

What's going on?

Lin Fan?

Wanted order?

He came here this time because he saw a strange phenomenon and knew that the little girl had awakened the power of the Phoenix in her body.

He also wanted to come and see, and by the way, discuss how to thank Su Changqing, the Holy Son of Daoyi Holy Sect.

But now that he had just entered the door, his daughter had this request?

Su Qingyun frowned, then asked with a smile:"My dear daughter, what's wrong? Who is this Lin Fan, and why do you want to kill him?"

"Daddy, he is a nuisance, he must be killed, you should issue a wanted order!"

Su Youwei did not intend to reveal too much about what she learned from the diary, but pouting her lips to emphasize it again.

In this regard,

Su Qingyun, the emperor of the Dayu Dynasty, was also quite helpless.

"Black Crow, pass on my order, issue a wanted order, set up checkpoints at all entrances to the dynasty, and arrest all those named Lin Fan and wait for their fate!"

Although he was not very clear, he quickly gave the order. As soon as the words fell, a black shadow disappeared in an instant!

Seeing this, Su Youwei immediately returned to her little Lolita appearance.

"Daddy is the best!"

She grabbed Su Qingyun's sleeve and shook him, saying with a smile.

But in her heart, she wished she could catch that guy named Lin Fan as soon as possible and kill him!

Otherwise, according to the trend in Su Changqing's diary, the Dayu Dynasty would almost perish, and Daddy would pay a heavy price!

This must not happen!


Daoyi Holy Sect,

Holy Maiden Peak.

Ling Qianxue's eyes were still cold, and she snorted coldly:"I didn't expect that this scourge would have such an opportunity!"

"That ring... is weird!"

She gnashed her teeth as she continued to kill.

If it weren't for the ring, she would have killed Lin Fan, the future troublemaker!

It was at this moment that the copy of the diary appeared in front of her.

Looking at the contents, the killing intent in Ling Qianxue's beautiful eyes became stronger, and her breathing became more rapid.


"Lin Fan… I failed to kill you before, next time, I will definitely kill you!"

For the first time, she felt such a strong desire to kill someone!

This disaster not only caused the Collapse War in the future, but also caused a disaster that lasted for half a year!

And that disaster was ended only after Senior Brother tried his best and paid too much, even thousands of years of life and cultivation regression!

If it weren't for Senior Brother, everything would cease to exist!!

But... what does the last sentence mean?

Everything has just begun???

Although she didn't know what it was,

Ling Qianxue couldn't help feeling distressed!

"You are such a brother.……"

At this moment, she only felt how naive she was before!

The senior brother who wanted to surpass her had done so much in the future and paid so much price...

In addition to heartache, she felt ashamed!

…… ps:

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