Chapter 23: Extreme trust, the witch can't wait to see!

Daoyi Holy Sect,

Shengzi Peak.

As the second diary was finished,

Su Changqing stretched with a smile on his face.

"After seeing the contents of the diary, Murong Dieyi must have been moved, right? Anyway, these things are in the original text, I still don't believe you won't increase your trust value!"

He muttered softly, not worried about whether the trust value would not be increased.

Now just wait.

But before long,


【Congratulations to the host for completing the second diary!】

【The trust values of the three diary copy holders for the second diary are as follows……】

【Ling Qianxue, the Holy Maiden of Daoyi Holy Sect - Trust value: 120!】

【Princess Su Youwei of the Dayu Dynasty——Trust value: 100!】

【The Saint of the Dark Sea Demon Sect, Murong Dieyi - Trust value: 100! 】


Su Changqing saw the trust values of the three female protagonists in the diary, he blinked and felt puzzled:"What's going on???"

"How come Ling Qianxue's trust value is only 120?"

"If it is full, isn't it 100%?"

He looked strange and asked

【The host is right. The trust value is 100%, but 120 represents extreme trust. After Ling Qianxue, the trust value is capped at 120! 】

After getting the system's explanation,

Su Changqing understood and nodded.

"That is to say... the trust value of each diary entry will be reset to zero."

After thinking about it, he did not dwell on it too much.

Anyway, it would not have a big impact on him.

He just needed to make the diary holder believe in his diary, and he was sure of that!

It was at this time that


【Congratulations to the host for making the three diary copy holders trust the second diary, and they will receive rewards!】

【Rewards issued……】

【Congratulations to the host for improving his cultivation, which will lead him to advance two small realms and reach the third level of sainthood!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the holy weapon - the Immortal Sky Sword, which can be upgraded to the imperial weapon level!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect holy medicine - Nine-turn Mantian Pill, which can thoroughly consolidate one's own cultivation, conceal the truth from the world, hide nine strands of true qi in Dantian, and break through in the future. When all nine strands of true qi are released, they will return to one and forge the strongest foundation!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fragment of the most powerful treasure of the quasi-emperor - the fragment of the Immortal Refining Pot x 2. Collecting 8 fragments will completely unlock the Immortal Refining Pot! 】

A series of voices sounded in his mind.

Su Changqing listened to the reward this time, his eyes brightened!

"The Immortal Heaven Sword? If this thing is used, wouldn't the entire Shengzi Peak be reduced to ashes with one strike? If it is at its peak, it would be easy to open the sky.……"

He rubbed his hands, his eyes full of anticipation.

It was just that he had heard of it, but if he could use it, he should be the first one, right?

In addition, there was also the Nine Revolutions Heaven-Concealing Pill, which had amazing effects, and he had obtained new fragments!

Fragments of the Immortal Refining Pot!

Just by listening to the name, you can tell what this thing is used for. Immortals can refine it!

Just thinking about it was exciting.

Without any hesitation,

Su Changqing took a deep breath and said quickly:"Get it now!" As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a vast and majestic force suddenly surge into his body, and his cultivation level was rising at an astonishing speed!

The further you go on the road of cultivating immortals, the slower your cultivation level will be unless you have a great opportunity.

But even though Su Changqing is now in the realm of saints, his cultivation level has continued to soar after receiving the reward! The first level of saints is perfect! The second level of saints!

The second level of saints is perfect!

The third level of saints!!!

In just a short while,

"Boom boom!!!"

The aura of the Third Heaven Saint emanating from Su Changqing made the surrounding void roar!


He exhaled a breath of foul air, and his eyes became brighter!

At this moment, everyone in Daoyi Holy Sect heard the huge roar coming from the Holy Son Peak!

"What's going on?"

"Holy Son... Holy Son Peak? What did the Holy Son do again? ? ?"

"No, no, this breath……"


When everyone reacted, their scalps went numb!

Because at this moment, they could clearly feel the aura of the saint rising to the sky!

Not only that, the pressure was coming!

The terrifying aura was constantly surging, making the sky above the Holy Son Peak dark!

Holy Son, has broken through again???

Amid the excitement in the sect,

Su Changqing's eyes were burning, and he couldn't help but summon the Immortal Sky Sword from the storage space.


He looked at the black and shiny sword that appeared in front of him and exclaimed.

The sharp sword energy emanating from it made people's skin hurt.

Especially the surrounding void seemed to be trembling!

Before Su Changqing could observe too much……


The Immortal Sky Sword made a buzzing sound.

The terrifying aura spread even more violently!

The whole room was filled with strong winds!

Seeing this,

Su Changqing quickly put it back into the storage space, cursing:"Damn it, are you going to destroy the place where I live?"

"This thing really can't be taken out casually."

He curled his lips, and then looked at the Nine Revolutions Heaven-Hidden Pill in front of him.

After looking at it for a while, he swallowed it in one gulp.

Almost instantly,

Su Changqing felt that the spiritual power in his body was divided into nine parts, and was merging into the Dantian strand by strand!

"In other words, the next time I break through a great realm, I will be able to lay a solid foundation?"

He blinked and smiled with satisfaction.

But he didn't know...

The people in the sect were already frightened and confused, staring blankly at Shengzi Peak.

"Just now... just now did you feel a fierce momentum that seemed to split the sky? ? ?"

"Gulu... How did the Holy Son do it? It's only been a few days, and he has broken through again. Did he break through two small realms at once? ?"


There were waves of uproars in the sect, and everyone was thirsty for Su Changqing.

There were no words to describe the signs of today.……


Under the Demon Sect Sea, in the abandoned ruins where the ancient Demon Emperor fell.

At this moment,

Murong Dieyi was practicing with her eyes closed, and her aura was several times stronger than before!

And around her, there were piles of corpses of monsters around the Demon Yuan Fruit!

After a moment...

Murong Dieyi suddenly opened her eyes, and the purple light in her eyes became even stronger!

"God King Nine Heavens……"

The demonic energy lingered around her, and her aura made the surrounding seas violently roll!

The Demon Yuan Fruit was just as Su Changqing said, allowing her to activate more ancient demon blood!

If she could fully absorb the Demon Yuan Fruit, it would not be difficult to enter the Saint Realm!

Thinking of this, a stunning smile appeared on her face.

Su Changqing...

At this moment,

Murong Dieyi was overjoyed, and her seductive body trembled slightly with excitement.

""Su Changqing, I... can't wait to see you!!!"

She licked her lips and grinned!

How much does this man know about the future?

At the same time, a hint of fighting spirit appeared in her eyes. Since she would have a relationship with Su Changqing in the future, she would like to see how strong this man is!

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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