Chapter 25: Xiantai Tianjiao Ranking, Su Changqing is sixth?



A huge roar that resounded through the Nine Profound Heavens came from the sky!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds rolled back!

Countless people in the entire Nine Profound Heaven were shocked and looked up at the sky above their heads at the same time!

When lightning and thunder flashed, the sky flashed an amazing purple light, and the lightning and thunder made people's scalps numb!

There was also a great terrifying pressure, as if to destroy the world!

It was at this moment that the purple light reached an extremely rich level, and a crack appeared above the sky! A desolate and bleak atmosphere filled the air!

The whole world was shaking violently, and the roar was endless!

In the eyes of countless people...……

【The small fairy platform appears, the heavens rise and fall, who can compete with it!】

【The Tao is immortal in all the universe!】

【Jiuxuantian...the list of geniuses!】

【To be announced……】

An ancient voice sounded from the sky!

In an instant, a divine light bloomed!

A huge list that looked like it was made of a mysterious meteorite appeared in the sky.���Peak!

The dazzling light illuminated the entire world!

The Tianjiao Ranking appeared, and the world was completely shaken!

Countless people saw this scene, their scalps tingled, and their hearts were trembling wildly!

What... is going on! ?

Before the people of Jiuxuantian could react……

【The top ten...will be included in the list!】

【The list of geniuses is now announced!】

【No. 10: Luohe Holy Land—Holy Son Xuanyuan Jingyi!】

【No. 9: Cang Yan Divine Dynasty—Crown Prince Fang Yan!】

【No. 8: Taiyi Immortal Sect—Mo Chen, the heir of the immortal lineage!】


As the names appeared one by one on the Tianjiao Ranking,

Jiuxuantian was completely shocked and countless people were stunned!

"How did this... this Tianjiao Ranking come about?"

"Oh my god, the heavens??? Xiaoxiantai???"

"Only the top ten can make the list, so doesn’t this mean that… all those on the list are the top fighters of the younger generation of Jiuxuantian! ?"

""The Nine Profound Heavens are about to change? ? ?"

No matter where they are, exclamations are heard one after another!

No one could have thought that such a day would come!

Especially when they saw the people on the list, everyone was looking forward to the announcement later!

Who will be the first?

Amid the shock of the entire Nine Profound Heavens... the announcement of the Tianjiao List did not stop!

【No. 6: Daoyi Holy Sect - Holy Son Su Changqing! 】

However, when the sixth place on the Tianjiao Ranking was announced, the entire Jiuxuantian was shocked again and was completely dumbfounded!

"what's the situation???!"

"Su...Su Changqing is only sixth!! ?"

"No way? He was the strongest Saint Son of Daoyi Sect so far, but he was ranked sixth? ? ?"

"Then... then what kind of monsters are those in front of him! ?"

"That's impossible! No matter what, Su Changqing shouldn't be ranked like this!"

"Was it a mistake? Or was Su Changqing just famous but not very capable?"

"It seems... this is really possible……"

No matter who it was, they were all stunned when they saw Su Changqing's name was announced!

In their opinion, Su Changqing, the Holy Son, should be at least in the top three!

But now, he is ranked sixth? ? ?


At this time, in the palace of Dayu Dynasty,

Su Qingyun was startled and stared at the sky above.

"This... Xiaoxiantai has appeared again after ten thousand years! ?"

He breathed rapidly and swallowed hard.

This was not because he was afraid, but because he was worried that the real chaotic world would come...

By then,

Jiuxuantian would not be at peace!

According to the historical records of the Dayu Dynasty, when Xiaoxiantai appeared, the chaotic world of Jiuxuantian would begin!

Beside him,

Su Youwei opened her eyes wide and took a breath!

"Xiaoxiantai... This list of geniuses really appeared!!!"

"The historical data in my father’s memory is not wrong, but there is one thing... that is, the Small Immortal Platform has branches in all the heavens and worlds, and the Tianjiao List is not only present in Jiuxuantian!"

"Su Changqing is so amazing, he knows so many things that will happen in the future, what he said is true!!!"

She was shocked and her heartbeat accelerated.

Now that the Tianjiao list has appeared, only the top Tianjiao in Jiuxuantian can be on the list, and there are only ten places!

But when she saw Su Changqing's name appearing on the sixth place...

Su Youwei was stunned for a moment, dumbfounded

"Su Changqing...only ranked sixth? ? ?"

She was immediately confused. This shouldn't be the case, right?

Why was he only ranked sixth?

Logically speaking, he should be ranked second or first, right?


Daoyi Shengzong, at this moment……

"What on earth is Xiaoxiantai? ? ?"

Everyone was staring at the Tianjiao List in the sky, their mouths dry!

The sudden appearance of the Tianjiao List made them completely confused about what was going on.

But what shocked them the most was the moment when Su Changqing's name was announced!

Looking at the sixth place... everyone in the Daoyi Holy Land was dumbfounded, their eyes were about to pop out!

" is it possible!!!"

"The Holy Son is only the sixth? Impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

"There is something wrong with this list. With the Saint's strength, he should be firmly in the top three, but he is only sixth? ? ?"

"This shouldn’t happen. It really shouldn’t happen. How on earth is this shitty list ranked?!"

"The Holy Son is now at the Saint level, and he broke through not long ago, but he can only rank sixth? ? ?"


In an instant, a large number of disciples exclaimed in a low voice, and they couldn't believe what they saw!

They didn't agree with Su Changqing's ranking!

That was their Holy Son, the strongest Holy Son in history, but he was ranked sixth, which made everyone in Daoyi Shengzong unacceptable!

Although the appearance of the Tianjiao list shocked them, the entire Daoyi Shengzong was quite dissatisfied with this ranking!

At this moment, on the Holy Maiden Peak.

A beautiful figure was also looking at the Tianjiao list shining in the sky.

Ling Qianxue's eyes were full of shock, and the shock in her heart could not be added!

"This...really appeared! ?"

She was shocked that the list of geniuses mentioned in Su Changqing's diary actually appeared and the ranking was announced!

But... she was extremely confused now, why was her senior brother ranked only sixth?

Shouldn't he be higher or first?

Why is it like this???

After taking a deep breath,

Ling Qianxue glanced in the direction of Shengzi Peak, breathing rapidly:"Senior brother...what's wrong with this ranking?"

"It shouldn’t be only the sixth!"

""Isn't my senior brother's strength... that strong?"

She muttered to herself and quickly shook her head.

Even if there are people stronger than my senior brother, there can't be so many talents!

Sixth, in her opinion, is indeed too low!

What's the problem here???

…… ps:

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