Chapter 3: In the future, the world will be destroyed by the invasion of the sea boundary?

In front of the diary copy,

"The heavens and the worlds are shattered, and all living things are destroyed……"

"And the Immortal Emperor in the darkness...what...what on earth are these! ?"

"Is this Su Changqing's future? What kind of horror did he experience?!"

Ling Qianxue looked at the contents of the diary, and her back felt cold!

From these words, she could still feel Su Changqing's sorrow and deep helplessness!

What on earth was it???

Now she couldn't calm down, and her heart was in turmoil!


At the same time,

Su Changqing's diary once again had new content about becoming an immortal!

【Dark turmoil... A dark turmoil filled with blood and fire throughout the heavens... A level one alert signal sounded in all realms, and real lives were destroyed!】

【The Dark Lords came out one after another, all living beings wept, and the Darkness descended.……】

【In that battle, the heaven and earth collapsed, the void collapsed, and all the worlds were destroyed. Even though Huang and I tried our best, we were unable to quell this horrific dark turmoil!】

【In order to achieve immortality, those guys would choose to wash all life with blood, causing great suffering to all living beings. Wherever they pass, life is wiped out. They... are crazy!】

【In that battle, in order to stop the ancient dark supreme from slaughtering the human world, many heroes emerged, fought bloody battles, and defended all races, but they all ended up dying one by one.……】

【There is also an invasion from the Boundary Sea. The Boundary Sea above the heavens is too mysterious. I never thought that the curse and ominousness that have been mentioned all the time actually came from the other side of the Boundary Sea!】

【I didn't expect that... there is a source of darkness on the other side of the boundary sea. The opportunity to become an emperor, can depravity lead to becoming an immortal emperor? Heh... those guys have no emotions, just like machines, what's the use of such an immortal emperor?】

【A wave is a world, so big that even Jiuxuantian cannot compare with it!】


【In that battle, many of our relatives and friends died, all died... All the descendants of the area we protected died!】

【Even if I fought with Wu Shi, Huang, Henren, Ye Tiandi and others with all my might, and even burned my Dao rhyme, my soul, and combined the future, past and present into one, it would still be of no avail.……】

【Even if we die, we cannot end this horrific turmoil. Although the emperors' soldiers are awakened, they still end up being defeated!】

【Regret? Regret, but I am unwilling to accept it!】

【We all left with regrets, regrets that the world called us the dawn of all races, but we failed to quell the dark turmoil, what a pity... All living beings cried, we were defeated, and shed our last drop of blood……】

【It’s really tiring, really... so difficult!】

【Huang, Henren, Ye Tiandi, Wu Shi... You should also be full of regrets like me, right? 】

When Ling Qianxue saw the content in the diary began to update, she immediately put away her thoughts and read it attentively!

"Dark Turmoil!? Sea Boundary Invasion!?"

"The Dark Lord is on the move, and the darkest moment for all races is coming?!"


As soon as she saw the first sentence, her face was dazed, and her heart was in turmoil!

At this moment, she felt a strong sense of crisis from the diary!

What kind of horror is that! ?

Reading down...

Ling Qianxue's delicate body trembled more and more, and her face turned pale!

"The source of darkness... What... What on earth is this!?"

She was extremely uneasy, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Su Changqing's diary revealed what was going to happen in the future!?

Jiuxuantian... would also be implicated?!

As for Su Changqing, the diary mentioned Huang, the ruthless man, and Ye Tiandi...

They were the dawn of all races!?

But... they still couldn't quell the turmoil of darkness, and failed!?

Is this what was going to happen in the future?

Why... Why was it like this!?

When she saw the end,

Ling Qianxue was completely shocked, and her expression became dull!


She stared at the last content in the diary, breathing rapidly!

Su Changqing... has such an identity?!

He and so many others participated in the terrible war to quell the dark turmoil, but he still couldn't avoid the loss of lives, the collapse of the world, and the bloodbath of the universe...

That guy who seemed uninteresting on weekdays, actually... actually has such an unknown side! ?

Su Changqing... is reborn!!!

And I accidentally got a copy of the diary and saw what will happen in the future! ?

Dark turmoil, the invasion of the sea of boundaries...

The lives of all races were charred, bloodbathed, and finally failed! ?

There were roars in my mind...

Even if Ling Qianxue looked at the words in the diary, she could imagine how tragic it was at that time!!

"Why... why is it like this!?"

Her face turned pale. From the contents of the diary, she could feel the endless horror and regret of Su Changqing!

In the future, such a horrible thing will happen!?

At this moment...

Ling Qianxue was shaken!

Su Changqing had been reborn, recovered his memory, and revealed what was going to happen in the future!

Her mind was filled with the contents of the diary, and she even found it difficult to breathe!


At the same time, in the Dayu Dynasty, in a room full of girlish atmosphere, a little girl with a Phoenix mark on her forehead stared at the diary copy in front of her with her bright eyes wide open.

"This... is this a copy of my diary?!"

"The only person who recorded the diary is...Su Changqing???"

"Isn't this guy the Holy Son of Daoyi Sect? He... I can see the diary he wrote! ?"

Her cute face was full of surprise, and she was obviously scared!

This loli is the princess of Dayu Dynasty, Su Youwei!


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