Chapter 30: This is the sixth place? This is obviously more terrifying than the first place!

Now, outside the holy land, it is a mess!

Almost no one can stand!

Even Jiuyou, Wang Teng, Sima Chen and other top five people on the list are now in a very embarrassed state, and their bodies are still shaking uncontrollably!

Their minds are blank, staring blankly at the direction of Shengzi Peak.

Looking at this scene outside, all the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong are dry-mouthed and swallowing hard!

"The Holy Son alone is enough to suppress the five of them! ?"

"These are the top five when the Tianjiao list was first announced? ? ?"

"Yes, they are, but... our Son of God is far more powerful than them!"

"Oh my god, just one strike made these guys lose their ability to fight! ?"

"What is the true strength of the Saint? Otherwise, he is only a Saint of the third level. How can he suppress the top five of the original Tianjiao list! ?"

Everyone was extremely shocked, and the waves of shock in their hearts could not be added!

With such means, the Saint ranked sixth!?���

Ling Qianxue looked blankly at the mess outside the holy land.

"Senior brother... Senior brother……"

She was breathing rapidly, and her chest was heaving! She originally thought that her senior brother had exaggerated in his diary, but now it seems... he was not exaggerating at all, but rather being low-key!

The top five on the original list may be very strong for others, but for her, they are just in vain!!!

The reason why he ranked sixth was that he didn't want to compete...

If he really wanted to compete for the top spot, could he suppress the current number one on the Tianjiao list! ?

The more she thought about it, the more shocked she was, and her chest was heaving even more!

""With Senior Brother's strength, it's possible, right?!"

She muttered in her heart, and she hasn't come back to her senses until now!

Because of the previous attack, she could also feel the supreme aura that made her soul tremble!

That was not something she, Sima Chen and others could contend with, and they didn't even have the qualifications!!!

After a moment, whether it was Wang Teng or Jiuyou, or Sima Chen, who was originally number one, they had come back to their senses!

"Su Changqing...he...he is definitely the sixth???"

"Why do I feel like he's as scary as those guys in the top five of the list? ?"

"No...Su Changqing...Su Changqing is at least more terrifying than the guy who replaced me!!!"

Jiuyou was trembling as he spoke!

Thinking back to when he almost died at the hands of Su Changqing, he swallowed hard!

The guy he had faced before and successfully ranked third on the list was far from being as pale and powerless as when facing Su Changqing. At least he still had room to maneuver!

But... when Su Changqing made a move, he didn't even have the qualifications to resist!!!

When they looked at each other, their pupils shrank!

"With such strength, why didn't he fight for the first place, but was content to stay in sixth place! ?"

"This guy... is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger! ?"

"Sima Chen, didn't you say before that Su Changqing was left to you? I won't accompany you anymore.……"

Wang Teng looked at Shengzi Peak fearfully, feeling ashamed.

Without staying for too long, he turned around and led the people from the Hidden Dragon Temple away in a hurry!

As for Jiuyou, he didn't intend to continue to embarrass himself.


He took a deep breath, and his legs felt weak!

That guy Su Changqing was too scary!!!

After a while, the people who had come here had already run away, and they didn't dare to stay for a moment!

They were afraid that Su Changqing would be displeased and kill them!

Even Sima Chen, who was always proud and was the son of the Tianyan Temple, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and fled away!

""Damn it!!!"

He turned around and looked at Shengzifeng in horror.

What kind of monster is Su Changqing?

If he has such a terrifying strength, why would the damn Tianjiao list rank him sixth?

Isn't this just a trap? After today's battle...

I'm afraid I will be laughed at by the world and become infamous!


At the same time, at

Shengzi Peak,

Su Changqing looked at the empty space outside the holy land and shook his head.

"I'm going to die, I can't scare you to death……"

He muttered, and then laughed.

The strength of these guys is nothing in front of him.

As for Ling Qianxue, she should trust herself more, right?

I have unlocked the extreme trust and the upper limit of the trust value before. It is only a matter of time to capture this saint.


I don’t know when Su Youwei and Murong Dieyi will be able to reach the upper limit of the trust value and reach the level of extreme trust?

Which holder will be unlocked next?

Shaking his head,

Su Changqing did not dwell on these issues, but planned to continue to make up the diary.

【It's really boring. Can this be called a battle?】

【Instead of having the energy to do small things, why not save it to improve yourself and make a difference in the future?】

【In my previous life, I fought with people and with the heavens, until the darkness and chaos came and I realized how futile it was!】

【If he had devoted himself to cultivation, not cared about fame, and did not abandon what he had, perhaps he would not have faced countless enemies alone in the war among heavens that broke out at the peak of the troubled times three hundred years later, and endured thousands of years of loneliness. He would not have had his body destroyed, his soul almost perished, and had to escape to the sea of souls where he was in danger of death to fight for a chance of survival!】

【Nor will I fight until the end of the war among the heavens, because when I look back at that time, I will find that there is no one by my side!】

【If loneliness has stages, I should have experienced the ninth level, right?】

【Loneliness, endless loneliness, only endless killing can make me forget my regrets and myself】

【It's all in the past. Now that I've been reborn, I should forget it.……】


As Su Changqing's diary was updated,

Ling Qianxue, who had originally returned to the Holy Maiden Peak, paused as she looked at the diary copy that slowly appeared in front of her and opened automatically.

"Senior Brother!?"

She looked at the first line of words that came into her sight and took a deep breath.

Just a little fight?

He is worthy of being a senior brother!

But looking down...

Ling Qianxue held her breath fiercely, and her pupils contracted!

"Three hundred years later, the war of the heavens!! ?"

She now clearly remembered that the appearance of the Xiaoxiantai Tianjiao List was the beginning of the chaotic world!

However, three hundred years later, the war of the heavens will break out!?

Then she read on,

Ling Qianxue's expression was moved, and her delicate body began to tremble!

" have endured so much alone in the future.……"

As she read the words above, a series of dangerous scenes emerged in her mind involuntarily!

Senior Brother had gone through all kinds of dangers and tasted thousands of years of loneliness...

After reading the diary directly,

Ling Qianxue's eyes were already red, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"Senior Brother, in this life... I want to be by your side forever!!"

Her breathing was disordered, and she looked towards the direction of Shengzi Peak with great distress.

She had to become stronger!

She must not let her senior brother face it alone and let him be lonely!

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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